
CEO'S Contracted Luna

Julie, a 19-year-old woman, lives with her sister and cousin in a typical home. After her sister's accident, everything abruptly altered. There were ups and downs in her life. Without knowing the man's real name, she met a stranger and agreed to be his wife. She engaged vampire foes. Witches became her pals. She saw weird changes in herself after knowing her spouse the truth, and her existence started to resemble a fantasy world. Juffer, the werewolf race's alpha male, is anxiously awaiting the return of his beloved Luna. They were split apart by a curse, and she had to sacrifice herself to keep Alpha alive. Alpha has defied his fate by refusing to keep his promise to shield Queen Luna from the curse. Will he be able to save them?

Alice_Author · Fantasy
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17 Chs


She stared intently into my face. Her statements made me feel uneasy in some way. My focus is fixed on her face.

She then turned her back on me, grinned, cleared her throat, and rubbed her nose before saying, "Leo's wife, She had recovered from a serious injury three months prior". Her face was veiled in sadness as her brows raised.

While I am unsure of why I am feeling relieved, I do. "Le-wife? Leo's", I hesitantly questioned. Then, "How is she doing now?"

She breath deeply as closed her eyes, she wrapped her arms on mine, "She forget us and herself. She even seems to have forgotten about Leo and her connection to us and to Leo". She murmured inconsolably after biting her lip.

I delicately seized her hand and asked, "Where is she now?" My tone was quite sympathetic and kind.

She raised her gaze to meet mine. "She is in the mansion, in Leo's room," she continued. She struggled, "Julie, can you do me a favor?" with delighted eyes in her eyes.

I smiled with big lips and nodded, saying, "Sure, tell me—what can I do for you?" When she heard what I had to say, I could see vivid, vibrant flowers blooming on her face.

She murmured, giving me a frightened expression, "Well, Leo's wife is suffering from amnesia therefore, She doesn't want to live with us.Please help us make her stay with us," she continued.

I can relate to how she's feeling right now. She demonstrated her love for Leo's wife by showing concern and care for her. "Me?" I smirked. ... "Sure".

"Thank you so much," she said with a nod. She said, "Well, I have some stuff to do," as she jumped and crossed her arms around my neck. "See you tonight at the dinner party," she said with a smile as she gave me a firm hug and turned to leave.

I asked about her."A dinner party?" you inquired. She halted in response to my words and turned to face me.

She grinned and nodded, indicating the door in the room's right-hand corner and saying, "Yeah, so get shower and get fresh up yourself." Perhaps it was a restroom. She said, "I'll send some clothes and other things that you need." Before vanishing in front of the door, she uttered.

A brief while after...

POV of Sofia*

Julie is such a sweet, innocent person. Regarding Leo's mate, I had little trouble fooling her. Juffer has an unwavering love for her, so it makes sense. Oh, yeah. She is a recreation of "Arisa," not at all different. But I have sympathy for Leo's wife. Actually, mate.

I have, however, taken action that is best for everyone. Yeah... I felt little remorse for lying to my friend, Julie.

I was lost in contemplation as I walked down the hall.


The voice startled me. My heart seemed to have temporarily stopped beating. When I turned around, Jackie was giggling and putting his hand on his belly.

"What the hell, Jackie? You really frightened me". I tapped him on the shoulder and yelled at him. He continued to give me a smile. I put my palms on my hips and asked, "That's too much; why are you here?" while shooting him a lethal look. "Why aren't you where you should be to finish your unidentified task? I added, "Did you make a scene?"

"As for me, no, but I suppose you have accomplished something more intriguing than I have", he chuckled.

"Not really, but I won't say anything to you," I answer as I move in front of him and head for the hallway. As I was moving more quickly, he started jogging after me.

I carefully take a seat on the couch as Jackie joins me after we enter the room from the hallway. Guzing on his phone, he responded, "Oh... Okay... I won't ask you."

I startledly glanced around and questioned, "What?" Wait.. Are you okay?", I asked as I placed my left palm on his and my right on mine. "Are you feverish?".

My hand was pushed away from him, and he asked, "What do you mean?" He spoke annoyingly.

I asked, "What do you mean?" as I furrowed my brows in his direction. "You say," he continued, keeping his eyes on his phone, "You Jackie, Are you unwilling to learn about something that will benefit you and be related to me?", He put his phone down after turning it off and turned to face me.

"I know Sofia", he murmured."You won't act in an immature manner toward Julie, About what you have done, I believe that you have done something that is best for everyone," he said, crossing his hands over his chest. Both his words and his gaze were serious.

My eyes began to become heavy and my vision began to blur as tears tried to escape. I gave Jackie a tight hug and mumbled, "Thank you very much for trusting me this time". He softly pushed me away. As I wiped away my tears, I said, "I can tell Jackie is becoming more mature day by day."

He grinned and began fiddling with his phone. I was simply calmly sitting on the couch.

Jackie turns to face me when I call out, "Jackie." I lied to Julie about Leo's partner, I muttered as Guzing pressed down on my lip.

He hurriedly set his phone on the table and inquired, "Lied? He put his hand on my shoulder and asked, "About what?".

I inhaled deeply before saying, "I stated she got into an accident and is suffering from amnesia."

He asked, raising his eyebrows, "Amnesia? ?Leo's wife?", He looks at me in confusion.

"I misled her that Leo's wife is suffering from amnesia so she doesn't remember any of us and she wants to flee away from us," I replied in one breath as I turned my head to face him and nodded.

"But when did Leo get married?" he murmured as he cast a glance around. "What happened with the accident?", His eyebrows are intertwined. He said, "Who is the girl?" as he fixed his gaze on my face.

"Of course Leo's mate is Leo's wife and they got married two years ago", I grinned as I tapped him on the forehead and grumbled, "Why are you dumb?" His face was expressionless as he was so perplexed by my comments. "She also had a big accident three months ago," I continued.

"Wow, Sofia... You are brilliant", he said with a smile as his face lit up."Such a fantastic story", he added, patting on my head.

"Story?," We immediately get up off the couch when we hear the girly voice. We turned back and noticed a female standing in front of us looking bewildered.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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