
CEO'S Contracted Luna

Julie, a 19-year-old woman, lives with her sister and cousin in a typical home. After her sister's accident, everything abruptly altered. There were ups and downs in her life. Without knowing the man's real name, she met a stranger and agreed to be his wife. She engaged vampire foes. Witches became her pals. She saw weird changes in herself after knowing her spouse the truth, and her existence started to resemble a fantasy world. Juffer, the werewolf race's alpha male, is anxiously awaiting the return of his beloved Luna. They were split apart by a curse, and she had to sacrifice herself to keep Alpha alive. Alpha has defied his fate by refusing to keep his promise to shield Queen Luna from the curse. Will he be able to save them?

Alice_Author · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Cherry Blossom

"Well done, Jackie..." I muttered, "But first, let's go and save Luna," as I handed his phone back to him.

I sprinted to my room while mumbling, "Let's go."

Sofia started rejecting my concept as soon as I told them about it. She was concerned that it would be too dangerous for both of us, but I chose to carry out my own plan.

When we entered the room, Julie was comfortably dozing off in a Queen-size bed. Her stunning eyes continued to draw attention. I take a big breath and make a gesture toward Sofia to begin.

She gave a head nod. Rushing over to the right side of the bed, she sat down and gripped Julie's waist with her right hand.

Jackie assisted me in removing the chair from the corner while I stood on the left side. I cautiously occupy the chair. Julie's cheek is touched by my hand as it slowly approaches. I then retracted my hand and gripped her left waist.

Sofia asked, "Shall we begin?" while casting a doubtful glance my way.

I agreed by nodding. She gently closed her eye, and I followed suit. She began murmuring something to herself, and I overheard her.

I gently opened my eyes as the minutes went by. The view in front of me was the nicest I had ever experienced or witnessed.

Beautiful, large tree with broad branches and beautiful pink leaves. I carefully extend my legs towards the direction of the tree when I feel a soft cotton material under my foot. I looked down at the ground and noticed that the same pink leaf covered the entire area. One leaf began to droop slowly in front of my face.

I was about to grasp the leaf when I noticed someone in front of me. She kept gushing in the direction of the tree. I moved closer to her.

I approached her and remarked, "Enjoying the view," before moving to stand next to her.

"Yes, cherry blossoms are lovely", she remarked as she slowly turned her head in my direction. Her smile was as stunning as a full, shining moon.

Her green eyes were more gorgeous than everyone else's. My eyes were glued to her lip and eye.

"How are you doing?", She asked.

Her inquiries cause my heart to stop racing. Her voice is so lovely; it breaks my heart.

I took a deep breath to motivate myself to respond, "Maybe I look fine... But every minute, it seems like something crucial is missing," I remarked as I put my hands on her face.

She let her tear fall from her eye. Her eyes began to steadily get redder and redder. Although, I am aware of how sensitive and emotional she is, I find it difficult to control my feelings when she is by my side again.

After jumping, she wrapped my neck in her arms. She rolled over as my hand reached out and drew her closer to me.

My started giving her a bear embrace. I gently whispered, "I missed you," against her ear.

"I missed you more," she said as she subsided.

"Maya, would you kindly get in touch with me again?",As I broke our grip and Guzing broke down in tears, I said, "Everyone is waiting for you".

She shook her head and took two steps away from me after saying, "No... I can't".

"Why?", I ask, gently raising my voice. I stretched out to take her hands.

"Because I deserve it... Since I am powerless to shield anyone... She yelled as she yanked her hands back, "Everyone has to suffer as a result of me".

"No... You weren't to blame... It's not fair, and what about Priyal? Who is anticipating your return? What about others?" I asked as I moved in her direction. I gathered her close to my chest and wrapped my arms around her, softly asking, "What about me?"

I continued, "Please Maya... Don't do this to me to us." I suddenly feel like darkness is enveloping us. I continued, putting my warm lips on her forehead and saying, "Please... Let's go with me."

Then, everything turned pitch-black, and Sofia's voice called out, "Juffer... You may open your eyes." My eyes snapped open. I started glancing at Julie's face. However, her ocular leads were still observed.

My guzed shifted onto Sofia's face after that. She had a shadow across her face. Around the room, there seemed to be some tension. My heart began to beat rapidly.

I stumbled out, "Sofia? Julie?"

"We failed", she sputtered, "Juffer, we failed", Her words cause a piercing agony in my heart.

Leo breaks the silence, "Let's Talk outside."

"Okay... It's better to talk outside", she continued in a dejected tone as she stood and walked toward the door, nodding her head in my direction.

We turned to leave the room as we did so. When Jackie spoke, she said, "Bro, look at there." His fingers were pointing in Julie's direction, and his eyes were wide.

Slow movements were made via Julie's finger leads and eye leads. I sprinted over to her and grabbed her hand, but then I felt a touch on my shoulder.

She started to say, "Juffer... It seems that the idea worked but-," but I interrupted her before she could finish.

"But?", I asked, cocking my head gently in her direction. I had puzzled and gentle eyes.

"But you should keep your emotions under control... She recognized you during a spell, so I'm not confident that she will also recognize us or you," she grumbled.

Leo continued, giving me a stern look, "Also keep in mind what master warned us".

I swiveled my head. I noticed Julie's eyelids were slowly opening as I looked down.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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