

Even though Celestina and her brother were a bit late, they finally reached their school. Chase left for his class when he got his schedule and Celestina left for hers.

Celestina entered the class to see her English teacher, Mrs.Maclean starting to teach her students. When she knocked on the door the teacher 's eyes reluctantly fell on her. "Ah, you must be Celestina Cruvise. Come in" said her English teacher lazily.

"Do you care to introduce yourself?" said Mrs.Maclean. Well...what can she introduce herself as, a kid from a poor family of 6... definitely not.

"I am Celestina Cruise-'' she started reluctantly just to be stopped by her teacher raising her hand in front of Celestina beckoning her to stop 'introducing' - she knew this type of schools used to have rude students...but this school is having rude teachers too, wow - "Now go and sit." said her teacher, waving her hand dismissively.

Her eyes fell on two people, a boy and a girl on the back, the boy seemed nonchalant about his seating arrangement while the girl was definitely worried about it and that answered Celestina 's question that these two are friends.

The boy had blonde messy hair and his eyes were emerald green - immediately after she saw his eyes she was sure this guy had a lot of humor hid in him and was the troublemaker - the girl next to him had a motherly warmth in her hazel eyes - Celestina never thought that someone could have hazel eyes 'this girl must be special' she thought to herself but immediately reminded her of her own eye color - she had a long dark brown hair braided into one of her sides, she was pretty short than Celestina. She had this vague feeling as if she and the rest two would go through many things together.

She left that thought aside and went and sat next to the girl. Due to some unknown reason, the girl next to her was looking nervous.

Celestina being the very nice and polite girl she is, asked her "Are you okay? You look nervous" "Oh, it is nothing. I always seem to have a look of nervousness. Anyways, my name is Emily. Emily Lorus. It's a pleasure to meet you..." The girl - who is known to be Emily - trailed off to know Celestina 's name.

"Oh, Celestina Cruvise. It's a pleasure to meet you Emily" she replied politely.

"Likewise, Celestina. Have we ever met before, because you look familiar to me!" exclaimed Emily, which received a glare from the teacher along with a warning lecture for 2 minutes to stop 'disturbing' the class.

Celestina chuckled under her breath after looking at the boy beside Emily, how his eyes were so bright as if he is the happiest person on the Earth. She completely forgot that she didn't answer Emily 's question.

"No, Emily, I don't think we would have seen each other before because I am new to this school and I don't stay anywhere near the school." Replied Celestina.

"Hey, Celestina! I am Jayden Lume. That was amazing, you survived the wrath of a teacher on the first day of your school. I am proud of you" said Jayden.

Celestina sat there flabbergasted, she felt weird when people say 'I am proud of you', everybody who said her that never really meant, they would either say it to console her or say it simply when their job is done by her.

She wanted to reply as soon as she heard but she couldn't. After a minute or so "I am sorry if I said something wrong. It's just that it was like I finally got a person who would help me with my pranks." Said Jayden

"Oh! No, it's not that. Just...nevermind, but I really feel like we would have a lot in common. In my old school, I had a friend who was an example of humor. I will make her see you, she would love you and your humor." said Celestina. Jayden 's eyes lit up the way her 's would when her father would bring her skittles or when she gets excited. So, she guessed he was also excited.

Celestina almost laughed at this reaction of Jayden. Next to Celestina, Emily sighed in relief. "Finally, I don't have to deal with this stupid guy alone." Said Emily with a hint of happiness coating in her words. Celestina chuckled at Emily 's comment and Jayden whined saying he was not stupid.


Soon, their classes came to an end, which means she had to go back home and complete her school assignment - which is a tedious job according to her - then she will have to do all the chores in the sense of helping her mom (which is another tedious job).

As Celestina was about to leave Jayden and Emily came and stood in front of her desk. Jayden leaned against a nearby desk, facing her, arms crossed in front of his chest and eyes shining with excitement for who-knows-what.

While Emily stood there with her arms behind her back, rocking back and forth in her heels and eyes sparkling with hope as she stood looking at Celestina.

While Celestina was bewildered on this behavior of the two standing before her. Knowing this would be a pretty big conversation she placed her bag back on the desk and leaned against her desk imitating Jayden and raised an eyebrow in a manner of asking what they were up to.

Her question was answered by a very excited Jayden. "We wanted to ask you whether you'd accept us as your friends?" Celestina had no words to speak as she stood there stunned. Well...she never knew there was a way like this of asking people to be their friends, even though it was quite weird...she liked it.

After she processed what was happening her face morphed into a huge grin. "Does my face answer your question?" Celestina replied with a smirk.

Jayden and Emily looked like they would explode at any moment because of the sheer happiness given by Celestina 's reply.

"Ok guys! We will meet tomorrow. Now, I have to go and catch my brother." Said Celestina.

"Wait, you have a brother?" Asked Jayden. Emily stared at Jayden as if asking him: Really? "Yes Jayden, I will tell you everything about me tomorrow. Now, bye my dear friends!" Celestina replied whilst taking her bag and starting to walk towards the door.