
Chapter 7


  I turned back to see who it was?

  " I don't know this person," I said walking close to him.

  "Hey, I've been calling you didn't you hear me?," he said.

  " Please, who are you? I don't remember seeing your face anywhere around," I said.

  "Oh sorry, my bad! ," he said scratching his forehead.

  "Hi, my name is Simon woods, what is yours, "he said, as he brought out his hand to shake me.

  "Am Ashlyn shor ," I said and exchanged pleasantries with him.

  I wanted to walk away but when he stopped me. What now? I was never good at starting conversations.

  "Wait, " he said gripping my hands from behind.

  " Are you new here? You look awesome and pretty, " he said smiling brightly at me.

  "Thanks, " I said with a bright smile.

  " See you around," he said with a smile and left.

  Awww... He was quite a nice guy. Good discipline and better etiquettes.

  I went out to the canteen outside the company.