
Celestial Simulator: Why Cultivate when others do it for me?

In a world of cultivation, Xu Han, a reincarnated youth, is bestowed with a miraculous gift—a unique system that offers him unprecedented advantages on his journey to become a true cultivator. With this extraordinary system, he can harness the efforts of others, inviting them to simulate their cultivation journeys while he reaps the abundant rewards. “Ding!” But as the system activates with a resounding chime, Xu Han's consciousness trembles with anticipation. The voice echoes within his mind, declaring the arrival of a new phase in his transformation. "Xuan Ji has entered the simulation at your invitation. After traversing the simulated realm for five years, it is time to reap the bestowed rewards..." "Congratulations! You have reached the Qi Gathering Realm Level 1 cultivation." "Technique acquired: Heaven Shattering Palm - a Heaven Level Technique." "Physique awakened: Celestial Jade Immortal Body - a body that holds the power of the heavens." "And behold, your acquired artifact: Celestial Void Sword - an Immortal Grade weapon." Embarking on this thrilling path of cultivation, Xu Han discovers that his destiny is intertwined with the boundless possibilities offered by the system, propelling him towards a future brimming with power and intrigue.

Depressed_Author · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Xuan Ji's Venture

Just as the clock struck midnight, Xuan Ji, brimming with energy, stepped out of his house. The recent days had filled him with a joy and anticipation he could barely contain. The thought of the celestial Simulator made him feel as if he was floating on cloud nine.

However, during the day, the memory of his own death at the beggar's hands had deeply upset him. He tried to dismiss the incident but couldn't. In his imagination, he had exacted his revenge on the beggar multiple times, which had brought him a sense of satisfaction. Bathed in this wave of cathartic pleasure, he made his way to a nearby restaurant.

He typically had his meals at home, thanks to his servant, and rarely felt the need to eat out. But tonight, he craved the feeling of the bustling streets and chose to have his meal at the restaurant as a pretext for a pleasant walk.

It wasn't long before Xu Han reached the restaurant and stepped inside. Even at this late hour, the restaurant was bustling. Customers of different power levels were engrossed in their meals. Conversations, punctuated by laughter and debates on martial arts and cultivation, echoed through the space. Lanterns hung above, casting an ethereal glow, imbuing the room with a unique, mystical charm.

As Xuan Ji settled at a table, he was greeted warmly by several individuals. As the undoubted strongest member of the Outer Court, he was a popular figure that many wished to befriend. In his high spirits, Xuan Ji heartily acknowledged everyone who came his way.

After a round of friendly greetings, he ordered Pulao rice and started eating once his meal arrived.

"Have you heard? That demon, Xu Han, didn't go to confront Brother Zhu as we expected. Instead, He's currently in his courtyard and hasn't taken any action, even though it's already midnight."

"Indeed. It's quite unusual."

While eating, Xuan Ji overheard this bit of conversation.

He remembered Xu Han - the image of him beating others, and the chilling feeling that swept over him when he met his cold gaze.

Other than this, Xuan Ji's knowledge of Xu Han was limited. He had been too absorbed in his own cultivation, worried about falling behind, and thus somewhat isolated, even from the latest happenings, such as today's murder.

But now, with the Celestial Simulator in his possession, Xuan Ji no longer feared being left behind. Therefore, he permitted himself to enjoy the local chatter, attentively tuning in to the whispers around him.

"Wait, what's going on? Fill me in," Xuan Ji asked, startling many. It was well-known that Xuan Ji was a cultivation maniac and usually shied away from such chatter. His involvement today surprised them, but they did not question it, for fear of offending him. Thinking that his unusual behavior stemmed from a stroke of good fortune in his cultivation, they began discussing the recent murder with him.

"What? A murder?" Xuan Ji's shock mirrored his high-pitched exclamation, leaving many speechless.

"Brother Xuan, you really should step out of your house once every few days," someone suggested, making Xuan Ji slightly embarrassed. Brushing the comment aside, he asked them to carry on with the story.

"So, it seems like Xu Han seeks revenge for even the smallest slights, but he has yet to act in this situation. And you're saying Zhu Ying almost left the sect out of fear of Xu Han, but changed her mind when someone reminded of Xu Han attacking her brother. Xu Han usually doesn't let these runner off the hook, but he hasn't done anything to Zhu Ying or her brother. Could it be...does Xu Han have feelings for Zhu Ying?" Xuan Ji asked with a thrill in his voice. His words left many of the listeners dumbfounded and speechless.

"Easy there, Brother Xuan, Easy there. Don't overthink it," they tried to reassure him. At first, they attributed Xuan Ji's cheerfulness to his cultivation progress. However, upon hearing his recent words, they began to wonder if he had gone mad from excessive cultivation.

"Love and that demon? Absurd!" was the collective thought that echoed in their minds.

"But didn't you notice? In the last fight, Xu Han wasn't as brutal with Brother Xu as he usually is. He was actually a bit lenient," another person added, causing them to fall silent.

Yet when they pictured Xu Han's demonic face and his cruel actions, they couldn't help but shake their heads. "No, no, impossible!"

"But...what if?" they wondered, their imaginations running wild.

"Ah-choo!" Xu Han sneezed.

"Who's thinking about me?"

"Must be Lingxi," Xu Han murmured, as he continued to pass the time by reading a popular novel from this world titled, "Celestial Simulator: Why Cultivate when others do it for me?"


As the new day dawned, a brisk wind swept across the outer court of the sect, causing the snowflakes to dance in the air. The once serene landscape now transformed into a winter wonderland, with a blanket of white covering the ground and rooftops of many houses. The hail continued to roam in the gusty wind, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of swirling ice crystals.

The road stretched ahead, untouched and untraveled, devoid of any signs of life. Not a single person could be seen, leaving the scene with a surreal sense of stillness and solitude.

Xuan Ji watched this from his room window, his eyes glowing with anticipation and impatience, his mind elsewhere. But this feeling didn't last. Soon, a string of words appeared before him, visible only to his eyes. As swiftly as the words had materialized before him, they vanished into thin air, accompanying Xuan Ji as he also disappeared from his location.

[Welcome to the Celestial Simulator. You have confirmed the activation of the simulation!]

[You have two options –]

[Option 1: Continue the last simulation but everything needs to start from the beginning. You need to survive in the Immortal cultivation simulation for 15 years before you can have an extra newborn talent.]

[Option 2: Start a new simulation.]

He didn't take long to decide.

"I choose option 1," he announced resolutely.

A strong desire to wash away the humiliation he had suffered at the hands of both the snake and the beggar fueled his decision.

[You have chosen to start previous life…]

[Your personal attributes are...]

[Name: Xuan Ji]

[State of mind: 1]

[Fortune: 1]

[Perseverance: 2]

[Background: 2]

[Talent: Sword]

[Hint: If any attribute reaches zero, the probability of death will be greatly increased.]

[Your simulated life has officially begun –]

[Countdown: 10, 9... 0!]

[Simulation begins!]

[Age 0: You have been born into a merchant family. Your father is the head of the merchant family.]

[Age 1: Your first year was ordinary, like that of any child.]