

Caihong gets orphaned by a mafia who sells her to a brothel known as the "sisterhood" over a political crisis involving her parents. she grows up with no knowledge of the past as she finds favour with the leader of the sisterhood who takes her as he daughter. years later she is accused of poisoning her best friend's father and the leader of the sisterhood whom she considers her mother, to save herself she flees to another country with a new identity. she however ends up in a love triangle between two brothers from the wealthiest family in the country and her best friend who resurfaces. Things take a rollercoaster as secrets threaten to be exposed, lies told and blood shred to keep the truth from the light. A war of power upsurges as the rich would do anything to keep their skeletons hidden and their puppets under control. In the midst of all this love blossoms but would love be able to stop the roaring fire of revenge and hate?

Anh_7 · Urban
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50 Chs


Zheng Dana!! Move faster and do not let my precious guitar or bags touch the ground" Linx instructed Dana who's face was purple with anger. She couldn't believe Linx was making her do all the work while he and Desiree walked freely.

She scoffed at him, ignoring his comment she went proceeded back to dragging along Linx's kit bag and guitar, they were ridiculously heavy for her but she couldn't protest so she walked behind them angrily.

  All through the night her mind had been wondering and imagining the worst scenarios, she had thought about lying that she was sick or had to visit her relative, or probably just quitting her job but she didn't have the means to pay back what she owed Linx, he had even made her sign papers, that silly music filled brain of his still had room for business little wonder why his family were leading the country's industrial economy. Dana's worst fear was bumping into Qin Haneul she might be able to fool the cops with her IDs which she had renewed and had them delivered to her a day before after she had cried her eyes to an egg when she saw her old picture with Haneul.                                     if she played her cards well she might be able to escape the police but Haneul would recognize her without even a second glance and she knew it, the hate she saw in his eyes for her years back was what she couldn't bare and she wasn't ready to open old scars again. After much thought she convinced herself to go for the trip, hiding away forever wasn't going to save her from her past so when morning came she took her bath, put on makeup to cover her baggy eyes which were really for the sake of further concealing her identity but thanks to Linx who made her walk back and forth in the dance studio during his last dance practice her makeup had washed over her face and he teased her for it asking her " who looked like a ghost now", the reminder of him laughing made a small smile creep up to her lips as she recalled how grumpy and exhausted he was due to the training which lasted for about six hours. Dana had even felt bad for him and her respect for how much work he put into enhancing his skills doubled.

          She had always thought that Idols were just lazy asses doing little work and gaining so much popularity mainly because of their looks but seeing Linx go through several hours of voice training, dance training and acting training-which he had little interest in but still gave it his best amazed her and changed her perspective about him a little.

"Ishh why are you so slow little pumpkin ghost" Linx called out noticing that Dana was still behind he and Desiree. As he turned he saw her struggling with what she was carrying which made him feel bad, he had been enjoying seeing her almost explode at him but he couldn't stand watching her look so tired and drained out.

Dana's blinked severally as she watched Linx walk up to her, slowly he removed the guitar she had worn around her. She looked up at his flawless face which was been given audience by bright light in the airport and the soft cold wind that blew his hair over his left arched brow, he looked simply angelic, like a fallen angel ageless with daring deadly soulless beautiful eyes, she felt her brain function stop for a while before picking off a race when the strings of the stuck to her necklace. Quickly she joined in to help him untangle it swearing at herself for having worn an off shoulder white long sleeves tank top which was matched with a pair of blue jeans and white sneakers. The top had done well to only cover her hands leaving her neck and a small part of her stomach exposed, she had worn it because of Gu Xixi and she couldn't risk taking off her necklace which she always hid the clothes she wore so as to avoid weird questions like "where she had gotten it" untill a few years back when Haneul pointed out that it was expensive and she had actually asked about it she wouldn't have thought that was it's price. Dana didn't know how she got it or who had given it to her as it had just always been with her for as long as she remembered and somehow she felt attached to it, like it was part of her but now Linx's silly guitar threatened to cut it, her pure gold eternity piece as she and Haneul called it when he gave her a locket with both their pictures in it.

"Let go! I'll do it..." Dana commanded, sounding hasher than she had wanted.

Stunned Linx pulled back immediately watching her struggle with the necklace and guitar but when the guitar finally let loose the necklace fell to the ground as well revealing the faces of two children in the picture inside the locket. Linx could hardly make out the faces as the picture was really old and Dana had already picked the locket from the ground. She looked so angry and worried he couldn't help but wonder what was so special about the necklace, the girl in the locket looked nothing like her except for the brown curly hair which Dana had straighten out and dyed black today when he saw her, the child also looked fat and had grey eyes the exact opposite of Dana, the other picture was of a young boy but he could not see his face since Dana immediately carried the necklace from the ground.

He just watched as Dana wore the necklace back around her neck, handed him his guitar and began walking ahead quickly without sparing him or Desiree who had been making a call a glance or a word.

Quickly Linx wore his nose mask back and sun glasses despite the fact that it was already dark, he couldn't risk getting recognized by anyone it would jeopardize his movement especially after the agency had released a statement that his new album would be out after his return from Korea where he was exclusively invited for a show. The announcement had annoyed Linx but what could he do? He was stubborn enough to make them fear doing somethings without consulting him but when it came to statements released on his behalf he had little or no say.

So to avoid been chased around by the press as was the wish of President Li Fu who wanted to make it into a huge publicity campaign or something Linx was been extra careful, he would entertain the whole big welcoming with full media attention when he got back from the event but not now so he dressed pretty low key to avoid attracting attention to himself cause the were still people who could recognize you even if you wore a hundred nose masks.

Increasing his pace Linx finally caught up with Dana, whispering a low "I'm sorry" he hadn't even planned on saying. With the words slipping right through he swore at himself for having let his heart take control of his brain. "I'm not even at fault so why the hell I'm I apologizing?!" He asked himself.

"Umm" Dana managed to respond feeling bad for how she had reacted but she couldn't control herself when it came to things like that, she had once stopped talking to Xixi after she wore the necklace without her permission, for days she didn't talk to her and regretted why she even made friends with her when she had only wanted to have a room mate and not a friend but finally Xixi found her way back into her heart.

"Umm?" That's all you're going to say? " Linx asked a bit upset.

"I'm sorry too, I over reacted. " Dana replied innocently which made Linx wonder if she was the same person that looked like she was going to murder him a while ago, she looked so innocent although her eyes were blank and cold, one that radiated through her body without a second thought he removed his jacket and put it around her shoulders an act that shocked Dana and made he give himself a thumbs up having successfully acted out one of the most popular scenes in C (Chinese) romantic dramas and well romantic dramas all over the world, he had done it countless times in movies he had starred in but this one felt special in a way.

"Can we please move quickly guys before we miss our flight and you-(referring to Dana) come walk beside me" Desiree said before letting out a sigh. Making Dana walk over to where Desiree stood before the began walking behind Linx who was now walking ahead of them with so much swag and Elegance even in the basic clothes he wore he still had an air of elegance.

  Meanwhile somewhere in a corner of the airport someone in a hoody and nose mask took pictures of Dana and Linx from when Linx was helping her take off the guitar, to when he removed his jacket and gave it to her everything was photographed smiling at his camera the person who took the pictures turned back to leave.