
CEO's baby is back: passion

Virginia also known as Hannah was just an ordinary girl until she met with Vincent which became the turning point for her life. Vincent, a son of an aristocrat family, a person who always made sure everything goes his way, met an unplanned event in his life which also gave him both a gift and longing " I want brandy" Hannah said. ".You look exhausted" said a strange man. After a passionate filled week in California. Hannah's life took a new turn. Vincent missed out three years of separation just to find out three years later that he had a son with someone his planning on getting revenge on for ditching him after that night. He again studied the boy, trying to look beyond the white T-SHIRT and blue board shorts to spot something familiar, something genetic Vincent may have contributed." Who is this?". " Your mom and I use to be friends a long time ago", he explained to the boy- his son?. Hannah you have some explaining to do What will happen after this encounter. Other mysteries also starting to be unfolded Enjoy this story of suspense and mysteries.

Emilie_09 · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 6:The strange boy (ii)

A little imp appeared outside Antinori group building. It was exactly as the information he got. It seems he had come to the right place. Vincent, his biological father must be somewhere in this building.

He walked into the building quickly.

Inside, the receptionist was surprised to see a handsome little boy appeared at the door.

"Little boy, may I ask who you are looking for?" Because the little boy looked very handsome, the receptionist unknowingly spoke in a gentle tone.

He raised his head and told the beautiful lady before him, "I'm looking for your boss".

"Our boss? which boss are you looking for? which boss are you looking for? which department is your father in?", the receptionist asked strangely.

"My father is the boss of this company".

"Which department is he in?" after hearing that his father is the boss of a department in the company. She became more patient while speaking to him.

Kelvin said "the highest ranking boss".


"Vin.cent", Kelvin said.

The receptionist stiffened at his words. She looked at him speechlessly and asked "little boy, are you sure? I heard that the president have no children. Don't make a nuisance here. If your father is really the boss, then you should quietly leave cause he's on a trip right now. Also your mother who told you must be lying to you. You can't believe all the words your mother told you". The receptionist thought to herself disapprovingly while shaking her head, How could the mother lie to the child like that?.

She thought it was because their president was too popular so some mothers became so delusional, look at what dey have done.

They taught the child the wrong things, she looked at Kelvin pitifully.

Kelvin did not want to waste time anymore, he simply said "Alright, he's not around so I'll settle the scores between us next time".

"..." the receptionist look speechless.

Without wasting anymore time he quickly rush to leave in his short legs. Immediately he stepped out and looked ahead he found out it's too late.

Abby step out of the car and starred at the boy at the door of the company she wave her hands to ask him to come closer.

Kelvin frown a little 'I should have known what was I expecting' , after he got to her he just looked at her and enter the car, Abby followed after, she didn't expect him to enter the car just like that, she felt it's weird he isn't putting up a fight at all and been sensible all of a sudden she isn't use to that sight.

Before Abby could vent her anger Kelvin spoke up first, " he didn't even last long before breaking down how unreliable". Abby was shocked she already guessed who he's talking about, "Mu Yuchen?". " Who else".

" I'm still mad at you but I don't blame you for wanting to look for your father but you got me so worried I haven't had a good rest since", she sign she really can't do anything to this boy " describe your hotel okay?". They were silent through out the journey. Thank God his mom didn't find out about this, she looked beside her the boy was just too silent making her feel worried about him ' he just wants to meet his father'.

After they got to the hotel she sat him down to talk to him.

"So... Your father... he's Vincent the Ceo of Antinori Group?"


"Your mom, she works there"

He just kept looking at her

"If she wants you to meet with him you will but not now she still have things to settle okay? she'll tell you when it the right time okay?"

He continue starring at her making her uncomfortable.

"Okay why don't we do it this way we'll meet with your dad without the knowledge of your mom let keep it between us, to ourselves okay?"

After thinking for sometime "okay"

"Good, you'll have to tell me everything you want to do first okay?"


Abby found it strange that he's very agreeable, she gave him a suspicious look, 'I don't trust this boy at all, I feel he still want to do something behind my back'.

"Don't do anything behind my back okay?" , she warned.


She still find it strange but there's nothing she could about it.

"Okay go to sleep now". He stood up and went to sleep immediately. 'So agreeable'. But just to be safe she went to the door lock it and go to sleep with the key. That's the disadvantage of having a kid who is too smart.

'So ignorant, if I want to go out I don't even need to stress my self that much'., Kelvin thought to himself. ' As if the door could stop me' he thought about it for some time 'I'll let her rest today'. Sleep quickly took him, he's still a child anyway and he needs adequate sleep.