
CEO'S Contracted Luna

Julie, a 19-year-old woman, lives with her sister and cousin in a typical home. After her sister's accident, everything abruptly altered. There were ups and downs in her life. Without knowing the man's real name, she met a stranger and agreed to be his wife. She engaged vampire foes. Witches became her pals. She saw weird changes in herself after knowing her spouse the truth, and her existence started to resemble a fantasy world. Juffer, the werewolf race's alpha male, is anxiously awaiting the return of his beloved Luna. They were split apart by a curse, and she had to sacrifice herself to keep Alpha alive. Alpha has defied his fate by refusing to keep his promise to shield Queen Luna from the curse. Will he be able to save them?

Alice_Author · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Juffer Pov*

In a grating voice, Jackie inquired as to why she was there. He doesn't detest her, but he doesn't care much for her either. Twins, they are.

"Oh come on, my dear sweet Jackie!... I understand how much you missed me". She gave him a chuckle while smacking his head and pinching both of his cheeks.

"You... Go away", Jackie remarked as she pushed her hands away from him, "Don't touch my face." He muttered, hiding behind Leo, "Stay away from me."

Leo gave Sofia a hug and remarked, "Sofia, long time." She hugged Leo and smiled completely as she wrapped her hands around his wrist.

I gave her a head pat and said, "Long time no see Sofia." She is Sofia, the ruler of witchcraft and black magic. She is my younger sister also our childhood friend...

"Well, I heard that we discovered our Luna", she replied as she pulled away from Leo's embrace and headed for the couch.

I grinned lightly, "Yeah, but she is unconscious and laying on the bed, but she is alright... nothing major."

"Ohh... But don't worry, I'll take care of her, she assuredly replied as she put her palm to her heart.

"We trust you, of course," I remarked to give her further assurance. I questioned with a serious look at Jackie, "Aren't we?

"Me... Err... Yeah, yeah, we do," Jackie answered, scratching his head with one hand and smiling a little.

I continued, gesturing towards them with Leo, "So we are going to be late.. then we are leaving."

Leo took the tab from the couch and muttered, "Let's hurry."


Leo cocked his head in my direction and asked, "Can we trust them?", Driving the car, he was on the right side up front.

I responded while glancing at and swiping through my phone, "Sure, we can because Sofia highly considers Julie and she won't do something immature". I looked up information on the attackers...

"So, how's the project going? And meeting?," He inquired, looking at me in search of a satisfactory response.

"Don't stress over it", I replied, placing my phone back in my coat pocket, "We should go to master first, then organise a meeting at the office".

He said, "Yeah... Good idea," and then resumed driving while turning his head back to the road.

In front of the old, glass-and-wood house, he presses break. It was situated in the center of a forest, surrounded by hills and trees. Behind the home, a lovely waterfall could be seen.

He said, "Here we are," before getting outside the car and opening the door. He inhaled deeply.

"So lovely... Isn't it?" He questioned me as I exited the vehicle.

I walked over to the door and said, "Yeah... Let's go inside." We approach the entrance and press the red button on the door's right side.

"Come inside," Behind the door, we overheard a quiet voice that was dry and trembling. We open the door cautiously as it can break at any moment.

We went inside the residence. Red plush carpet covered the floor, the furniture was spotlessly clean, and some rare and vintage paintings hung on the walls.

As soon as we entered the hallway, we saw neatly positioned couches made of wood and lovely cotton cushions.

"Greetings, boys" An elderly voice startled us, making us leap...


Sofia was sitting on the right side of the couch, holding a small round box attached with a small mirror on its one side in her left hand, and gently massaging her face with a small round shape sponge. I was lying on the couch, playing with my phone.

She asked me as she stared at me reflection in the mirror, "Jackie, Who do you think is the most beautiful in this universe?"

I laughed at her while flashing her a smile and said, "Of course... Me".

"Yeah... Me... I am the most handsome in the universe," I added, giving her a quick flying kiss and blanking my left eye.

She huffed, rolling her eyes and adding, "Useless idiot".

I shouted as I leaped off the couch, "Look, What I discovered! Sofia swiftly shifted her attention to me.

She widened her eyes at me and asked, "Now, what treasure have you discovered?"

"Ohh, come on darling sister, why don't you check your self," I muttered as I drew nearer to her.

She said, rolling her eyes, "What?" before grabbing my phone.

They automatically widen and freeze on screen as soon as she cast her gaze onto it. It's "This... This" She muttered as she turned to face the screen after giving me a look.

"Jakiee... You are fantastic. She smiled, "You succeeded.

I chuckled as I turned to face her, my eyes twinkling. "Now, You should admire me."

She rolled her eyes and huffed, "Whatever." She put my hand on my phone.

But this is the most crucial news for them both, she added as she slapped her hands.

She started applying her makeup or whatever after taking the tiny box once more.

"Why do you think Julie isn't opening her eyes yet?", she asked as she turned to face me and sat her losses power box on her bag. As she raised her eyebrows in my direction and crossed her hands across her chest, she remarked...

Looking down at the ground, I rubbed my temples and replied, "I don't know.

"Let's check it out.." She replied as she approached me and took my hand in hers.

We entered the room where Julie was soundly dozing off on the bed. Sofia stands in front of the bed and directs her downward gaze at Julie. Her eyes start to tear up...

She hurried over and hugged her. Sitting on the chair next to the bed, she pulled her up and took her hand, saying, "My little worrier, How did you make yourself? Please wake up," she said quietly, tenderly brushing Julie's hair with her palm.

I put my hand on her right shoulder and said, "Sofia... Remain calm."

She took Julie's right hand, placed her three fingers on Julie's wrist, closed her eyes, and began to say something into the air.

I observed Julie's right hand beginning to glow and her breathing becoming laboured. Her mouth was gaping and her heart was thumping loudly.

Then, after a moment, she stopped and laid calmly on the bed. Sofia slowly opens her eyes after lowering her hand with caution. After that, she positioned Julie's forehead directly between her brows with her thumb. Sofia began to mutter something more quickly than before.

As she inhaled deeply, she removed her hand from Julie's forehead and apologized, saying, "Sorry, I tried my best but couldn't wake her up." She substituted as a tear streamed from her eyes.

"It's alright... You made the best effort you could", I gave her a head massage and made her smile to console her.

"But it seems that she doesn't trust me", she said, putting her palm to her mouth and chuckling.

"What did you say, exactly? Trust?," I questioned as I knelt down to her level on the floor. by stroking her cheeks and giving her a perplexed expression.

With one breath, she murmured, "After the attack, her had misunderstood that she has lost Priyal and she can't defend her so she blames herself".

I questioned her, "So how did you know about it?"

She stated as she got up from the chair and moved towards the hallway, "I had a talk with her inner spirit and she said she deserved it."

I pulled on her hand and asked, "Wait... Where are you going?," causing her to lean back against the chair. Do not worry, let them return. Juffer will undoubtedly be able to get her eyes to open, I said as I patted her head. I then grabbed her shoulder.


From the room next door, we could hear some noises. We were immediately drawn to the sounds. "Hello? Is anyone there?" A girlish voice pleaded for the door to be opened. After realising about the girl ( Leo's mate), we trade our gaze. Then, along with some dark smoke, I saw Sofia was gone.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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