
Centuries of Cultivation

With the universe running out of resources due to the power struggle between the sixteen great universe nations, ever single life form started to get measured in terms of waste. If a single person didn't; accomplish anything for their universe nation they'd get recycled so that others could be born and achieve greatness. Grassley is a young boy that is able to create life from destruction, and is also able to woo women with his handsome face. However, his greatest talent is cultivating a new novel path to cultivation. After millions of years spent on developing his unique body, there will not be a single woman, man, or child that can get in his way!

RazorIsSharp · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Life and Death Arena

Master Jasick had watched hundreds of students get killed over the years.

He'd become a teacher at 30 years old, and in five years had personally sent over 120 children to the betterment chamber. The school prioritized talent over all else, and those who didn't achieve specific goals got killed so other students could flourish.

Precious resources in the Sacred Fire Universe Nation had become scant because most resources went to the twenty most powerful Sacred Fire Generals.

Machin was the strongest Sacred Fire General, who also happened to be the nicest out of the twenty. In the strongest Universe Nation, the United Starscape Universe Nation, no children had been trained in hundreds of years.

Those children got sent to starfire cities where they'd kill each other until only one or two survived. Those that survived, earned the nickname blood stars, and would be sent out into the universe to slaughter those from other Universe Nations.

How did they get stronger?

They learned through killing those from other nations, and for that reason the Starscape Universe Nation had to be one of the most feared nations.

It caused trepidation to rise in other nation's hearts, but it also acted as an example. Other universe nations greatly valued their young, but still wanted to choose the best of the best.

The strongest fed on the weak in all the societies. This allowed the remaining resources in the universe to be properly delegated in a way that helped strengthen their universe nations.

The universe had really almost run completely out of resources after millions of years of cultivation.

Expanders had the ability to move well past the speed of light when their inner wings developed, but this also caused them to realize how limited the resources in the universe were in total!

The universe had just enough resources, that immortal concluded, to support 10 true immortals. Becoming a true immortal meant that you could survive for all eternity! Even if the universe disappeared, a true immortal would never die and would even survive the recreation of the universe!

After finding out this information, the first true immortal named Grelin disseminated this information to waylay his boredom. Grelin had been the first true elementalist cultivators, and had literally absorbed 1 / 10th of the resources in the universe before he reached the ultimate strength!

Since that day, 80 percent of the remaining resources had been absorbed leaving a little over ten percent remaining for everyone else!

Eight people from the Sixteen Universe Nations had a real shot of being immortals, but if a single one of them died all their resources would be recycled back into the universe! If they died, the energy would be returned to the core of the universe and then be sent out equally to all the planets and other installations!

This was the entire reason that weak children got recycled! By recycling them, the nation where they were born could intercept this energy and use it to create things like weapons, rare items, and armors!

Basically, a few men wanted to live for all eternity, and were willing to sacrifice all other life in exchange for eternity!

Machin, for example, wanted to be one of those true immortals, however, he also wanted to leave enough energy behind to at least have his Universe Nation Survive!

Long story short, people in this universe were beyond greedy, and Master Jasick had seen it for himself how massive this greed got at the peak of cultivation! Looking at Grassley, he pulled out a sword and placed it against his heart before grinding his fist with such fury that his eyes seemed to alight!

"Grassley! People have to die in this world! You may think you're protecting others by giving them the encroachment hearts you found, but you're really only making everyone else suffer."

"Master Jasick, I-I really hunted with them." Grassley smiled and shook his head. "If you don't believe me, you can talk to Leo about it."

"I don't believe you, kid." Master Jasick handed him the sword and pointed at his gut. "However, I believe you have a lot of talent! Enough talent that thousands of others will want to kill you."

"Why?" Grassley scratched his head with suspicion. "I'm just a little boy. I'm not even that fast!"

"You are fast," Master Jasick saw Samuel walking into the training room where he took Grassley and crossed his arms. "You're fast enough to be in the sword league. You're fast enough to make a difference in resource competitions."

"Resource competition?" Grassley looked over at Samuel who'd begun to nod his head. "Isn't the universe really large. Why would someone have a competition over resources."

"Can i tell him?" Samuel walked over to Grassley and patted him on the back.

Children under the age of 15 mostly got left out of the loop when it came to matters of life and death. When children got sent to the betterment chamber, other children got told they had gotten transported to another world to get sent for training.

Grassley had just spent three weeks with Madeline and learned about the customs of this planet, but still didn't believe it. His mother had told him that their spies had seen thousands of children get killed with their own eyes and the Universe Greed Alliance was going to stop it.

However, Grassley didn't believe it. Even when Samuel starting telling him about it, he still didn't believe it.

"Grassley, if you keep protecting others, eventually they'll turn on you. You must only care about yourself and perhaps one or two of those close to you."

"Otherwise, when you get older, you'll realize the people you helped will be there to stab you in the back!" Samuel pushed Grassley and sent him flying to the other side of the room!

"Do you understand Grassley! Those three children come from rich families and wouldn't have been killed today. However, because of you, they are still here, which means there is less chance of you succeeding!"

"I don't care," Grassley wiped the blood from his mouth and walked back to Samuel, "Hit me as many times as you like, but I'll never let anyone die around me."

"Heh, that must be why the wind likes him," Samuel sighed and pointed at a large building in the distance. "Kid, it's about time we show you what else happens at this school. You ready to go and see the life and death arena?"