
CEO's Revenge Game

Two years ago, she was a well-behaved and lovely young lady, but she had an irresponsible and worthless fiancé. She simply broke off this ridiculous engagement, but it led to a catastrophic disaster, turning her into a captive maid to a bloodthirsty man. He hated her, kidnapped her, imprisoned her, degraded her in the cruelest ways. And then... he fell in love with her. When he wanted to heal her with true love, she fell victim to a treacherous plot and disappeared along with their unborn baby. Two years later, they meet again, and she is on the verge of death, with no recollection of him...

nikolineblack · Urban
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20 Chs

Be Jealous

"Why are you back?" Flora asked dumbfoundedly. 

In a mix of fear and curiosity, she stole a glance at the clock on the wall. It was almost dawn. Had he just returned from outside?

Maxwell smirked, looking at her disdainfully, "This is my home. Can't I come back whenever I want?"

Yes, he was right! Flora knew very well that this was his home. So she closed her mouth and didn't say anything. She felt a slight tremor in her heart, afraid of what might happen next. This man appearing in her room, what else could he want besides tormenting and violating her?

Naturally, Maxwell noticed her uneasiness. He leaned in, his hands resting on each side of her soft bed. Staring at her, he mocked, "Miss White, you seem quite nervous, don't you?"

You're the nervous one! Flora retorted weakly in her mind, but the words couldn't escape her mouth because she knew they would only bring about his ridicule. He was a devil, a devil who could see through people's hearts!

"What do you want?" The words fell from Flora's lips, filled with an apparent tremor amidst her coldness. This emotional vulnerability betrayed her heavily, causing Maxwell's smile to reach his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you today," Maxwell replied, his words carrying a hint of indifference. But one of his hands had already moved around her body like sketching a craft. After a pause, he continued, "I heard that the platinum necklace, which has been circulating in the underworld for a long time, has appeared in your possession. Is that true?"

He's here to ask for the necklace too! 

Flora sneered, "Did Oliver tell you about it?"

"That's not the point," Maxwell replied. "The point is that I want you to hand over the necklace to me."

"Why should I?"

"Just because you're my slave now, if you want your freedom, you better hand over the necklace right away," Maxwell forcefully squeezed her shoulder, causing her to wince in pain.

Flora scoffed, fearlessly staring at him, and said, "But how do I feel like I'm being taken advantage of? If I give the necklace to you for nothing, how could I accept that?" 

In truth, she didn't even have the necklace. If she did, without a second thought, she would have given it to him just to secure her freedom!

Since she couldn't produce the necklace, she decided to deliberately provoke him, to exact revenge for all the torment she had endured in the past days!

"What do you want to do?" Maxwell's face darkened as he stared at her.

"I don't want anything, but I'm sorry, I would rather throw the necklace into the fire and melt it than give it to you!" Flora said coldly, her forehead already dripping with cold sweat. He was hurting her so much! How could a man possess such strength?!

"So, you intend to stay here forever then?" 

She succeeded. Maxwell's anger flared up in his eyes, but he also inflicted pain on himself! He thought he could threaten her? She wouldn't fall for his tricks!

Flora said stubbornly, "You don't have to threaten me like this, I won't fall for it!"

"Fine, you have quite the spirit!" Maxwell gritted his teeth, his hand moving to her collar, forcefully tearing off her nightgown. 

Flora was startled and screamed in fear, "Bastard! Weren't you not interested in me? Why..."

Maxwell silenced her with his seductive lips and sinisterly said, "I wasn't interested before, but now I am! Is that not allowed?" She was being stubborn, and he refused to let her stubbornness defeat him!

"You... bastard!" Flora struggled and tried to break free, but she couldn't escape his embrace. It took everything in her not to scream out that she would give him the necklace. However, reason overcame the pain, and she didn't utter a word!

Maxwell forcefully possessed her as he always did, even more intensely than before. With a punishing mindset, he made her suffer unbearably.

After countless rounds of sex, things finally came to an end. Both lying on their respective sides, they were panting heavily. Flora turned her body and gazed at the dragon tattoo on his back, softly saying, "I feel like you and Oliver are the same person!"

Maxwell, exhausted, turned around and pulled her into his arms with a displeased expression on his face. He glared at her coldly and said, "Please don't call out another man's name while we're making love!"

Flora was taken aback, only then realizing that she had said something foolish again. She could only blame the fact that the two of them looked so alike, except for their completely different personalities. Everything else was almost identical, which made her constantly have this illusion. Subconsciously, did she wish that there was no person named Maxwell in the world? Was that why she hoped he was Oliver?

Thinking this, Flora's face blushed slightly, recalling his jealous words earlier and finding them somewhat ridiculous. She was just a tool for him to vent his frustrations and desires, was there a need to be so domineering?

"I want you to stay away from Oliver from now on, understood?" Maxwell pinched her chin, threatening through gritted teeth. 

Flora looked at his fierce expression and nodded slightly, stunned, "Understood!"

This man is ridiculous, even jealous of his own younger brother! Flora sneered inwardly. 

After hearing her response, Maxwell, satisfied to some extent, let go of her and stood up, starting to put on his clothes.

He liked possessing her, to the point of being deeply infatuated with her body. But no matter how tired he was, no matter how late it was, and no matter where they were, he would never spend the night with her until dawn. In his eyes, she was nothing more than a lowly bed slave who was only worthy of entertaining him. Other than that, he couldn't find any value in her!