
Deep Breath

Amy was immediately air transported to the nearest hospital together with Henry. Rei and Ava accompanied them while Mitch and Dave returned to the Welsh Holdings building where everyone is still at.

It was already late at night and some of the search and rescue back-end team are packing up and some already went home. But Trev, Anton, and Mary stayed in the office waiting for Mitch and Dave. They are all eager to hear the news in person.

Theo was tasked by Anton to drive Sandra and Maya home after Amy was sent to the hospital. Amy would need them more on the farm than in the office to take care of all the work that she cannot attend to while recuperating.

Dave was assigned by Rei to increase the security manpower around Amy and her family. They cannot afford another incident like this and Rei will be the one to personally oversee the investigation of the jet sabotage. 

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