
Celestial Star Sect on Earth

In the vast expanse of the universe, amidst billions of galaxies, lies a seemingly ordinary planet known as Earth. Amidst the familiar landscapes and diverse cultures of Earth, an unexpected prophecy unfolds, foretelling the fate of one of the universe's mightiest beings. But how could it be true? How could such a strong entity find its destiny inside a place with no Qi whatsoever? The prophetess is never wrong, they say. Yet, what could happen when he decides to intervene on our planet? Destruction or Salvation? The advent of cultivation, a power unfamiliar to Earth, brings forth a pivotal choice for humanity. Will they adapt to this new realm of possibilities, or will their existence be threatened by the profound changes taking place? ********** English is not my first language so if you notice something wrong please let me know. Good reading. Note: Art cover is not mine, all credits to its author; Support me on Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/gmsnick

GmsNick · Urban
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43 Chs

Qi, Chaos, and Cultivation! (2)


The missiles exploded upon colliding with the sand wall. Not only that but as the jets flew too low they were soon caught in the sandstorm and disappeared from sight, their condition was unknown.

After some time, the sand gradually dissipated, revealing an unharmed black scorpion. Contrary to it,, the city was now shrouded in sand and almost completely demolished.

The video abruptly ended.

Dazed, Roy stared at his computer with his mouth hanging open. What had he just witnessed!?

"Shit!" As if injected with a sudden dose of adrenaline, the boy swiftly grabbed his phone and called his father.

"Hello son, did-"

"What was that!?" he shouted into the telephone. "Was it real?" he asked, though he already knew the answer. However, somewhere in his mind, he still harbored the idea that it could be a perfume advertisement. Had he overlooked something?

"Yeah, I got it from a reliable source... it must be true..." James paused as someone spoke to him from the other side, and Roy couldn't quite understand. After a moment the man continued. "Son, you can't imagine the chaos within the government right now!"

"Actually, that's pretty easy to understand…" Roy laughed to himself. "Weren't they hysterical about the forest just a few weeks ago, and then the books… and with everything else?"

"Yes, but that's a different matter; the forest is a contained place, and nothing seems to escape from there. However, if those kinds of monsters start roaming around, they are like walking weapons of mass destruction... and now, the governments are discussing the use of nuclear weapons!" James' tone was serious. "Son, we're talking about the possibility of a nuclear war!"

"Father, that giant scorpion was using Qi to control the sand, couldn't you see it?" Roy insisted, ignoring the war issue.

"Yes… I'm already at the First Stage of Body Tempering, have you forgotten?" James answered unhappily, aware that his son was up to something, and that usually meant money expenditure and a headache for himself. "Say it, what are you thinking?"

"A creature that can control Qi outside of its body… If my conjectures are right, that being must be at the legendary Foundation Establishment Realm stated in the cultivation books!"


In fact, Roy was right, but not quite. How could he know that not only was the scorpion in the Foundation Establishment Realm but at the peak of it, just a step away from the next major realm, prevented from advancing because of Leo. 

"Do you believe it can withstand a nuclear weapon!?" James asked with concern. The billionaire recognized that his son, being a cultivation prodigy, was likely the most knowledgeable person in the world about cultivation at the current moment. If the boy said so, that should be true.

"That's not my main concern, father. Even I'm uncertain about its ability to withstand a nuclear weapon," Roy sighed, his eyes sweeping across the vast pile of paper sheets around him. "We had only speculated about the potential of cultivation, but now we've witnessed it firsthand. That was just one scorpion—imagine if there were thousands of them. No, imagine if there were hundreds of thousands of humans with that power!"


Seconds elapsed without a response.

"Father, are you there?" Roy asked, a small smile playing on his lips as he envisioned the expression his father might be wearing at that moment.

"Y-Yes! I just envisioned that it could potentially decimate an entire country," James spoke slowly, his tone indicating there were people near him and he couldn't say much.

"Where are you right now?" Roy inquired with curiosity. 

"At our newest lab, near the forest…" James walked and his steps echoed, it felt like the man was in an empty room, or in a large corridor. "It seems they will test something important and want to show us."

