
CEO'S Contracted Luna

Julie, a 19-year-old woman, lives with her sister and cousin in a typical home. After her sister's accident, everything abruptly altered. There were ups and downs in her life. Without knowing the man's real name, she met a stranger and agreed to be his wife. She engaged vampire foes. Witches became her pals. She saw weird changes in herself after knowing her spouse the truth, and her existence started to resemble a fantasy world. Juffer, the werewolf race's alpha male, is anxiously awaiting the return of his beloved Luna. They were split apart by a curse, and she had to sacrifice herself to keep Alpha alive. Alpha has defied his fate by refusing to keep his promise to shield Queen Luna from the curse. Will he be able to save them?

Alice_Author · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Handsome Angeles

Julie POV*

"Cat, the doctor says you're ready to go home and are doing great." He said when the door was opened with a boom. He exudes excitement and joy. I was packing my luggage with clothes.

"Take breath! And yes, I'm doing great right now. I respond, gently seated on the bed. He approached and took the picture frame from the table. He gently touched the frame as it could break at any time. His eyes were bloodshot and teary.

I put my hand on Samir's shoulder and murmured, "Samir, what happened?" I enquired, "Are you all right?"...

"I am completely OK, nothing... Don't worry," He reassured me while taking a big breath and grinning slightly. He repositioned the frame on the desk. Photos of us laughing and smiling together are shown in the frame.

"It's acceptable to cry rather than hurting yourself while trying to be strong", I replied as I placed his head on my shoulder and put my palm on his cheek. I am aware that he loves her more than he loves me and that he also holds himself responsible for the accident.

"I'd prefer not to cry," He started filling in. I soon discovered him sobbing and fiercely clutching me.

He sobbed for thirty minutes while the time passed.

He desired to go outside so we could enjoy some meals and some fresh air. I chose to spend some time in the hospital. Including my league, he took everything else.

7:00 Evening

Holding her hand, I was seated next to the priyal. Thankfully, she was transferred to the general ward because her health was stable. The mask she was wearing has holes on the left and right sides. A cylinder bearing the word "OXYGEN" was attached to it.

Tears started to fall from my eyes... I gave her a small smile as I said, "Priyal, Do you know your oppas is going to perform their next concert next month and..." as I rubbed her hand gently. "They are going to give autograph to their fans and click photos with their fans."

My hand gently pats her hair as I place it on her head. As I set up a blanket, I said, "You know spring festival is soon, and grandma is waiting for us as we promise to celebrate together"...


Behind the door to the room, I could hear sounds. I gently placed her hand on the mattress. I took the tray and scissors in my hands. I move cautiously toward the door while firmly gripping a pair of scissors in my left hand.

I breathe deeply as I stand in front of the door before grabbing the knob lock. I carefully turn to face Priyal and click open the door. I noticed some males standing in front of me as the door opened. They were slightly taller than the average person. I feel fear in the air...

I cried out in a trembling voice, "W-Who are y-you?"

One of them pointed and removed a knife from the back of his pants. "What a shame", He growled as he approached me, "But you have to die.

I yelled "Ahh" as I cut him with my scissors.

One of them pointed at Priyal and said, "Boss, She is there laying on awful..." He uses the term "boss" to describe someone whose right cheek was hacked off from left eye.

"Okay, let her sleep for a while," he said. He commanded one of his men to assault me and added, "First, take care of her".

Someone yelled "Wanna play with us?" next to them. They looked in the direction of the voice. I only saw two attractive angles standing there in a divine ambience.

The right one was tall and had pale white skin. His hair was pale golden, and his eyes were bloody red. His front wisdom teeth were giving him a deadly grin, and his smile was perfect. He was dressed in a black sweatshirt and jeans.

Although considerably taller than me, the left one was smaller than the right one. His hair was midnight black, and his eyes were golden. He was dressed in a black trousers and a yellow hoodie. His aura reminded me of a garden fairy, and his honey-mixed smile made me dizzy more than anyone else.


"Kitten? A hulking voice that went straight from my ear to my heart asked, "Where are you lost?" As I noticed a hand wave in front of me, I hummed, "Hmm."

"Ye-Yeah", I said, drawing myself back to consciousness with a shake of the head. At them, I grinned.

Red eye one yelled as a few others suddenly came from nowhere, "Protect them!" My hand was taken, and they took it next to the palace. They gave me a chair, so I gently took it and sat down next to them.

He stated as he gave gas to his people, "Mam... We are here to protect you." They rise up in front of the door and block the attackers' path.

Where is Samir if everyone in the hospital has passed away and more people have been hurt? I pick up my cell phone and try to call him, but a girlish voice tells me during the call that "The call you are trying is presently busy please try again later."

My heart begins to race intensely... My hands felt as though they were trembling, and I began to perspire.

When I was about to run out the door, someone grabbed my shoulder and asked, "Stay here. Where are you going? " The crimson one questioned while arching his dark brows...

All of them were being kicked and punched by the yellow one, who treated them like toy dolls. He punched someone in the face, causing them to stumble and collapse in front of me...

Red was being attacked from behind by Anthor, but he unexpectedly seized his hand and threw him away like a paper plane, making a loud bang. and the aircraft went down... I'm talking about the boys who were pinned against the wall and fell to the ground.

"Kitten... Before vanishing in front of me to engage in combat with them", He stated, "Don't worry, we'll handle them and we'll formally present ourselves to you".

Everyone was engaged in fighting, making me as agile as a fish outside of the pond. I observed the bodyguards getting severely assaulted and seeing them collapse to the ground.

One of the attackers advances on the princess... I quickly attempted to stop him and beat him, but I was too frail, so I was pushed hard and fell to the ground. When I inspect my elbow, I notice that something crimson liquid has fallen there with a sharp pain.

When he was firmly putting his fingers around Priyal's nake after removing her oxygen markings, I swiftly stood up and grabbed him by the behind.

He threw me to the ground once more. And this time, my head is giving me excruciating pain. I first looked at the dying Priyal in front of me before turning to stare at Ceiling. I try to speak while a tear rolls down my cheek, but I can't even say one word. I shouted, "Help," while pointing towards Priyal, and then I felt as though my vision had been obscured by the darkness.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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