
Be My Woman

Wang Lei nodded his head.

After finishing their dinner, Niha Bharadwaj helped Wang Lei in cleaning the bowls.

Later, Wang Lei walked towards the door to went to his room. But he stopped at the door and turned back.

He looked at Niha Bharadwaj and said good night. But Niha Bharadwaj didn't respond. Then Wang Lei asked " Are You alright ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj first nodded her head. Later she lowered and shook her head.

Wang Lei said " Give me five minutes ".

Then he went to his room and came after five minutes with his laptop. Niha Bharadwaj was sitting on the couch.

Wang Lei sat beside her and said " Go to bed, I'll sleep here ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " No, it's not convenient. You can sleep in master bedroom. I'll sleep here ".

Wang Lei said " I have to do some work. You better go and sleep in your room ".

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head and she gave a quilt to Wang Lei. Later she went into her room.

Wang Lei was working on his Laptop. Niha Bharadwaj tried to sleep. But she couldn't.

At half past one, she got up from her bed and went to the Hall. Wang Lei was just closed his PC and went to sleep.

Niha Bharadwaj slowly Walked towards the couch like a cat and saw Wang Lei who was closed his eyes. She thought that Wang Lei was slept, But Wang Lei was pretending that he was slept and observing her moves.

Niha Bharadwaj sat on the floor and kept staring at him for a while. Wang Lei didn't open his eyes. Later, Niha Bharadwaj slowly went to sleep.

After sometime Wang Lei got up from the couch and looked at Niha Bharadwaj. Her face was glowing like a moon in the dark sky.

Wang Lei stretched out his hand and tucked Niha's hair strands which were covering her Beautiful face behind her ears.

He bent over and his cold lips fell on Niha's smooth face. He gave a gentle kiss on her forehead and then he carry her to her room in his arms. Later he tucked the corners of the quilt for her. He watched her for sometime. Then he closed her room door and went to hall.

Next Day Morning ;

Niha Bharadwaj woke up at Nine. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She remembered that she couldn't sleep in her room. So, she went to the hall and then she slept there. But now she was on her bed.

After thinking for a while she got up from her bed and ran to the hall. But Wang Lei was not there. She looked around the hall and the kitchen, but she didn't find Wang Lei anywhere. Her face became gloomy.

While she was thinking, Wang Lei came from outside. He dressed up in formals. After watching Wang Lei, Niha Bharadwaj gloomy face switched into a blossomed flower.

Wang Lei came to Niha Bharadwaj and asked " How are you feeling now ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Mm, Well ".

Wang Lei smiled and asked " Do you like sleeping on the floor ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj bit her tongue and stammered " Noo... Actually.. La.. Last night. I.. I was... ".

Her last words were stopped by Wang Lei.

He said " Don't do like that anymore. That's not good for your health ".

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head.

Later Wang Lei said " Go and get ready. Let's eat outside ".

Niha Bharadwaj said okay and then she went to her room and came outside Thirty minutes later. Wang Lei drove his car to the ' Blue Moon '.

There are only Wang Lei and Niha Bharadwaj on the entire floor. After giving their order, Wang Lei asked " Do you remember what I said in the last night ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj carefully thought for a While and said " Yeah, I remembered. You asked me to do a favor for you ".

Later she said " Come on.Tell me. What do you want me to do for you ? I'm willing to do anything for you ".

Wang Lei asked " Anything ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj took a glass of water to drink and said " Yeah, Ofcourse. Anything for you. My Savior ". She emphasized the last two words.

" Be My Woman " Wang Lei said without any hesitation.

' Poof '. Niha was drinking water, she almost spit out the water in her mouth.

After Watching her clumsy expression Wang Lei shook his head and gave a tissue to her.

Niha Bharadwaj wiped the water on the corner of her lips.

She looked at Wang Lei and stuttered " I... I'm Sorry. Ryan, What do you mean ? Can you make it clear for me ? ".

Wang Lei smiled and said " Mm, I have to attend a Banquet on next week and I need a female companion for that ".

Niha Bharadwaj asked " So, Do you need a female companion ? ".

Wang Lei nodded his head.

Although Niha Has a huge crush on Wang Lei, but still she remembered the news about Wang Lei and Rose Jiang.

She said in Telugu " Huh, You're getting married with another girl. Why are you asking me ? Go and ask your fiancee. Why do you wanted to take me instead of her ? ".

Wang Lei raised his eyebrows and asked " What did you say ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj blinked her eyes and replied " Me ! Noo... Nothing ".

Poor Niha didn't know that Wang Lei is a polyglot. He can speak so many foreign languages. Besides, he particularly learnt telugu language.

He distinctly knew what Niha meant. Ofcourse, he knew that Niha was talking about Rose Jiang. But he feigned that he didn't understood her words.

Wang Lei asked " What do you say ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Hmm, just a female companion. Okay ".

Wang Lei felt happy with Niha's answer. He don't wanted to wait for any longer. He decided to use this Banquet as a prop for their relationship.

There was exactly one week for the banquet. He planned to introduce Niha as his fiancee on this Banquet. But, Niha was unaware of Wang Lei's Plan.

After finishing their breakfast , they went to their home.

< End Of The Chapter 45 >