
Centuries of Cultivation

With the universe running out of resources due to the power struggle between the sixteen great universe nations, ever single life form started to get measured in terms of waste. If a single person didn't; accomplish anything for their universe nation they'd get recycled so that others could be born and achieve greatness. Grassley is a young boy that is able to create life from destruction, and is also able to woo women with his handsome face. However, his greatest talent is cultivating a new novel path to cultivation. After millions of years spent on developing his unique body, there will not be a single woman, man, or child that can get in his way!

RazorIsSharp · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Senior Brother is Too Strong!

Though the teacher said the students had to hunt the creatures by themselves, when each group arrived at the forest outside of the school, only the smallest of monsters greeted them.

Senior students walked around the students with plenty of beasts stored in their spatial rings. One student, that happened to be following Dalilia and Grassley, couldn't help but smile at the small handsome boy holding onto the little girl's hand to his side.

"That's the one that Marchin called handsome! Hahaha!" One of the men laughed and took out a small recording artifact and began recording the little duo together. "Why don't you release something sort of hard for them to fight together! Maybe if I get him on video getting ravaged by a beast we can finally increase our rank!"

These two students were literally at the lowest of the low on the rankings, and many such students stopped receiving resources if they didn't accomplish any meritorious deeds. Such deeds for these students included providing entertainment for the teachers, and doing nefarious deeds to other students!

Grassley turned to his right and sent out a hard right uppercut into the belly of a nightstar flower that had tried to bite him when he entered into the woods. Holding back his strength, the flower merely snapped back and hissed before they walked further into the wilderness.

"We already have two encroachment hearts thanks to me," Dalilia crossed her arms and put them over her chest. "Do you really have a problem hitting cute things? How can I blackmail someone who is such a wuss?!"

"I like nature. It's important. Just like every animal is important." Grassley walked further into the woods and noticed a large, ancient tree towering hundreds of feet into the air. "However, if its a dangerous beast I'll protect you."

"Wait, I hear something," Dalilia turned towards a shadow coming out from a tree and instantly jumped behind Grassley's back. "Ugh, I can't stand the darkness! Please kill that for me!"

"You-you just called me a wuss and you're scared of the dark?" Grassley jumped back and smiled before tossing a stick at the small beast hiding behind the tree. "That's just a six tree horn. There is nothing to be scared of. My-my father taught me all about them."

"Hmph, idiot," Dalilia pushed him forward into the forest as she looked at the sun setting in the horizon and gulped. "We-we got to go back soon before it gets too dark. I'm-I'm getting a bad feeling about this!"

"Roar!" Grassley playfully screamed into Dalila's ear before he turned and noticed the sound of the shrubs once again shaking. He instantly got serious, and pushed Dalila behind his back while a strange creature with long fur came out of the shadows.

"An umbra wolf? That-that shouldn't be here." Dalilia pulled Grassley's wrist and guided him out of the wooded area.

A legend had been told to Dalilia every night when she was young, and in the legend an umbra wolf just two feet tall defeated a massive bear nearly eight times it size. To say umbra wolves were powerful would be underestimating them to such a great extent that you might die! This one looked strangely angry, and slowly walked towards Grassley with an incensed expression.

The starlight behind it mixed in with the setting sun as the moon got brighter in the distant expanse. The umbra wolves black fur and golden eyes nefariously traced a line up and down Grassley's body before it slowly walked over to his side and bowed its head.

"That's strange. I think it wants to be pet." Dalilia leaned into rub it with a smile on her face before the beast suddenly jumped back and faced towards the trees.

A large, massive black fire bear rushed through the foliage and dashed towards Grassley with blood dripping down its fur. It went so fast that Dalilia could barely blink before the massive existence slammed into Grassley's chest and sent him rolling into the nearby trees.


Grassley rolled several times on the ground only to find the umbra wolf tearing into the neck of the black fire bear currently trying to eat his flesh and blood!

