
Celestial Online: Leveling System in Real Life

Luke was only a high school graduate and unemployed, he just want to graduate in college but his family didn't have money to do so, so he didn't have a choice but to find a real job to make money for his family and pay the tuition of her sister but until many tragedy happened on his family. Luckily his friend Mike introduce him that there was a new game announced called Celestial Online, not just only a game it has a game currency where you can exchange to a real money so he tried to play it. [Welcome To Celestial Online] [Processing...] [???] [Done] [Class Granted: Dual Leveler] 'What a strange class'

WaterSupply · Games
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Money Problems

'Sigh, Finally my work was done'

Luke was packing the waste of his house and throw away in the garbage truck at the outside.

'It's my day off today but it's like I'm not in day off anymore, it's been tiring already'

He walked back and thinking that "what if I graduated in college, maybe my life today was not so hard".

'No, Let's focus on our life right now and make much money that we have funds to send money to my family'

Luke has a younger sister named Hannah, she was on 1st year college, despite being lack of money Luke works hard to spend her tuition in college, Originally his parents objects the idea of Luke but Luke didn't want his younger sister lives like him.

Even Luke despises his family, Luke loves them very much because their attitude is very good but money solves everything that's why his parents despises to go Luke in college.

'Maybe if Hannah graduated in college, I maybe enroll in college I guess'

Luke layed down in his bed until there was a sound coming from the door.

Knock, Knock.

'Come in'

A tall handsome man appeared in in his front surprising him with foods.

'Oh, Mike what are you doing here?'

'Here, cook this ramen and can I eat in this house?'

'Sure, but I know that this is not your intention can you say it to me?'

'Let me sit first'

While Luke was ready to cook the ramen and Mike was sitting in the chair, Mike suddenly said.

'Hey, Luke did you hear the news?'

'News?, About what?'

'There was a new game called Celestial Online and the trailer was so lit you must try it'

'Nah, Man I better focus to my job right now my sister need to pay up her tuition by friday'

'Stop man, I'm not done with my talk, This game is VRMMORPG and the currency of the game can be converted to real life money, how easy is that'

While Mike was blabbering about the game Luke offered him a ramen and they eat each other.

'Hey Luke, if you want to be rich play this game and maybe it can help to your problems with money'

'Okay, I will think about it first'

'Just chat me, I can help you buying a VR'

After they done eating Mike go to home and Luke sat on the couch and opened his phone a little bit.

'Mike surely lives a good life, secretly I'm so jealous'

Mike is his childhood friend but they lives in a different worlds, Mike parents is so rich while on the other hand Luke parents was so poor.

But Mike didn't really care about Luke status so they become best friend until right now.

Sometimes Mike helped Luke by giving him money if he needed it. So that's why Luke was so grateful to have one only true friend.

Luke barely notice that it was night already so he asleep to wake up early tomorrow.


In the morning, when he takes a bath suddenly his phone was ringing.

Luke pick up the phone and opened it.

'Oh it's Hannah'

He answered the phone but he heard Hannah was crying.

'Brother, what should I do'

'What happened Hannah?' Luke sounded worry after hearing her voice.

'Father and mother was in hospital, and after hearing the doctor, they have cancer stage 3 and they need five hundred thousand to one million cost of their surgery'

'What!' Luke teared after hearing his younger sister and immediately hangs up.

'What should I do' Luke sat on the wall crying, he feels helpless about it, but he cannot afford his parents to die.

Immediately he called his manager that he will be absent today for some important reasons and immediately go towards the hospital.

After arriving, His sees his sister in despair while watching their parents laying without consciousness in the soft bed.

'Brother, what will we do' Hannah tears flows coming from her eyes.

'Dont worry we will find a way' Luke hugged Hannah smiling but in deep inside he was despaired and depressed.

'Maybe I will quit school Brother and find a job to help you'

'No!, Don't!' Luke rejected Hannah suggestions.

'Why!, I want to help you!'

'Shhh, Hannah, do you trust your brother?, If I said I have way there was a way, okay?'

Hannah calmed down and ignores his brother.

'Im sorry Hannah, I can't afford you to suffer just like my life' Luke silently talk to his mind.

He walked outside of the hospital and sat on the bench near the door.

Feeling the wind blows, he got a refreshing feeling while thinking what should he do.

'In the age of 23, My life is suffering right now' He only smiled why is this happening to him.

'Tomorrow, I got to pay her tuition in college, luckily it's pay day tomorrow, sigh what a life'

Suddenly his phone began to ring again.

Kringgg, Kringgg.

'So annoying'

He opened the phone and he answered it.

'Who is this?'

'Did you forget who I am?, I visited you yesterday'

'Oh, I'm sorry, you're Mike right?, HAHA'

'Do you still a gut to joke around while you have a big problem right now huh'

'You know already?'

'Yes, don't underestimate the mind of your friend, by the way I can lend you money right now if you want'

'Thank you so much, I appreciated it'

'Hey, Luke do you have an answer for my offer?'

Luke suddenly remembered the game called Celestial Online that Mike introduce to him.

To be honest, Luke didn't take it seriously the offer but after his problem of money was seriously big he might try to take it.

'I owe you so, I will try' Luke answered Mike with happy expression.

'Yes, I'm happy to help, come here tomorrow at my house, you're always welcome here'

'Okay, thank you so much my friend' Luke hangs up the phone.

'I've made up my mind, thank you for motivation Mike, I will not disappoint you.