

Caihong gets orphaned by a mafia who sells her to a brothel known as the "sisterhood" over a political crisis involving her parents. she grows up with no knowledge of the past as she finds favour with the leader of the sisterhood who takes her as he daughter. years later she is accused of poisoning her best friend's father and the leader of the sisterhood whom she considers her mother, to save herself she flees to another country with a new identity. she however ends up in a love triangle between two brothers from the wealthiest family in the country and her best friend who resurfaces. Things take a rollercoaster as secrets threaten to be exposed, lies told and blood shred to keep the truth from the light. A war of power upsurges as the rich would do anything to keep their skeletons hidden and their puppets under control. In the midst of all this love blossoms but would love be able to stop the roaring fire of revenge and hate?

Anh_7 · Urban
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50 Chs

You're paying

Dana's mind kept waving as the thoughts of been recognized by someone kept hitting her, what was she going to do? What if she saw him... That very person she wished had believed her when every other person hadn't but he too thought she was a murderer. The thought of the past constantly filled her mind as she walked with Linx over to the counter to clear the bill of what they had bought, she had hardly tried the clothes on or even looked at them but at the mention of the bill she nearly fainted they had four shopping bags filled with whatever Linx had picked but how on Earth was this lady mentioning an amount large enough to her house rant three months in a roll?

"I'm sorry please did you mix the bill up?" She curiosity asked ignoring the annoying smirk on Linx's face as he was clearly enjoying the state she was in.

"No ma'am that's the full price. Cash or card?" The pretty looking cashier asked totally focusing on Linx and trying to flirt with him.

"You lots must be kidding me or something... Dana muttered to herself.

"Senior Linx the bill's too much I don't want you to spend this amount on buying stuff for me.." Dana said in a low tone so only Linx could hear her.

"And who said I was buying them for you? You're paying.  I only brought you here as the good boss that I'm so you could get quality with your money and you know also doing the bit to promote my family business... He replied nonchalantly trying hard not to burst  into laughter on seeing Dana's expression.

'oh's good to be so happy" Linx said in a tiny girlie voice to further taunt Dana who had already turned purple.

"You can't be serious, I don't have that sort of cash" Dana said bitting her lower lips like she always did whenever she was nervous or confused.

"I know a man no wait I know an enchanted prince that can lend you some money in exchange for...."

"No worries I'll just return the clothes" said Dana as she started walking back to the counter.

"They don't take back what's been shopped, as long as it's been put in a bag and a bill written it's yours and you have to pay" Linx said making Dana stop in her tracks. This felt like some trap he had set and all for her to be indebted to him or something or was he just trying to annoy her beyond the torment his face already did to her brain or something she thought to herself as she stared at this harmless looking creature who exerted so much Confidence and sense of maturity one wouldn't even imagine him been so childish.

"Alright boss can you please help me clear the bill and my salary for the next months untill the bill's cleared would be yours" Dana said sighing in defeat.

Without replying Linx walked up to the counter and paid the bill silently dancing for joy in his head as he had succeeded in making Dana extend the time she had to work for him. It was pretty and he knew it but he knew a girl like Zheng Dana would leave the job immediately she cleared off the bill for the car ride he had offered her and he didn't want her to go, he couldn't tell why but he knew he needed to keep her by his side atleast until he understood how he truly felt he could just use the guise of her been his PA to always be around her.

    After the bill was cleared she walked behind Linx carrying all the bags and silently cursing him for putting her in such a situation.

"You know I can hear you right"

Dana heard a voice say, instantly recognizing who it belonged to she froze on the spot.

"I didn't say anything..." She replied still walking behind him until they got to his car.

"You know you did, and I heard you" Linx replied now looking directly into her eyes.

"How wouldn't you when you're a ghost" Dana shot back not minding his reaction as she was already too pissed.

"Ishh! Why's everyone suddenly calling me a ghost?!" Linx asked more to himself recalling the night Minde had called him a ghost too.

"It's good to know not only I see the ghost in you" Dana shot back Swiftly passing him with all the shopping bags that weighed her down. Her steps came to a halt when she felt someone pull her to the side of the car, her back slightly crashing on it.

"What are you doing?! " Dana asked stunned at Linx's sudden action but instead all she got were his brown eyes staring directly into her's as he moved a few strands of hair he had made to fall out when he had ruffled her head at the office, gently he pulled it back from her face.

"Shhh you talk too much at times and like I said before "I'm a cute ghost" you should always put "cute whenever you want to call me a ghost before I haunt you down that's what ghosts do you know"

Linx said so softly Dana couldn't believe this was the same person who was acting like a devil minutes ago buying stuff she didn't ask for and making her pay for it. All she could do was blink and gulp down hard as she stared at his flawless skin been sun kissed by the off rays of the setting sun, he looked so beautiful and somehow he reminded her of someone...Bingwen. something about those eyes, they looked too familiar but she couldn't piece it.

Awkwardly she pushed his hands and came out from the little shield he had made with his body.

"Don't think too much I just pulled you over from been hit by a bike, what are you thinking that you'll stand in the middle of the road to talk? Are you that crazy?" Linx asked getting into the car.

  Although the journey neither of them spoke to each other and Dana was glad he didn't bring anything up. After dropping her he instructed her to take the next day off and prepare for their trip as they would be leaving a day after leaving Dana in a Dilemma.

When she got home she started packing her stuff until she stumbled on a photo of a little girl about 14 years old, her hair was tied up in a two pony tails she wore a white short skirt and black long sleeves with a big sparkly pink Micky mouse on the front of the top, she wore white sneakers with white stockings that were a bit drawn up, beside her stood a little boy her age whom she had an arm cross over his shoulders and his arm over her's and to her left stood a beautiful looking woman who dressed a little too extravagantly with a very low neck top which exposed her breasts and made it look like it would pop out, the three of them smiled so brightly at the camera. At the lower left of the picture a date was inscribed and two names one which had faded out due to the poor condition the picture had been kept in.

"Caihong (Rainbow)


February 4th"

Tears flowed freely down Dana's face as she looked at the picture wondering what had happened to this happy little girl cause she couldn't feel like anymore....like she had died....