Seeing the massive beast shaking furiously above him, trying to toss off the wolf on its neck, Grassley simply got up and sighed before turning in Dalilia's direction.

A much smaller bear was heading in her direction at a fast pace, and all he could think of was the words of his father.

"No matter what you do Grassley, never show your true strength. Power is certainty, but it is also a measuring stick. If you want to survive, you must always hide at least half of your strength. Even in situations of life and death, it be better to almost die than give up your secrets."

Grassley wiped the dirt from his face, and watched the umbra wolf get tossed into the distance before leaning back and causing a gust of wind to form behind him.

His eyes began to simmer with rage before he stepped forward and turned into a flash of light that collided with the gut of the bear! A large bang sounded and the large and dominating bear shot off by the smallest touch from Grassley. After shattering two trees, the large bear spiraled into the bear inches from Dalilia's throat and spun into a spiked shrub.

In just a second, Grassley arrived by Dalilia's side and grabbed her hand, picking her up before running as fast as he could back towards the school.

Grassley had always been a fast learner when he got taught lessons by his father. His father had spent many years not only learning biology, but spending dozens of hours learning about tactics!

And out of all these lessons, the one that Grassley excelled at the most was the art of deception! If you want to deceive someone, you had to put a grain of truth in with every lie!

Grassley had a gentle, kind heart but he wasn't stupid! He knew that the second Dalilia found out he had single handedly sent a black fire bear flying she'd tell his father!

Then, the elaborate plans his father had for him collecting the resources of the Sacred Fire Universe Nation would disappear!

Grassley jumped over a log and ran towards the umbra wolf and picked it up as well before rushing back to the dormitory!

A few students noticed him running by at a great speed, but none made out his face with the umbra wolf resting on his shoulders!

Of course, this all changed when a second later a large bear bolted in his direction at a great speed and destroyed what little remained of the children's planned adventure! At this time, the children could only watch in amazement as dozens of senior students arrived in front of the bear with their weapons drawn.

One holding a large scythe, turned his wrist and caused a massive black flaming hand to pick the bear off the ground and with ease hoisted him into the air.

The bear instantly got split into pieces while the little children watched together in awe!

"Wow, that's Samuel Lank! The number one ranked person in the entire school!" One kid smiled even under the disgusting site of the black fire bear getting ripped to smithereens. He apparently was out here today to try and defeat a level sixth encroachment beast! I can't believe we got to see him in action!

"I'm done here. Kids, tell your mothers to stop making idiots," Samuel sighed and turned in Grassley's direction. "Ugh, what a fast kid. I think I might have some competition in the future, right guys?"

"For a five year old, I'd say he's about as half as fast as you were Samuel. It's a shame he doesn't have your ravishing looks," A girl next to him leaned onto Samuel's shoulder and gently nuzzled on his ear. Her looks could be described as heavenly, but to Samuel he merely scoffed and looked at the boy running quickly back to the dormitory.

For a second, a glint of light could be seen in his eyes before he reached down and grabbed an encroachment core from the bear. He tossed it over to one of the two children, and then pointed back towards the school.

"Tell your little friend if he wants to join the Sword League he's welcomed to meet me any day after school to practice training. You all have yet to select a village right. When you see a boy with an umbra wolf, please send him my regards."

"Yes-yes of course!" The little boy trembled with reverence and awe written all over his face! "I'm-I'ma almost certain that was Grassley! I'll give it to him when we get back to the class."

"Go now." Samuel looked ominous into the woods. "I believe a powerful beast is here, and it is hunting for something. That bear had blood all over its body before I melted it. Tell the teachers to send out a reconnaissance team right when you get back. Indigo, let's go into the woods."

"Hoho! I'm so exited! We going to kick some ass boss?"

"Yeah," Samuel said with a smile on his face. "However, I don't even know if the sword league will be able to handle this beast. The year is just beginning and we already have problems. Looks like it's going to be a horrible year."