
CEO'S Contracted Luna

Julie, a 19-year-old woman, lives with her sister and cousin in a typical home. After her sister's accident, everything abruptly altered. There were ups and downs in her life. Without knowing the man's real name, she met a stranger and agreed to be his wife. She engaged vampire foes. Witches became her pals. She saw weird changes in herself after knowing her spouse the truth, and her existence started to resemble a fantasy world. Juffer, the werewolf race's alpha male, is anxiously awaiting the return of his beloved Luna. They were split apart by a curse, and she had to sacrifice herself to keep Alpha alive. Alpha has defied his fate by refusing to keep his promise to shield Queen Luna from the curse. Will he be able to save them?

Alice_Author · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Forehead kiss

Julie POV*

My eyes gradually began to awaken. After clearing my vision, I noticed a warm feeling on my right hand. I attempted to wriggle my hands. However, I sense that something warm was firmly holding my hand. After adjusting my vision, I noticed a celling with exquisite white and golden floral decorations.

My eyes began to rove over the room, which was incredibly lovely and spacious as far as I could tell. I was immediately startled by the sight of three people standing and staring right at me in the face as there was an ocean blue carpet covering the floor and paintings in bold and italics hanging on the wall. They weren't icy frigid like demons; rather, they were kind and considerate.

"How are you, Julie?" Someone's soft voice could be heard next to me. I turn my head in the direction of the voice. I only saw the same individual who had rescued me from my attackers.

His intensely crimson eyes were mesmerising, and his thin lips and angular jawline combined with his angelic features caused my heart to stop. HOW COULD SOMEONE SO PERFECT Exist, DAMN?

After clearing her throat, the girl with the orange eyes whispered, "Well, I guess we should leaving them alone for a bit." "Bro...," Another guy admonished him while giving him a severe look on her right side. I recall that he was the same person—or angel—who had previously saved me.

They disappeared right away. I turned my gauze to face the person sitting next to me. I smiled at him and said, "Well... Thank you."

He rubbed my palm as he nodded, saying, "No need to thank me." Something—like a unique feeling—was coming from his eyes that I couldn't place.

I remark, squeezing my bottom lips together, "That's incredibly thoughtful of you". I continue, "I wish I could return your compassion."

His eyes were locked on my face. My spine tingled from his gauze. I never began to cover myself.

He asked, raising his eyebrows, "Do you want to?" At the same time, he spoke in a polite and serious manner.

"Of course, can I?", I questioned. My voice was sweet and anxious at the same time. I bit my lower lips. I'm not sure if that's right. However, I hope he won't ask me any questions that are beyond my capacity.

I asked as I managed to rise from the soft mattress, "Before that can I visit my sister... Priyal, where is she?"

He said, "Hold on, don't move." His voice was gentle and a little ominous. He pulled me against the bed by grabbing my wrist.

As I yanked my hand away from his, I questioned, "What?" I slowly brushed my hand together. I wasn't repulsed by his contact, but I still sense an unidentified sensation from him.

"I apologize," He said, "You need to rest, and regarding priyal...," after apologizing. "She is secure, so don't be alarmed", he added, placing a blanket over my chest.

I asked him, giving him a bewildered look, "Where is she?"

He gently tapped my hands while whispering, "Don't worry. She is with us and adjacent to your room".

I thanked him once again and smiled briefly before saying, "Thank you again, and I'm sorry for my misbehaviour." My lower lips were lightly nibbled.

"Don't feel bad," I felt a cool sensation on my forehead when he spoke while patting my head. My gauze was turned up. Before pulling away from me, I noticed that his lips were making contact with my forehead and leaving a moist kiss.

My heart stops thumping against my chest and my eyes freeze on him. I clench my fingers together tightly. DOES HE JUST KISS ME NOW? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?

"Okay, rest up; I'll be back in the evening", He said. His smooth lips give off a smile that I can sense. Then he simply vanished in front of me.

Without realising it, I held my breath till I let it out. My cheeks feel warm to the touch, so I put my hands there. Touching my forehead gives me shiver. If I were standing in front of a mirror, my cheeks would be turned like a cherry since I was blushing.

Juffer Pov*

My feelings are so out of control. So I swiftly kissed her forehead. She was astonished by my unexpected action, and I could tell.

"Okay, rest," When she was still sitting frozen, I said, "I'll be back in the evening". I know that if I stay with her any longer, I won't be able to manage my emotions and feelings, which can injure her.

After entering the hallway, I noticed them seated on a couch with their heads supported by their hands and jawlines down. WHAT IS HAPPENING? WHAT WENT WRONG, IF ANYTHING?

I ran in their direction. "Leo... Jackie... Sofia, What's going on?" I raised my eyebrows. They jumped a little as I spoke, and they kept looking at me as if they were looking for something on my face.

"Juffer... I believe it's time to speak with master once more, and this time we must ensure the protection of our mates." Leo sputtered. More than it was sad, his voice was serious.

I questioned, "Does anything happen?" I approached them and sat down on the couch next to Jackie.

Leo huffed, "Nothing, simply that I want to create a great strategy to save them and also-", He quickly moved his gaze first toward his chamber and then toward me. "She doesn't want to be here, and if Julie finds out about her, everything would be a mess", he said.

"But if they finds out who we are, we won't be able to save them", Sofia added.

I reassured him, "Leo, I understand your emotions and your worry, but trust me, I won't let them leave us. He smiled while nodding. I said, "Let's go now and talk to master about some ideas.

I cast them a quick glance as I said, "Jackie... Sofia." "Don't worry", Jackie assured, "We'll handle them." as he leaped off the couch. His grin was contagious.

"Leo, have faith. Juffer, we've got this". Sofia continued.

Leo nodded slightly and said, "All right, let's go." From the glass table, he snatched the key. After that, we dispersed.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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