

### Magic System: Celestial and Infernal Arts

#### 1. **Source of Magic**

Magic in this world is derived from two primary sources: **Celestial (Divine) Magic** and **Infernal (Dark) Magic**. These sources are believed to be gifts or curses from higher and lower planes of existence, respectively.

#### 2. **Celestial Magic**

**Celestial Magic** is perceived as holy and righteous. It is granted by celestial beings and can be used for healing, protection, and divine intervention. However, it requires strict moral and ethical adherence.

**Common Celestial Spells:**

- **Healing Light:** Heals wounds and cures diseases.

- **Divine Shield:** Creates a protective barrier that repels dark forces.

- **Smite:** Calls down a beam of divine light to strike enemies, especially effective against dark creatures.

- **Purify:** Cleanses an area or person of curses and dark influences.


- Users must remain pure in heart and intention; corruption or sin can sever their connection to the divine.

- Overuse or misuse can lead to physical and mental exhaustion.

#### 3. **Infernal Magic**

**Infernal Magic** is derived from dark, malevolent sources. It is powerful but corrupting, often involving blood rituals and dark pacts.

**Common Infernal Spells:**

- **Shadow Bolt:** Fires a projectile of dark energy that saps life from the target.

- **Necromancy:** Raises the dead to serve the caster.

- **Curse of Despair:** Inflicts crippling fear and hopelessness on enemies.

- **Soul Drain:** Steals life force from others to empower the caster.


- Users become increasingly corrupted, both physically and spiritually.

- Dark entities may demand increasingly severe sacrifices or control the caster.

- Prolonged use can lead to madness.

#### 4. **The Balance**

A rare few can harness both Celestial and Infernal Magic, but this balance is precarious. These individuals walk a fine line between salvation and damnation, often becoming targets for both divine and infernal forces.

**Key Concepts:**

- **Aura:** A visible manifestation of one's magical alignment. Celestial magic users have a radiant, golden aura, while infernal magic users have a shadowy, crimson aura.

- **Sigils:** Magical symbols used to channel and control spells. Different sigils are used for different types of magic.

- **Relics:** Ancient artifacts imbued with potent magic. They can amplify or dampen magical abilities.

### Application in the Story

- **Ezekiel** believes his visions and powers come from Celestial beings, but they are actually influenced by Infernal forces. His initial use of magic appears righteous but becomes increasingly dark.

- **High Cleric Elara** wields Celestial Magic, using it to heal and protect. Her journey will test her faith and purity.

- **The Sorcerer Mordecai** is a master of Infernal Magic, using it to manipulate and control others. He is deeply corrupted and seeks to plunge the kingdom into darkness.

- **Sir Gavriel** represents the mundane forces of the kingdom, but he may encounter magical relics or allies that assist him in his quest.