
CEO's Contract Obsession

[Warning: Mature Content, R18+] [Completed] [Join my Discord server to see more pictures of Amy and Henry. https://discord.gg/2uRyaUNAYg] She’s broke and lost everything, left with nothing but debts and liabilities. He’s rich and has everything, heir to a multi-billion company. Two different people, drawn together by their needs or is it fate? **** Amelia Bell was only 22 years old when her parents, brother, and sister-in-law died in a car crash. Her brother’s injured children are now her responsibility. She sold everything that she owns, she's in huge debt and all she can do now is just cry her eyes out. And then it struck her… the answer to her question… where will she get money for the operation? Right… she hasn't done everything so far, she hasn't tried selling herself yet. It was a desperate move but she had no other solutions left. She was immediately pulled back from her thoughts when the man shouted. "This is insane, his qualifications are simply impossible… Now he asks me to find him a pure and innocent one this time… Even if they signed a 6-month contract to be his, those women still fell in love with him even if they knew that after 6 months they would be evicted from his life… … I will never be able to find that pure and innocent woman that he is looking for even if I offer them 5 million upfront." Without hesitation Amy ran after the man, climbing up the stairs as fast as she could. "Excuse me, mister." "What do you need miss? I'm in a hurry." "I want the job… The 6-month contract, I can do it." "So I guess you also heard that I need a pure and innocent woman, even I don't know what it means." "Will a virgin count? I-I'm a virgin, perhaps t-that's what your boss wants, right?" Amy boldly stated. Then finally the boss, Mr. Welsh faced her… She didn’t expect him to be this young, perhaps almost her age. She was imagining an old man or someone not as handsome as him. “You should not stop breathing angel, that’s dangerous, you might faint. Who knows what will I do to you once you become unconscious.” Amy gasped, ‘What the hell just happened to me,’ she cursed internally while still staring at the man in front of him. He then leaned closer to her. “I've heard you've got something for me. I can't wait to receive your gift, my angel. I'm Henry.” ******** The book cover is AI-generated and edited by the author, please don't use it without permission.

Shiroi_Nami · Urban
Not enough ratings
358 Chs

Marry Me

"Marry me; I want a wife this time," Henry said firmly with confidence.

"I will pay all your debts; cover your nephew's medical bills and everything you need. But I was also informed that you vow not to marry anyone, so it's up to you if you want to stay married or not after some time. But if you decide to marry me, I'll be expecting you to do your marital responsibilities."

Henry uttered these words to see how she would react to it. And he was definitely enjoying it.

"M-Marry you? M-Marital r-responsibilities?" Amy could only repeat what he said, she was out of words with how their situation was progressing.

"If you decide to stay married to me after a year instead of divorcing me, I will be asking for an heir or perhaps two more," he casually declared.

Amy hadn't recovered from his previous statement yet, she stared at him with a confused face.

'Marry him? Marital responsibilities? And now babies? What the hell is going on here?!"

Amy could feel a headache coming with all the demands that she was getting from Henry.

She started massaging both her temples in a circular motion and her action didn't go unnoticed by Henry which made him grin.

'She's considering my proposal. I need to convince her more.'

"Don't worry too much. You don't need to get pregnant for me. I can get a surrogate if that's what you're worried about. We can extend the contract until my heir is born."

He bargained thinking it would make Amy say yes.

"Think of your nephew and niece Amy. 5 million in exchange for being my girlfriend for 6 months will only get you the operation he needed. And maybe some physical therapy sessions after. But what about after that? How about your farm and cafe? How about the adoption you want so much?" Henry added.

She was astounded when she heard his question.

'I'm going to kill you Mary, just how much information did you tell Rei?' she said internally, thinking that it was her best friend who blurted out all this information about her.

"H-how did you know about all these? I didn't talk about that with Rei."

Henry flinched and quickly averted his gaze. He cleared his throat before speaking.

"I have my resources. I told you my contracted girlfriends are carefully selected. I have to be deliberate."

Amy nodded and dismissed her suspicions.

'Whoa, that was close. I don't look like a stalker, do I?' he asked himself.

'What was she thinking? Why was she not saying yes? Is she gonna back out now?' Henry got worried after Amy fell into silence, still massaging her temples.

Still, Henry wants to secure this deal. He will not accept any other answer than yes. So Henry pushed her further to secure her agreement.

"Marrying me would give you more benefit against what you are offering and that's only fair, don't you think?"

Amy felt that her head might explode soon with everything that Henry was saying.

'This man was so shameless and how come he could talk about sex so casually like that? And now talking about marriage and babies? He must be crazy or perhaps he was desperate like me,' she said to herself.

Recalling all of Henry's words makes her face flushed red. She kept on sighing and both her palms were now on her face while Henry was staring at her quietly observing her actions.

She was not able to speak, she didn't know what to say or do, and the offer was too good to decline.

But in exchange for marriage and future children, that's something that she must think about. There's just too much to consider and it's all too sudden.

She was overwhelmed with everything that was happening right now. She opened and closed her mouth several times trying to speak but she could not formulate any words to say.

