
Celestial Redemption

In a world reminiscent of ancient China, where cultivation and gods coexist, Yu Xueyue and Liang Tiancheng, two celestial beings deeply in love and bound by marriage, are punished and stripped of their divine powers. As a result, they descend to the mortal world to endure mortal lives without memories of their former celestial existence. Aurthor's note: If there is any suggestion for the story tell me in the comments and i will see if i can do it as and any suggestions of the name and personalities of characters as well.

luka1 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Unveiling the Path of Attributes

In this realm, attributes served as the very foundation of power, molding a cultivator's strengths and potential. Aligned with the primal elements of nature, each attribute bore its own distinctive characteristics and abilities, a manifestation of the individual's inner essence.

From the moment of birth, every soul possessed an innate attribute. For most, a singular attribute was their inheritance. Yet there were some people who possessed double or even triple attributes. The rarest of all were the quadra attributes, a phenomenon unseen for countless millennia. Those gifted with multiple attributes are admired, as they were mostly blessed by a god.

The cornerstone of cultivation lay in the elemental attributes of Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, and Metal. These primary forces paved the way for cultivators' ascension. But within this paradigm existed exceptional and scarce attributes such as Light, Darkness, Wind, Thunder, and Ice. The pages of legend whispered of another tier—the Time, Space, Chaos, Order, and Soul attributes. Veiled in myth, their existence remained elusive, witnessed by none.

Xueyue found herself intrigued by Shuyu's possession of the rare Light attribute. This curiosity propelled her to query the obvious. Gazing at Shuyu, she inquired, "Why do you serve as a servant when your unique attribute could secure your place in a prestigious sect or force?"

With a calm demeanor, Shuyu replied, "Hoyue and I are orphans. We once begged for food and shelter, until fate led us to Master Liang's benevolence. We were trained from our tender years to become guards, dutifully serving our master's commands. And now, we are assigned to safeguard you as our master."

She knew that it meant they would regard her as their master from now on instead of Tiancheng.Xueyue's heart swelled with both surprise and gratification, her eyes illuminated by a gentle smile as she thought of Liang Tiancheng.

She instructed them to find Steward Lin to show them their quarters. The pair departed with respectful bows, leaving Xueyue to her contemplations. Her thoughts gravitated towards her parents and the tragedy that had befallen their estate. Driven by a resolute determination, she longed to become stronger and a protector of those dear to her heart. She clenched her fists so tightly that she inadvertently drew blood.

She awoke from her trance as the pain seeped in, prompting her to go to the yard after a swift change into her training attire. There, she embarked on a rigorous regimen, just as she had before coming here. Her current path forbade her from initiating cultivation because her attributes' could not be awakened until the eve of her 12th birthday.

The 12th birthday was a pivotal juncture in every individual's life, a turning point that unveiled their attributes and heralded their entrance into the realm of cultivation. This occasion held profound significance, uniting the aspirations of children and parents alike.

On this day, dormant potential was awakened, showering them with divine blessings.

Upon awakening, cultivators could determine their attribute and its characteristics. This knowledge provided the foundation for their cultivation path, guiding them towards the most suitable techniques and practices.

Following the Awakening Ceremony, cultivators progressed through different ranks on their path to mastery. There are 7 cultivational realms:

Qi Foundation Realm

Elemental Attunement Realm

Spiritual Insight Realm

Essence Fusion

Radiance Realm

Transcendent Unity Realm

Primordial Genesis Realm

and each realm is divided into three stages: initial, mid, and peak.

In this realm, five influential sects held prominence within the Tian Kingdom.

Leading the ranks was the Celestial Harmony Sect, renowned for its mastery of the sword arts.The Tranquil Lotus Pavilion stood as an enclave of women, shrouded in mystery and inaccessible to men. The Azure Mist Sect excelled in illusions and beguiling techniques, while the Radiant Sun Sect harnessed solar energy for cultivation. Lastly, the Ebon Shadow Sect commanded dark magic and intrigue. These sects formed the heart of aspiration, attracting hopefuls each year seeking entry into their hallowed halls.

As the passage of time continued its inexorable march, Xueyue's days became imbued with unwavering dedication. Rigorous training and introspection became her companions as her 12th birthday neared, poised to bestow upon her the keys to her own destiny.

This chapther is to tell you the cultivation realms and attributes so their is not much progress.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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