
STAGE FOUR: The Place Where I Belong

"We'll be leaving the Lunchian continent by ship tomorrow." Kirin said, sipping his black milk tea.

"Amazing!" Freyja exclaimed, eyes glued to the world map. "So next, we'll be heading to this Runemasters' city? Let's see... Eastern continent of Cewon?"

"The mages in Runerich have the biggest historical and runic archives in the world."

"Hey Kirin, what are looking for anyway?"

Kirin continued sipping his tea, saying nothing more. Freyja was expecting it. It has been a month since she came with Kirin, but he won't say anything about why he's travelling or who he really is. Freyja looked away, popping a meat dumpling into her mouth.

Kirin put the empty teacup down and stood up. "Hurry and rest, we'll be leaving early tomorrow." He said before heading upstairs, where their rented rooms are.

"Wait Kirin! Can I head out for a sec? I'll be back soon, I promise!"

"Yeah. Just don't get lost or something."

Freyja took a walk by herself around the peaceful town. Just like the rural town she used to live in back in her world, it doesn't seem like a different world at all. Seeing a nice spot, she sat on the green grass carpet, amidst a flower field.

Freyja let out a sigh, staring at the setting Sun.

"I wonder what they're doing over there..." Her world, did her absence even matter? "School must have started and they must be looking for me by now."

Ever since she came into this world, her recurring dreams of running in an oblivion stopped completely. The voice who called himself Astrid never contacted her after that, and so did Kirin speak about Astrid. Spotting a white rose amongst red ones, she reached her hand out to it, gently touching its petals. "Are you alone too?" She mumbled. "Why is it that wherever I go, it feels like I'm always by myself?"

True, this new world frightens her and it's weird. She's confused, it's dangerous and exhausting her. But remembering her own world, it isn't much different at all. If she was in her own world right now, she'd still be sitting alone, probably talking to flowers like what she's doing now. The thought made her giggle.

The Sun has set. The skies are dark, the stars are up.

"What are you doing? It's dark already." Kirin, all of a sudden, appeared from behind her, snapping her out of deep thoughts. She didn't expect anyone to appear just like that. But since its Kirin, who's been appearing from nowhere since they met, she couldn't help but laugh. As Kirin scolded her for being out so late, she felt a warm, tingling sensation run through her entire body. The world she is in right now is dangerous, weird and scary. But, in this world, there's a young man named Kirin who's beside her. It felt strangely reassuring.

"What are you spacing out for?" Kirin's asked, sitting beside her. "Do you want to go home?"

Freyja shook her head, "What if I said I don't?" She laughed. "You know Kirin, back there, they also say I am always spacing out. You see, back there, I always had dreams of other worlds, of magic, of... of adventures. Sometimes those dreams become disturbingly vivid and scary. But, they wouldn't take me seriously. No one does."

Kirin listened silently.

"I can't blame them. Maybe I'm just really weird. I did try to fit in, but I couldn't bring myself to be like them so I had no one else to be with. I had to act the way my family wanted me to, I couldn't disobey them..." Freyja was a bit hesitant to tell Kirin about her, knowing that he's the type of person who'd rather not talk about personal matters. "...so, thinking about it now, I guess I am somewhat happy that I came to this world. It may sound crazy but, even though I almost got killed two times, I feel a lot safer here."

Kirin didn't leave. Instead, he sighed, and patted the girl's head gently. "Whatever." was all he said, in a warm, gentle voice. Freyja almost teared up, but suppressed it.

"Kirin, how about you?" Freyja seized the chance. "I know you don't trust me but I want to know more about you!"

Kirin was speechless for a moment at her surprise question, but soon broke in laughter. Kirin never laughed before, much to Freyja's surprise. Kirin himself, is surprised he did. "You know that I don't trust you, and you're hoping I'd answer?" He playfully flicked her forehead.

Kirin took a deep breath. "I have two brothers and my father. My mother died right after I was born. My earliest memory was in a prison cell."

"A prison cell!?"

"Because of family issues, I needed to be strong and withstand pain. So, my childhood was spent in torture chambers. As far as I can remember, I've been trained as a fighter. And right now, I am on a very important mission."

"The thing you're looking for?"

"It's Astrid."

Freyja's jaw dropped.

"Yes, I'm searching for the legendary celestial dragon Astrid. He's sealed somewhere in this world. Whoever gets him will have immortality, that's what they said." Kirin looked at her with his piercing moonlit emerald orbs. "I will find him no matter what. And I will kill whoever is in my way. Even you." Kirin's glare is dead serious, and cold. She could tell how much it meant to him, just by looking at him. Freyja couldn't say any more.

"Now do you understand? I'm that kind of person." Before Kirin could stand up, Freyja grabbed his hand. It looks like she's about to cry, but she didn't. "I'm sorry. It must have been awful to remember such things, I shouldn't have asked." Freyja felt her heart ache. While she's getting so dramatic over relatively small things, Kirin has faced far more serious hardships. Freyja felt ashamed of herself.

"Kirin!" She cried out, "Let's go find Astrid!"

