
Celestial Grade Demon

In a world where martial arts and cultivation reign supreme, Xia Ping is despised and detested by countless martial arts experts. He is known for his shameless behavior, having stolen martial arts manuals, medicinal pills, and even someone else's fiancée. Xia Ping has earned a reputation as the embodiment of disgrace and a parasite to humanity. The animosity towards Xia Ping runs deep, as he is believed to be the cause of numerous troubles and has defeated many talented individuals from prestigious families. His actions have left him despised and rejected by both humans and gods alike. However, Xia Ping remains unfazed by the hatred directed at him. Instead, he calmly accesses the "Grand Hatred System," a unique interface that allows him to accumulate Hatred Points. With a plethora of options available, Xia Ping contemplates what to exchange his earned points for. Should he obtain saint-grade medicinal pills, the coveted Primordial Pill, or perhaps the peerless martial art skill known as Tathagata Palm? And then there's the allure of the divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. As Xia Ping navigates a world seething with hatred, he faces numerous challenges and adversaries while constantly seeking ways to strengthen himself. Will he rise above the enmity and forge his own path, utilizing the power of the Grand Hatred System to overcome his detractors and carve out a destiny unlike any other?

Godlevelauthor · Action
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7 Chs

The Unyielding Duel

Xia Ping stared at the list in disbelief. Just reading the names of these martial arts techniques indicated their extraordinary power. However, these were all out of his reach, as obtaining billions of hate value seemed like an insurmountable task.

Furthermore, he had only managed to provoke the ire of his entire class and accumulated a mere 120 hate value. The idea of attaining billions seemed distant and unrealistic.

"The host need not worry," the system interjected, seemingly perceiving Xia Ping's concerns. "With continuous effort, hate value will accumulate over time. I believe that acquiring 10 billion hate value is within your reach. Once you obtain that amount, you'll be able to freely purchase all the treasures in the mall."

"Easy for you to say," Xia Ping muttered under his breath. The prospect of attaining 10 billion hate value seemed like a distant dream. With only 120 hate value, he had already become a target of the entire class and earned the enmity of Yang Wei. If he had to wait until he reached 10 billion hate value, he would undoubtedly amass an astronomical number of enemies.

As Xia Ping carefully calculated the implications of accumulating 10 billion hate value, he realized that it would likely make him the object of universal hatred among the Yanhuangxing populace. The thought of the entire planet being his enemy, with countless adversaries seeking revenge and endangering his family, felt overwhelming.

"For now, let's not dwell on it too much," Xia Ping muttered to himself, attempting to ease his concerns. "I don't necessarily need to reach 10 billion hate value. As long as I can acquire what I need, it should suffice. If it's just ordinary items, the offense won't be too significant."

Despite the inherent dangers and potential consequences of the system, Xia Ping recognized its potential to help him ascend to the pinnacle of martial arts if utilized wisely.

"While the host may not be able to afford the expensive items at the moment, the mall does offer some cheaper options that should temporarily meet your requirements," the system reassured.

Upon hearing this, Xia Ping promptly requested, "Arrange the martial arts goods in order of increasing price."

With a resounding thud, the martial arts page transformed, displaying a selection of more affordable martial arts options. The cheapest among them were priced at just five hate points, including basic boxing methods and other widely available martial arts techniques.

"Wait, why does this Five-Shape Boxing require a hundred hate values?" Xia Ping quickly noticed a martial art called Wushuquan, which was inspired by ancient observations of animals such as tigers, vipers, apes, cranes, and even a tyrannosaurus. It was a powerful martial art that encompassed numerous combat techniques and boasted immense strength.

Moreover, it was a mandatory course in school, with every student required to learn it as a basic martial art. However, in the system mall, it was priced at a staggering 100 hate values. This seemed excessively high.

"The martial arts sold by the system are considered treasures and inheritances," the system explained. "Ordinary martial arts require individuals to comprehend, practice diligently, and accumulate experience over time. However, the system offers instant transmission of martial arts skills, embedding them into the host's memory and allowing instantaneous learning. It's as if you have practiced for many years, comparable to a martial arts master."

Xia Ping was taken aback. If that was the case, then it was truly worth the price. Being able to learn instantly meant saving years of arduous training. The advantages were immeasurable.

"I'll purchase it," Xia Ping declared without hesitation.

"Understood, host," the system acknowledged.

As soon as the words were spoken, a surge of warmth enveloped Xia Ping's mind. Suddenly, it felt as if his soul was being drawn into a vast, empty white space.

