
Chapter 2


Cemetery sign-in achievement group corpse common master home

Chapter 2: Outer disciples' mausoleum sign-in

  Ji Hao retracted his thoughts and looked around at the various plain tombstones, as well as the three big words engraved on the sword wall opposite the Dragon Tomb Peak, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

  Long Tomb Peak he knows, this is the Long Hu Mountain on the Heavenly Master's House clan resigned people's bones, did not expect the Heavenly Master's House is so conscientious, will be buried in this Yin abundance of the best place to sign in.

  Ji Hao immediately decided to gou here to sign to the holy body corpse master and then out of the mountain, after all, the mountain are to meet to cut their own celestial master, in this most unlikely to rise corpse of the Heavenly Master's House Dragon Tomb Peak cultivation to the extreme, the safest but.

  Looking around, the four surrounding tombs staggered, a glance can not be seen.

  The opening is a feast, Taotie to start refueling dry rice!

  [Sign up to Li Du's tomb, add 1 point of Yin Qi value].

  [Sign up to Wang Ergou's tomb, yin value will be increased by 1 point]

  [Sign up to Ji Ba's tomb, yin value plus 2 points]

  [Signing at Liu Fugui's tomb, Yin value plus 1 point]

  [Sign up to Zhang Cuihua's tomb, Yin value plus 3 points]

  [Sign to Zhu Xiaofang's tomb, Yin Qi value increases by 2 points] [Sign to Zhu Xiaofang's tomb, Yin Qi value increases by 2 points


  Ji Hao walked around in this mausoleum, signing in all around and collecting Yin Qi.

  He found that each mausoleum, with different feng shui and different people buried in the bones, had different gains from signing in.

  Probably summarized, is that those cold and secluded, Yin Qi dense, but also female tombs, generally Yin Qi will be heavier.

  After all, women are Yin, themselves with the ability to gather Yin Qi.

  Throughout the night, Chi Hao skipped around outside on the cemetery, punching around and collecting yin values.

  But if people see it, they will not feel afraid, they will only think it is a night to memorialize their predecessors or fellow disciples.

  After all, demons and monsters almost never appear on Mount Longhu, but where some clues are found, will also be instantly end of the night patrol experts, which will allow the corpse ghost to scare people.

  And a little wisdom of the ghosts and monsters will not be foolish to send specifically to the House of the Heavenly Master.

  That is a pure send.

  But today's mausoleum surprisingly no expert night patrol, to say the least, is also a bit strange.

  "System, upgrade the corpse with all the Yin Qi value tonight."

  [Whether to upgrade all 250 points of Yin Qi value to the corpse]


  As soon as the words fell, Chi Hao's belly once again felt a surge of heat, and his limbs and bones were once again stretched and renewed.

  [Congratulations to the host who has upgraded to the fourth level of purple corpse]

  Chi Hao nodded with satisfaction, nine for the layer pole, according to this speed, in less than three days will be able to rise to the white corpse.

  And if the normal corpse buried in the underground necrophilia, those who can not absorb the yin directly rotten, not to mention, is able to absorb, at least a year's time to progress into a white corpse, and they only need just three days!

  "Woo-hoo! Really genius!"

  "It's true that the sky is not born to me Chi Ritian, the sky is illusory for ten thousand years as long as night!"

  Chi Hao was lamenting in front of his own tomb when a sudden chortle interrupted his thoughts.

  "Who's there?"

  Chi Hao was so scared that he jumped into his own tomb with a brain.

  "How can the dead be afraid of the living?"

  Ji Hao hid in the tomb, knocking at his heart, but not daring to move a muscle, listening to the movement overhead.

  Only to hear the man came over to check: "Strange, is it a blurred vision, just now clearly saw a black shadow."

  "This tomb how to be shaved out a hole? The dog plowed?"

  Heard a "thud", a large stone slab was covered in the hole.

  "Obviously the tomb guards have let me blast to the door ..."

  Then his voice faded away.

  Chi Hao lay quietly in the coffin, his brain was a bit messy and really scared.

  Seeing that it was almost dawn, he directly closed his eyes, stopped thinking and slept.

  A day was spent sleeping, and it was already night when Chi Hao woke up.

  [Ding, congratulations to the host for sleeping in a place with dense Yin Qi, and gaining 100 points of Yin Qi value]

  Good, sleeping can also get Yin Qi value, really good.

