
Celestial Simulator: Why Cultivate when others do it for me?

In a world of cultivation, Xu Han, a reincarnated youth, is bestowed with a miraculous gift—a unique system that offers him unprecedented advantages on his journey to become a true cultivator. With this extraordinary system, he can harness the efforts of others, inviting them to simulate their cultivation journeys while he reaps the abundant rewards. “Ding!” But as the system activates with a resounding chime, Xu Han's consciousness trembles with anticipation. The voice echoes within his mind, declaring the arrival of a new phase in his transformation. "Xuan Ji has entered the simulation at your invitation. After traversing the simulated realm for five years, it is time to reap the bestowed rewards..." "Congratulations! You have reached the Qi Gathering Realm Level 1 cultivation." "Technique acquired: Heaven Shattering Palm - a Heaven Level Technique." "Physique awakened: Celestial Jade Immortal Body - a body that holds the power of the heavens." "And behold, your acquired artifact: Celestial Void Sword - an Immortal Grade weapon." Embarking on this thrilling path of cultivation, Xu Han discovers that his destiny is intertwined with the boundless possibilities offered by the system, propelling him towards a future brimming with power and intrigue.

Depressed_Author · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Xuan Ji start Second Simulation

Xuan Ji anxiously sat on his bed, waiting for the Celestial Simulation Cooldown to end. Doubt lingered in his mind. Would the Celestial Simulation appear again? The last performance hadn't been satisfactory, and he feared if he didn't get another chance.

As the 24 hours ticked away, he eagerly reached out to an extra corner of his consciousness, which wasn't there before he started simulation, hoping to establish a connection.

As if in response to his anxious thoughts, lines of text began to materialize before Xuan Ji. The appearance of these words brought a sense of relief, washing away his previous anxiety.

"It really appeared!" He let out a sigh, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.

[Welcome to the Celestial Simulator. You have confirmed the activation of the simulation!]

[You have two options –]

[Option 1: Continue the last simulation but everything needs to start from the beginning. You need to survive in the Immortal cultivation simulation for 15 years before you can have an extra newborn talent.]

[Option 2: Start a new simulation.]

He took some time to mull over his decision and eventually settled on option 1.

"I choose option 1," he declared.

His reason was clear—he knew the future and wanted to make that troublesome snake pay.

When he woke up after the last simulation, he felt disoriented and bewildered by the experience and didn't have time to think much. But as he calmed down, anger boiled within him, especially towards that snake, and he yearned to teach it a lesson.

Another reason why Xuan Ji chose option 1 was that he had experienced the love of parents in a previous simulation and had felt the warmth and affection that had been missing from his life as an orphan, and he longed to experience that love again.

As for second option, Xuan Ji anticipated the risks and rewards, unsure if the second option would bring him fortune or misfortune.

Thoughts swirled in his mind, contemplating the various possibilities that lay before him. Would his talent be better or worse than in his previous life? What about his background—would it be more favorable or less favorable?

To avoid a gamble, he decided to eliminate this option from his consideration. As he thought till this, lines of text once again materialized before his eyes, drawing his attention.

[You have chosen to start previous life…]

[Your personal attributes are...]

[Name: Xuan Ji]

[State of mind: 1]

[Fortune: 1]

[Perseverance: 2]

[Background: 2]

[Talent: Sword]

[Hint: If any attribute reaches zero, the probability of death will be greatly increased.]

[Your simulated life has officially begun –]

[Countdown: 10, 9... 0!]

[Simulation begins!]


As Xu Han observed Xuan Ji selecting option 1, he couldn't help but nod with a knowing smile. It didn't come as a surprise to him, for he had a hunch that Xuan Ji would make this choice.

Deep down, Xu Han understood that even though Xuan Ji was modest and didn't let his talent inflate his ego, but every genius possessed a certain level of pride and dying against a Body Tempering Level 2 had hurt his pride.

Though it may have seemed like a mere speculation based on the countless novels Xuan Ji had read in the past, he now had assumption that what he thought maybe true.

Xu Han didn't place much thought in this matter and instead focused his attention on observing Xuan Ji's performance.


[Age 0: You've just been born into a merchant family, with your father leading the family business.]

[Age 1: Your first year was just like any other baby's.]

[Age 2: You attempted to cultivate using the method you obtained from a deceased cultivator from the previous simulation, and to your surprise, you succeeded. Excited by this progress, you began your cultivation journey.]

[Age 3: You have just scratched the surface of the Body Tempering realm. It will take approximately 10 years to reach Body Tempering Level 1, considering your speed. This is due to the lack of spirit stones and the thin Qi in this village. However, you remained determined and continued your cultivation, refusing to lose hope.]

[Age 4: Throughout the year, you diligently cultivated, but progress towards reaching Body Tempering Level 1 remained slow. Unfortunately, your village was subjected to an attack by a demonic cultivator. However, a passing cultivator came to your aid but instead fell victim to a treacherous sneak attack from the demonic cultivator. The battle resulting in both of them being dead.]

The sky blazed with an inferno, casting an ominous red hue. Buildings crumbled into smoldering ruins with blood everywhere, amidst the desperate cries of terrified villagers.

The village had become a nightmarish scene of destruction and despair, with the scent of blood and burning flesh filling the air. Acrid smoke choked the atmosphere, adding to the haunting ambiance.

As Xuan Ji witnessed the harrowing scene unfold before him once again, he gritted his teeth in frustration. It wasn't that he lacked the desire to help the villagers, but he faced a daunting question: who would believe the words of a mere child?

Even if someone were to believe him, another pressing question arose: where could they possibly go? The village was surrounded by wilderness, and any movement of over a thousand villagers would undoubtedly attract the attention of lurking beasts.

The prospect of facing these beasts in the wild will cause more deaths than confronting a demonic cultivator. Adding to their predicament, the villagers' lack of resources made it virtually impossible for them to relocate elsewhere.

As for he fighting the demonic cultivator, that would be akin to offering oneself up for slaughter, considering the vast difference in power, with the demonic cultivator being at Body Tempering Level 4.

Xuan Ji's decision not to save the cultivator who fell victim to the sneak attack was driven by his own survival instincts.

He was aware that if he intervened, he would lose the opportunity to acquire that cultivator's space bag, which will fasten his cultivation. Furthermore, by allowing the cultivator to live alive was akin to letting him claim the demonic cultivator's space bag also. Making him suffer lose from both sides.

Over the course of the past four years, Xuan Ji had pondered the situation extensively, racking his brain for a viable solution. After much contemplation, he could find no alternative but to adopt this course of action.

The death from his previous simulation had taught him a harsh reality – determination and good intentions alone were insufficient for survival. In this ruthless world, strength reigned supreme.

Thus, he made the firm decision to do whatever it took to become powerful and ensure his own survival. He understood the moral implications of his actions, but he recognized that the consequences of weakness would be far more horrifying.