
Chapter 172 Annetta belongs to Ethan 

After that, he was about to leave.

At this time, the bodyguards around Mr. Roberts rushed to the door of the private room, and ten strong men, who were twice as tall as Annetta, blocked her way.

Annetta couldn't help but hear Mr. Roberts's ice-cold voice behind him. "Do you still need a billion for a meal?"

Annetta instead stood in his original place without moving.

The two bodyguards in the next room suddenly stood up from their chairs, and one of them said—

"Call Howard, quick!"

Another person had already pressed the phone, and the phone was connected. "We are going to take action here. Howard, have you reported it to Young Master Ethan? What did Young Master Ethan say? Are we going to take action?"

Most likely, Mr. Roberts had made a lot of good impression on them in front of Mr. Roberts. In addition, they were Ethan's men. Although the two bodyguards usually had no feelings for Mr. Roberts, they didn't want her to get hurt at this moment.