
Celestial Poison Master

A Celestial Poison Master is attacked by the people of his sect but wins on the edge of death, when he finally dies he awakens but as a baby in a poor village, read as he makes friends and even more enemy's as he explores this new world on the path of demonic cultuvation once again.

Unknown_ErRoR · Action
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Poison Master

The Poison Sect was in chaos because just a moment ago every student, teacher, and elder alike were trying to kill Duo Li the sect master becuase he was found to be practicing the demonic arts, he was being attacked from all sides not givin a chance to rest Untill he finally fell.

"HAHAHA, Great, Great!"

"What are you yelling about old man!" one of the teachers said

"This was a thrill but sadly it was all in vain!"

Suddenly his body was emitting a strong blood lust and a 12 star array came around the sect.

"What is this!?"

He chuckled and only said one word but the weight of that word was like the weight of the whole world to anyone who heard it because they knew it was true.


Suddenly the sky was black covered by dark clouds with lightning striking everywhere, then only living beings, the people of the sect were being vaporized by the lightning but it was over soon as all of them had died along with Duo Li.

100,000 Years Later

Suddenly where the poison sect that had been forgotten long ago a body was building itself back together.

When Duo opend his eyes he was in a overgrown area with remains of his sect, he looked at himself and saw that his body looked as it did when he was 12 years old.

He has black hair, red eyes a toned body about 5'9 in height and was in his clothes that the sect leader would wear.

"What happend?"

"Didn't I die?"

He stood up and started to look around, the remains of the sect were all over the area, the place that he had once called home and built up from scratch was laying decimated.

The sect was pretty out of the way on top of Mount Chilta wich was the reason it had been forgotten over time.

His mind was racing, he didn't know what happend, how long it had been since he died, or anything else, but he knew he needed information.

Duo went to the edge of the mountain and their was a town little ways away so he started heading their.

On the way their he started seeing if he still had his cultivation level and he did, he was at the Abyssal God Stage the highest their was before becoming a true celestial.

When he was at the bottom of the mountain he had already checked his whole body making sure everything was the same exept the bodys age of course.

When he got to the village it looked more like a capital of a city, because of the clouds he could only see a section but up close it was huge.

Marble walls towering over, guards walking around and merchents buying and selling products.

"Last time I was here this was a poor tiny village look what it has become!"

As he was walking to the main gate he was stopped by a guard.

"State your business."

"Im going into the town." Duo was confused why was he getting stoped none of them have.

"Ya ya brat go home to your mommy."

Then Duo got it, it was because he was in the body of a 12 year old!

"Just let me pass or things will get ugly!"

"Haha what did you just say shrimp I could kill you any time I want."

Just as he said that eminence pressure came down on him and he was confused and so was Duo because he hadn't been the one to put pressure on him, he could also feel the pressure but to him it was weak.

"Stand Down!" A voice boomed from above, it was feminine but strong especially for weaklings like the guard.

When Duo looked up it was a women in a sect robe riding a sword in mid air.

"How is that man not kneeling from my pressure?" Selina thought to herself, she had already used half of her power.

Duo then put a tenth of his pressure on her and she instantly fell down, when she reached the ground she couldent move and pressure had knocked air out of her.

"Let me go im a student at the Soaring Sect!" She was panicking, she had never seen someone so powerfull but no one ever dared to mess with the Soaring Sect, they were the 3rd on the rankings list.

"Hahaha so their still around?"

Duo had known the creator of the Soaring Sect, Shi Tao, he had helped him create the sect, but Shi Tao had betrayed Duo and tried to kill him for full ownership of the sect, but Duo had survived unknown to Shi, later growing in power and making the Poison Sect.

"I'll let you go for now but I will be back!"

Duo then started to walk throughout the capital, some stores made of marble and others of wood standing tall none the less, the fragrance of restaurants all around, people of many nationalities, and status walking around.

Even though Duo was still very strong his body wouldn't be able to handle the strain as it was still that of a 12 year old, he would have to train his body so that he could come to handle the strain.

As he was walking he bumped into someone around his age.

"Sorry, wait are you going to the Martial Academy exams?"

Duo was confused for a second but when he snapped back to reality he realized that this was the best chance he had to build his body strength and learn more about the world and whats happend in the past, while also seeing how long how he has been dead.

"Oh, yeah are you going their to?"

"Yeah, wanna come with me, oh sorry, my names Shin, nice to meet ya."

"Yeah ill come along, oh and my names Duo nice to meet you to."

"K lets head their now don't wanna be late!" so Duo and Shin started running to the Martial Academy Exams not knowing what awaited them and the challenges that would come with the trials and tribulations.

Hope you enjoy, If you have constructive criticism let me know, and tell others about this if you enjoyed this chapter.

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