
CEO'S Contracted Luna

Julie, a 19-year-old woman, lives with her sister and cousin in a typical home. After her sister's accident, everything abruptly altered. There were ups and downs in her life. Without knowing the man's real name, she met a stranger and agreed to be his wife. She engaged vampire foes. Witches became her pals. She saw weird changes in herself after knowing her spouse the truth, and her existence started to resemble a fantasy world. Juffer, the werewolf race's alpha male, is anxiously awaiting the return of his beloved Luna. They were split apart by a curse, and she had to sacrifice herself to keep Alpha alive. Alpha has defied his fate by refusing to keep his promise to shield Queen Luna from the curse. Will he be able to save them?

Alice_Author · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Hurting Innocent

Writer Pov*

Someone rushes to the person wearing a black mask and a dark black cap saying, "Boss.... Boss som- something b-bad happen."

In front of the large round glass table with bottles of red liquid, he was seated in a chair. He grasped the glass containing the red liquid.

He swallowed some saliva as it passed down his throat... "Boss... A vampire attacked the hospital where Luna was admitted a few days ago", he continued.

He placed the glass carefully on the table. He gets up from the table and walks over to the reporter. He grasped the reporter's chin and drew him closer for an eye contact. The reporter noticed his bloodshot eyes.

"What are you doing here if Luna is in danger? Don't you have a duty to safeguard her? "He questioned, casting a lethal glance at the reporter.

"Boss... We had roughly 20 people to protect her, but vampires killed everyone so I rushed here to tell you," reported the reporter. He was shaking in terror, both physically and vocally. He was perspiring heavily and sweating.

"Juffer, don't spend your time. Let's go and save our Luna, your future wife," a hulking voice yelled from the door as it creaked open. He continued as he entered the room.

"Leo, What brought you here? "He questioned, turning the reporter's chin. Reporter was abruptly knocked to the ground.

He answered, casting a quick glance at the reporter, "To save my sister-in-law." He was dressed in a black pant and a yellow hoodie with the phrase "Your love my fortune" printed in red. His complexion was light white, and his eyes were yellow.

Leo grabbed the car keys off the table and yelled, "Let's go..." Leo responded, "Today will be great," and he walked out.

They arrived at the hospital after an hour... Everything was disorganized. Stretchers that were broken and turned over Blood coated the floor, and patients and staff suffered significant injuries. While others were waiting in the waiting bench with their hands on their heads, other folks were unconsciously laying on the ground.

Juffer Pov*

We sprinted in the direction of the physician who was tending to a damaged hand. We inquired, "The attackers? Where are they?"

"They headed up the stairs because the lifts weren't working", he remarked, pointing with his fingers in that direction.

We heard something fall from the second window in the road with a loud (Bang Bang). When we went to check, that was the individual who was dressed in blue t-shirts and pants. His face was completely disfigured and unrecognisable..

"Let's go on." Rushing up the stairs, Leo yelled...

From the stairs, we sprinted up to the second story. Every step had blood and people lying on it. They kill innocent people because they are demons. How someone could kill an innocent person was beyond my comprehension.

The second floor was completely upside down. Windows made of glass were shattered... Blood and saline bags were tossed to the ground. Food, medication, and blood were strewn on the walls and floor.

I gave him a tap on the shoulder and said, "Let's split off and look for Luna."

He only muttered, "Ok," before dashing to the left.

(AHH~) From the Corner Room, I heard a cry... That voice sounded feminine. I was about to leave. Leo rushed over to me and said, "Bro, they're not there, neither is Luna, plus I heard someone shouting from the final room."

We hastened to look... When we arrived there, we noticed a man standing in attack posture. We moved forward to see who was there. A person with bangles with dark-black hair caught our attention. Her wide face had beautiful green eyes and peach-colored lips.

She was dressed in a blue gown with golden tiny dots from Ankara, Turkey. She had a tray in her right hand and a scissor in her left. She seems scared to me... She continued to encourage herself to fight, nevertheless.

One of them rushed her in an attempt to strike her... When it happened, I yelled at them, "Hey, Wanna play with us?" They faced us as they turned around. There were a total of 7 vampires, and one of them reminded me of a familiar man.

His face was pale white, and his eyes were cut from the left to the right cheek. His eyes were dark blue with thick black eyelashes. The wound appears to be ancient and serious.

Leo Rush charged at the assailant and leaped towards him before kicking him in the face with a powerful kick. He was launched into the air by Leo's kick and collided with the wall.

"Hello, cute cat!" I asked her as I gave her a beautiful grin, "Are you okay? She kept staring at us while standing like a frozen human. "Kitty? Where have you been, Kitty?" I enquired while pointing with my hands at her. She said, "Umm," while shaking her head. "Yes, I am okay", she said, offering me a tiny smile.

The first glances between vampires were exchanged. They appear bewildered... That head one gave us a devil's grin while delicately touching his face wound with his fingers "Oh my God, who is this? Mr. Juffer Alpha, my most cherished foe "As he was introducing me to his group, he said:

"Do you recall me? or should I force you to think of me?", As he played with his knife in his palm and spoke,

As I position myself to engage them in battle, I groan, "No, and I'm not interested in you at all." Backwards-moving left leg with little bands on the right legs Left hand over the head in the air, right hand in front of my chest...

"I won't let you go alive today and you will remember me forever," he growled while indicating that he was ready to fight.

Leo sent me a jovial smile and said, "And the fun begins."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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