"Great, that brings us to our next subject: we must announce our organization as soon as possible!" Roy smiled, aside from cultivation, that was the second thing that brought him the most joy. "We also need to share things that can attract people to us, but I guess you and your friends know how to do it better than me..."

"Hm. Indeed, I got a few ideas." A small sigh escaped James' lips. "We'll be ready to do it next week; the hotel is almost complete, and the airstrip too. The main issue is the personnel; we have contracted around one thousand people so far, but not many are willing to come here, even with all the benefits. Guess we'll have to lower the standards for the staff. What about you?"

"That was expected, people still don't know what lies inside the forest; most of them are afraid, while others are suspicious. As for me, I think I've chosen a good group to go inside."

"Okay, send me their names, and we'll contact them." Roy heard a door flung open, and James exclaimed, "Oh, it seems we'll test the resistance of the Dragon Frogs' carapaces!"

"Amazing, send me the results later!" The boy wanted to know every single detail about the Reënboog Forest or anything inside it. "That makes me wonder, was that video divulged to the public?"

"Of course not, son. That is top-secret, and every government made sure to keep the media out," James answered.

"Hmmm, that has to be changed if we want people to get inside and work for us…" Roy pondered to himself, and before James could contest, he added, "I know, I know, I'll be careful. Our organization will always operate discreetly, being neutral in the open and avoid getting entangled in those messy political issues."

"Phew, don't mess things up, kid. You know I had to spend hundreds of thousands to appease them after the rabbit incident. If they ever find out we released that video, I'm afraid I'll go bankrupt

"Okay father, bye bye!" Roy was trying hard not to laugh.

His bed harbored a chaotic mix of papers, clothes, and open books. In the corner, fifteen beautiful yet enigmatic books were neatly arranged, contrasting sharply with the disorderly surroundings.

He hadn't slept in a few days; there was an overwhelming amount of work to be done. However, Roy didn't feel tired; he recognized that cultivation played a role in that as well. Perhaps, one day, he wouldn't need to sleep?

After completing his phone call, Roy's curiosity and thirst for knowledge led him back to his computer. Eager to unearth more about how people were reacting around the world, he delved into the depths of the internet. Soon The clatter of keyboard keys echoed in the room, mingling with the occasional hum of the computer fan as Roy embarked on a digital exploration, seeking any tidbits of information.

As the glow of the computer screen cast a soft luminescence across his face, the mess around him seemed to fade into the background as he became engrossed in his own work.

"As expected, the masses remain oblivious to these events around the world." Roy mused, shaking his head in disappointment. Scrolling through various online posts, he observed a sea of individuals showcasing their newfound strength or attempting to present an impressive facade. Were it not for his father's influential connections, he, too, would be kept in the dark—a fact that only intensified his disdain for the government and their secrets. "And look at this," he muttered to himself, contempt in his tone, "they're preoccupied with whether cultivators should be permitted in competitions..."

"Let me see, let me see..." Roy continued his search, uncovering a series of alarming articles. "Reports of wolf packs launching coordinated attacks on humans... Instances of animals exhibiting unprecedented aggression, engaging in lethal confrontations… Man eaten by fish in China?" The escalating incidents painted a disconcerting picture of the world's transformation.

It's commencing!" A shadow slithered over Roy's heart, a premonition of impending chaos. Yet, a subtle flicker of anticipation gleamed in his eyes, signaling his readiness to face whatever came next. "What!?"

Roy almost jumped scared when he saw the next article on his computer screen.

*The Flames of Hell Demonic Cultivation Technique*

"Demonic Cultivation!" His heart raced as he delved into the details, each revelation more unnerving than the last. "Killing people to absorb their life force and Qi!" The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him, urging him to act.

His conviction strengthened – people needed to be warned, even if it meant inciting panic. The alternative, allowing demonic cultivators to amass strength unhindered, posed a far graver threat to the world.

However, his next steps posed a challenge. Lacking expertise to do it all by himself, Roy realized that he needed assistance to disseminate this critical information. That video should be leaked and its origin could not be tracked back to himself. 

Fortunately, he had a way over it: money. With ample funds at his disposal, he could ensure the message reached the right channels, potentially saving countless lives. The responsibility weighed on him, but he knew it was a necessary step to safeguard humanity.