  The first thing Ji Hao did when he woke up was to sign in at his tomb today, and then he got 100 points of Yin Qi value.

  Chi Hao opened the stone slab covering his head and climbed out of his tomb.

  Today is a full moon night, he heard a dog howling like a wolf, tearing his heart out kind of, seems to be telling the moon to return to love.

  Ji Hao stopped his stirring thoughts and prepared to sign in first.

  He first looked around and saw no one else before he put his mind at ease.

  Not daring to go far, he decided to still go around the nearby tombs first.

  Like yesterday, Chi Hao started to wander around the tombstones, signing in and punching the card.

  According to the tombstones, the mausoleum he was in was an outer disciple mausoleum with about 200 tombs. According to yesterday's experience, most of the tombs could only give him 1 point of Yin Qi value, which was very poor.

  It was true that he had to look for special check-in places like "his own tomb" to get more Yin Qi value in less time.

  This time, Chi Hao found that the daily Yin Qi value obtained from these tombstones fluctuated, and the Yin Qi value received by Ji Ba today was even a little higher than yesterday.

  After turning around, Chi Hao found that although he had more here and less there today, the final total was the same as yesterday, 250 points again.

  What a coincidence.

  Chi Hao noticed that a small part of the outermost part of the Dragon Tomb Peak was the tombs of the outer disciples, while the tombs of the inner disciples were all in the inner area.

The middlemost part was a small hill, which was the burial place of the successive generations of sect leaders and elders.

  Although the number of outer disciples is large, but the tombs are very few, because the outer three years if you can not pass the test will leave the Heavenly Master House, out of the sect, only a small number of people can enter the inner sect.

  So most of the outer disciples do not have the opportunity to die in the Heavenly Master House, the outer disciples are basically not exposed to any dangerous tasks, only a small number of unlucky disciples may be buried in the Heavenly Master House to return to their roots.

  [Whether to upgrade all 450 points of Yin Qi value to corpse]


  Another hot stream rushed out of the small of the belly and swept through the limbs, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com全身升华.

  [Congratulations to the host who has upgraded to the ninth level of the purple corpse]

  Ji Hao was happy and skipped to his graveyard.

  It's still early today, after all, it's already lightly traveled.

  He wanted to go somewhere else to sneak around, but suddenly saw a figure flashing in front of him.

  Ji Hao fixed his eyes and saw that his appearance was handsome, with a sword at his waist, but he was sneaking around and was walking towards a cave.

  What is this person doing so late?

  Ji Hao was very curious, so he followed the man to see what he was up to.

  I saw him walking toward the deepest tomb of the Sect Leader in the mausoleum, and when he was almost there, he came face to face with a stout masked man.

  The handsome man greeted him and said, "How is the senior?"

  The masked man in black: "It's all set, Liu Yu, you'll have to come from tomorrow onwards, and every day the coffin will be opened at night when the moon is in the sky, so that the corpse can absorb the moonlight."

  So the handsome man named Liu Yu, he nodded in response.

  "Also, next time remember to wear night clothes and bring a good mask, be careful of being recognized."

  "That's fine, the mausoleum here has always been guarded by the family uncle, no need to worry, from the first few days all the tomb guards I have asked them to stand guard outside the gate, the mausoleum is very safe."

  "That too, it is best to be careful."

  After saying that the two went into the tomb cave together.

  Chi Hao was very curious about what handsome man Liu Yu was actually doing in the tomb caves, because these tomb caves were only available to big brothers like the sect leader and elders, after all, there were only so many pits.

  But Chi Hao did not dare to go up, so he had to give up and return to his own tomb.

  Alone in the tomb.

  Without her.

  Only sleeper.

Missing chapter, error report

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Time to go

Wizard's Preface

I have thousands of skill points

Goldfinger forces me to be a good person

Fist Breaking the Mountain and Sea

Theory of the Afterlife

Long Live the Way of Heaven

Hogwarts Generation Kryptonian

Douluo's Shadow Douluo

Survival on a desert island by farming and opening a store

The Unnameable Tarot

Opening a hundred bilocation

The opening sign to the body of steel

I only have one skill hole

The Prince of the Concubine: Opening draw to the divine Red Foo Woman

Star Dynasty

The Road to the Emperor

God's Meteoric Mountain and River of Qiankun Robbery

The opening of the game signed to the hybrid magic pill

Douluo's Double Guns



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