Kirin's eyes widened. It's the answer he's least expecting to hear. But, he felt light, as if a heavy burden was suddenly lifted from inside him. He is happy, he can't deny it. But more than that, he's amazed at how this powerless little girl could even say such things despite everything he's said, despite how much he tried to scare and push her away. Why is it that she won't leave him? And why is it that she's not even trying to run.

All of a sudden, the winds blew unusually hard. Kirin felt an ominous presence and quickly hid Freyja behind him. The solemn moment shifted into that of danger as five men, clad in the same robes as the ones that tried to kill Freyja, appeared right before them.

"Lord Kirin, we are sent by your father. We have to go back to--" noticing the little girl behind him, they drew their weapons out in haste. "Amazing Lord! You captured the Lenfiare!" When they tried to go near, Kirin stepped in front of her. "Run." He whispered, before charging at his father's henchmen.

Kirin knew that living his life the way it is now is too good to be true.

He knows above all, the danger it will pose to both him and Freyja should they stay together. The henchmen sent by his father is a very good proof of that point. Why did it take him a month to realize that?

Kirin decided. He won't let her die. He won't let his father have his way.

"Lord Kirin! Why are you protecting her!?"

"I guess this is goodbye, Freyja. We are different." Is what it in Kirin's mind as he looked at her. "Listen, let her go for now and I'll spare your lives!" He commanded, much to their surprise. Knowing their Lord's strength, they had no choice but to agree.

"Alright Lord, but you need to go back to Hawsdark with us."

"Fair enough."

Freyja couldn't find the words to say. She's feeling extremely scared, more scared than the first time she was sent to this world. More scared than when those hooded assassins tried to kill her. The fear inside her grew and grew as she watched Kirin go with these men. She tried to reach for his hand, but Kirin slapped it away.

"I am not who you think I am! It is not that simple! You can only say that because you don't know the true nature of the Aethelmaer clan!" Kirin shouted, emphasizing the name of the clan that tried to assassinate her. "I am your enemy!"

"Lord Kirin, why won't you kill the Lenfiare? Your father—"

"Shut up. She will be useful someday! Now let's go!"

Kirin is getting further and further away from her. He's leaving. It's a scene she especially hated seeing for some reason. And all she can do is watch. She hated it more than anything! Her heart is constricted with an inexplicably nostalgic pain. Clenching her fists, Freyja dashed to him. She threw her arms around him, grabbing him as tight as she could. "Don't go!" She used every bit of her strength to pull him back. "Kirin don't go!"

"Let's find Astrid! You don't want to go with them, don't you? It's hurting you, isn't it? So it's simple!" Her words stabbed Kirin, right through his chest. "Go with ME instead! I'll protect you!"

A small, frail girl refuses to let go. She's swearing she would protect him. She is insane. Kirin's face twisted in frustration. Why is this little girl making his resolve waver? He wanted to protect her, by leaving her, and now, why does it look as if he's the one being protected?

"Stand back Lord Kirin and I will finish her!" One of the hooded men attacked Freyja, but only to be stopped by Kirin.

"Lord Kirin, that girl is the enemy. Your father—"Even before the man could finish, Kirin silenced him with a strong blow on the back of his neck. The other four attacked Kirin, as their top priority is to get him back to Hawsdark.

"Tell my crazy father that you have to go through me before you can touch her." With a murderous glare, he fended off his father's minions' attacks. He conjured his dark sword and stabbed them all dead one by one. However, there wasn't just five of them—there were six and the last one concealed his presence perfectly. Hard-as-rock vines emerged from the ground, immobilizing the off-guard Kirin.

"Freyja, run!" Kirin knows that one hit from the sorcerer and Freyja will die.

Freyja took one of the scattered swords on the ground. Biting her lip, she charged at the sorcerer, who, unfortunately, evaded her amateurish attacks without even breaking a sweat. As he was casting a spell to finish the girl, he suddenly stopped in surprise. He jumped away from her, as if suddenly terrified of the girl. The sorcerer turned his back and ran for his life.

Neither Freyja nor Kirin knew the reason behind the sorcerer's sudden escape. The vines that held Kirin crumbled into dust, freeing him instantly while the still-nervous Freyja, collapsed onto the ground.

"My arms hurt..." She complained while panting. Her heart is still beating so fast, and her hands are still trembling. "You're insane! You could have died!" Kirin ran to her side first thing, shaking her shoulders. "Do you even understand what you've done!?" Kirin looks unusually panicked, as if he's about to have a heart attack any moment. Seeing his usually straight faced warped with crazy emotions is more than enough reward for Freyja. She chuckled. "You're crazy!" He held her tightly, in his arms. "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Haha! I can't believe it, we won! See? I am very lucky after all!" Happy is not enough to describe her feelings. She's trembling in nervousness, excitement and relief all at once. But it was a very, very rewarding feeling. It's the most rewarding feeling she's had in her entire life so far. It's like she's a new person. Because, for the very first time in her life, Freyja was able to overcome a fear.

That tiny step forward, is like a ray of light in that oblivion of darkness.

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