
CEO's Revenge Game

Two years ago, she was a well-behaved and lovely young lady, but she had an irresponsible and worthless fiancé. She simply broke off this ridiculous engagement, but it led to a catastrophic disaster, turning her into a captive maid to a bloodthirsty man. He hated her, kidnapped her, imprisoned her, degraded her in the cruelest ways. And then... he fell in love with her. When he wanted to heal her with true love, she fell victim to a treacherous plot and disappeared along with their unborn baby. Two years later, they meet again, and she is on the verge of death, with no recollection of him...

nikolineblack · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Joshua Smith

When Maxwell left, it was already starting to get light outside. With the crying last night and Maxwell's commotion this morning, she hadn't slept well at all. But it was already time for her to get up and work, and there was no time for sleep.

As a habit, Flora washed off the scent left by Maxwell and got dressed before leaving the bedroom. As she passed the stairs, she unconsciously glanced in the direction of the third floor. She still had a curiosity about the story behind the third floor. Standing there for a few seconds, she pulled her gaze back when Oliver suddenly appeared, startling her.

This man is everywhere, sneaky and elusive! Flora determined that he was Oliver by his gentle and cultured appearance, quickly lowering her gaze. 

"Good morning, Young Master Oliver!"

"Good morning," Oliver responded with a gentle smile as he observed her. "You...seem to have had a rough night?"

"No... I'm fine," Flora hurriedly replied. She couldn't tell him that she was dragged out of bed by Maxwell to have sex before it even got light outside. If anyone found out, they would surely look down upon her.

Oliver made a soft sound of acknowledgment and turned to walk downstairs. As Flora passed through the garden towards the backyard, she saw Oliver floating in the swimming pool, resembling a fish swimming lazily. In the morning light, his strong and slender body exuded a seductive charm, except for the ominous blue dragon tattoo on his back, which inspired fear in anyone who saw it.

Flora glanced at the blushing faces of a few young maids, briefly lowering her head, but couldn't help stealing another glance towards the swimming pool, finding it somewhat amusing. But she had already thoroughly understood this body, identical to Maxwell's, unlike those maids who blushed and had their hearts pounding. She calmly continued walking towards the backyard.

When it was time for the masters to have breakfast, Flora returned to the main house. The chef had already prepared breakfast and laid it out on the dining table, then poured the cooked milk into three cups.

"Why did you pour so much? Two cups would be enough," the chef Dora said politely, not shouting as Nancy did. 

Flora looked at her in confusion, "Didn't Big Young Master already come back?"

"He left when the sky was just starting to get light, only Young Master Oliver and Young Master Robin are at home," Dora said, urging, "Go quickly and call Young Master Oliver and Young Master Robin downstairs for breakfast. Young Master Oliver is going out soon."

"Oh, okay," Flora turned around and walked out of the kitchen. By the time she reached the dining table, Oliver and Robin were already seated, so she had to turn back to fetch the milk.

Carrying two cups of milk, Flora walked out of the kitchen and overheard Nancy respectfully saying to Oliver, "Young Master Oliver, Madam and Young Master Joshua Smith's plane is scheduled to land at nine o'clock, it's almost time."

Nancy checked her watch and added that it would take at least two hours to reach the airport from here, time was pressing. 

Oliver nodded and said, "I know!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud crash! The sound of a glass hitting the ground echoed throughout the dining room. Flora was startled and stood frozen in place, not even realizing that her foot had been scalded by the spilled milk. 

However, Robin, who was sitting at the table, started wailing, "Flora! You burned me!"

Joshua! Joshua Smith! These words thundered in Flora's ears, drowning out any other sound around her.

"You-!" Nancy took a step forward and slapped Flora hard, scolding, "Do you want to die?! How can you be so clumsy?!"

Flora was jolted awake by Nancy's sudden slap and let out a cry as she fell to the side, almost hitting the ground. Just as her body was about to collapse, a strong arm reached out and pulled her up, landing her in someone's embrace.

The person who effortlessly rescued her could not be Robin. And Oliver, with a smirk on his face, said, "What's wrong with you? Is the name of Joshua Smith putting so much pressure on you?"

Feeling her thoughts exposed, Flora struggled to get out of his embrace but was unable to do so. The hand around her waist tightened, and Flora could feel the aura of animosity emanating from Oliver, not as intense as Maxwell, but enough to make her flustered.

Furthermore, Oliver's usual gentle and refined expression had vanished, replaced by indifference, resembling Maxwell's indifference! This version of Oliver, she had only seen him last night when he warned her not to be curious!

Nancy also sensed that something was off but didn't dare to utter a word, standing by silently. Only Robin, while casually eating his breakfast, loudly urged from the table, "Hurry up! I want my milk!"

"Sorry, I'll make a fresh cup for you," Flora said absent-mindedly.

"No need!" Oliver let go of her, stood up from his chair, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and walked towards the door. 

Before long, the sound of a Ferrari car leaving the Smith Family mansion could be heard.

In the restaurant, Nancy glared at Flora in anger and scolded, "If you starve the Second Young Master, you don't even have enough lives to compensate! Hurry up and clean the floor!"

Snapping out of her daze, Flora took a deep breath and knelt to clean the floor with a clean cloth. In her mind, she thought, the Second Young Master is already an adult, would he starve if he missed a meal? He couldn't be that delicate, right?

Robin hopped off his chair and stood in front of Flora with a playful smile, "Flora, Second Brother said you're very smart, but why do I feel like you're so dumb?"

Flora glared at her, "You don't seem very smart either, do you?" But the Second Young Master said she was smart? When did that happen? How could she not be aware of such a significant event? She looked up at Robin with excitement and asked, "Did the Second Young Master say that?"

Robin nodded, "When he came back and saw the jigsaw puzzle, he knew it had been tampered with. I had to admit that I broke it, and then I asked you to put it back together. He said most people wouldn't be able to fix it, so he praised you for being smart!" Robin said pleasingly because he felt guilty about their failed escape last time.

"That was me cheating," Flora muttered softly. She had explored the patterns in Maxwell's room, which made it easy for her to put it back together. Without that exploration, she wouldn't have been able to do it.