Henry can see that she has a lot going on in her mind, as she is having trouble in giving him an answer. So he tried to ease her mind for now since they still had to attend a party.

"I know you are at a crossroads right now. You don't have to decide tonight, think about it. Marriage is not simple. If you want, you can be my girlfriend for now while you're thinking about my extended offer."

Amy looked at him in disbelief. 'I don't get this man, now he changed his mind again. What's up with this person.'

Henry continued, "You have six months to think about it. To be fair, I will not take you until you're ready. But don't expect me to refrain from kissing and touching you. I just can't do that. My self-control is out of the window when it comes to you."

He then traced her lips with his thumb while moving his face closer to her.

"You taste so sweet and smell so good, I want to take your mouth again, suck that lips and tongue of yours until you're breathless," Henry whispered seductively.

Amy thought 'My God this man has a brazen tongue, how can he blurt out those words easily'.

However, her body doesn't agree. She's looking straight into Henry's eyes, feeling his thumb brushing against her lips. She is starting to feel hot all over despite her daring outfit, by just listening to his words. The image of them kissing earlier came to her mind.

She wanted to feel again what she felt a while ago. But to her disappointment, Henry had a different plan.

"For now let's go to the party so you can clear your head. Also, I might not be able to control myself if we do not call Rei and the driver back. You're wearing such a beautiful dress. It would be a waste if I rip it off."

Amy was left speechless, her mouth agape with incredulity.

He then signaled Rei and the driver to get back inside the car.

"You two are already done? I thought we won't be able to leave this place anymore."

Rei said with obvious teasing in his voice.

"Shut up and let's go!" Henry retorted.


The venue of the party is in the countryside, two hours away from the city.

Amy stayed quiet after they left the basement parking lot. Henry kept on looking at her and noticed that she kept on rubbing her arms.

"Are you cold?" he worriedly asked.

"Rei, increase the temp, my baby is cold."

Rei and the driver, Tony, looked at each other with suppressed smiles with his remark.

The two are always with Henry wherever he goes and he never uses any form of endearment to his girlfriends, he doesn't care about them a bit.

'What happened to this guy?' he signaled Tony as if he could understand him.

In return, Tony shrugged his shoulders as if he understood what Rei wanted to say. 'I don't know'.

They then shake their heads in unison.

Henry wrapped his right arm around Amy's waist and pulled her closer to share his warmth. He rubbed her left arm up and down to warm her up.

"Your skin is so cold. Rei, instruct one of the men to get her a shawl once we arrive," Rei nodded and started texting on his phone.

"You don't have to. I'll be ok in a bit, I'm just not used to wearing this kind of dress," Amy asserted.

Henry did not say anything but his hands started to move trying to keep her warm.

'Her skin is so soft and smooth. Damn, I want to touch her more, this is torture! She's so close!'

While rubbing her arms, he cannot help but get a glimpse of her chest. Her dress shows off a little bit of her cleavage and it's making Henry uncomfortable for his eyes keep on glancing at it.

'Good Lord! I'm gonna throw away this dress later. I should've told Rei to not choose such a revealing outfit. I should only be the one seeing this.'

Henry could no longer stop himself at that point; he leaned down and kissed her on the temple. He then inhaled her mesmerizing scent that he couldn't forget.

Amy jolted with his action and instinctively looked at him. Their eyes met, and they looked at each other silently.

His gaze moved toward her lips. Henry's breathing started to become ragged as he stared at the appetizing full lips in front of him.

She saw the desire in his eyes, her heart was racing. Her imagination started to run wild.

As if knowing what she was thinking, Henry captured her lips with his lustful kiss.

This time his kiss started rough and greedy, he couldn't get enough of her, as she kissed him back. His hands roam all over her back, nape, and shoulders.

Amy unconsciously placed her hand around his nape and face.

Feeling her hands on him, he smiles inwardly, 'She's enjoying this.'

He intensified his kiss and slid his tongue into her mouth tasting her.

She copied what Henry was doing to her, and as soon as her tongue entered Henry's mouth, he sucked it hard.


Henry heard her moan as she tugged his hair.

Henry lost it, his heartbeat went through the roof. His remaining self-restraint was gone. His left hand pulled her closer to his chest.

His right hand quickly traveled from Amy's waist going up to her chest. He grabbed and squeezed her full round breast.

"Ehem… Ehem…" Rei purposely interrupted their steamy pursuit.

She completely forgot that there were others in the car with them. Amy quickly moved back to her seat feeling embarrassed with what she did.

"What is it?" Henry annoyingly protested.

"We're approaching the venue. Please get ready."

Rei announced while keeping his eyes on the road. Earlier while the two were busy with each other, Tony and Rei kept glancing at each other trying to bear the awkward situation they were in.

Rei then handed a small pouch to Amy.

"The salon manager told me to give it to you, in case you need it. She said it's the color that she used on you. I never thought you would ever need it but now your lipstick is all gone, you should take this," Rei said.

Amy: "..."

Henry: "..."

The two blushed hard after hearing Rei.

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