Under the influence of a mysterious force, Xia Ping's limbs moved as if controlled by an invisible power. He seamlessly transitioned from mimicking the movements of a fierce tiger to those of a venomous viper, a nimble ape, an elegant crane, and even a mighty tyrannosaurus. Each posture was executed flawlessly, as if he had truly transformed into these powerful beasts. His body emanated a fearsome aura, and his fists struck out simultaneously.

With a resounding impact, a gust of wind swept through the air as his fists unleashed a devastating force. The power behind his punches was tremendous.

Continuing in this manner, he practiced within the confines of the white space, dedicating himself to the mastery of the Five-Shape Boxing. He trained tirelessly for what felt like decades, pushing the limits of the martial art until he achieved a supernatural realm.

With a loud crash, the space shattered, and his soul was abruptly pulled back into his physical body.

"Five-Shape Boxing!" Xia Ping clenched his fists, the sound of his knuckles cracking reverberating in the air. His eyes gleamed with a newfound confidence as he exuded the aura of a true martial arts master.

As Xia Ping approached his classroom, he was unexpectedly halted by two individuals. Turning to face them, he recognized the two as Liang Xiaoxue and Jiang Sanru. Liang Xiaoxue, an attractive and petite girl, exuded an air of luxury with her branded attire, hinting at her affluent background. She had always maintained a superior attitude and rarely interacted with her classmates, including Xia Ping.

The other girl, Jiang Sanru, was stunningly glamorous. Her curvaceous figure was accentuated by a tight-fitting white shirt, highlighting her impressive bust. Her lower half was adorned with jeans that accentuated her slender legs, and she wore white shoes that completed her stylish look. Jiang Sanru, often referred to as the class flower, enjoyed great popularity in school due to her exceptional academic performance and martial arts talent. Countless individuals admired her, yearning for her attention.

Additionally, Xia Ping and Jiang Sanru had known each other since childhood, having been neighbors for many years.

"Xia Ping, I heard that you've agreed to a showdown with Xiongba?" Jiang Sanru inquired, her gaze fixed on Xia Ping.

Xia Ping nodded in affirmation. "Yes, that's correct."

Jiang Sanru continued, her tone curious, "How did you end up making such a promise and challenging Xiongba to a fight at the Dragon Station?"

Xia Ping listened to Jiang Sanru's words with a calm expression, his gaze steady. He understood the concerns they had for him, but he had his own reasons for accepting the challenge.

"You may not understand my intentions," Xia Ping replied calmly.

Jiang Sanru's frustration was evident as she grabbed Xia Ping's arm firmly. Her voice filled with anger, she said, "What is there not to understand? Xiong Batian is a dangerous individual. With his fifth-level martial arts cultivation, innate power, and rumored practice of intermediate-level martial arts, his combat prowess is formidable. Even someone at the sixth-level martial arts realm would struggle against him in a fight."

"You, on the other hand, have only reached the third-level martial arts realm. Why would you willingly subject yourself to such potential abuse? Why don't you surrender and give up this foolish duel?"

Xia Ping met Jiang Sanru's gaze, his expression unwavering. "You don't understand," he reiterated.

Jiang Sanru held Xia Ping's arm tightly, her voice filled with anger. "What don't I understand? It's clearly your stubbornness and reckless decision-making. Accepting this duel was a foolish move."

"Do you think I'm not aware of Xiong Batian's strength? Do you think I haven't considered the consequences?" Xia Ping's voice remained calm and determined.

Jiang Sanru's frustration grew, and she continued to argue, "You know that you can't match Xiong Batian's strength. If you step onto Feilongtai, you'll be beaten mercilessly. Why put yourself through this? Is it just for the sake of pride?"

She looked at Xia Ping with disdain, adding, "Even if you don't die on Feilongtai, you may end up seriously injured, requiring expensive medical treatment. Do you want to burden your uncle with more financial strain?"

She was aware of Xia Ping's family background, knowing that they were of modest means. A hefty medical bill would undoubtedly cause them significant hardship.

"This is how men are. Even when they lack the skills, they still insist on pursuing foolish endeavors. Such behavior is not admirable; it's simply foolish," Liang Xiaoxue chimed in, her disdain evident. She despised individuals like Xia Ping who lacked ability yet still acted audaciously. She couldn't understand why she even cared about him in the first place.

Xia Ping continued walking towards the classroom, unfazed by Jiang Sanru's attempts to stop him. He understood that they couldn't comprehend his true abilities. They didn't know that he had already advanced to the fourth level of martial arts and had mastered the Wuzhiquan technique, giving him enough strength to defeat Xiong Batian.

However, he saw no reason to reveal this information. Even if he did, he doubted they would believe him. It was better to let his actions speak for themselves and prove his capabilities.

"In any case, you don't have to concern yourselves. I have my own plans," Xia Ping said dismissively, waving his hand as he passed by Jiang Sanru.