
Celestial Grade Demon

In a world where martial arts and cultivation reign supreme, Xia Ping is despised and detested by countless martial arts experts. He is known for his shameless behavior, having stolen martial arts manuals, medicinal pills, and even someone else's fiancée. Xia Ping has earned a reputation as the embodiment of disgrace and a parasite to humanity. The animosity towards Xia Ping runs deep, as he is believed to be the cause of numerous troubles and has defeated many talented individuals from prestigious families. His actions have left him despised and rejected by both humans and gods alike. However, Xia Ping remains unfazed by the hatred directed at him. Instead, he calmly accesses the "Grand Hatred System," a unique interface that allows him to accumulate Hatred Points. With a plethora of options available, Xia Ping contemplates what to exchange his earned points for. Should he obtain saint-grade medicinal pills, the coveted Primordial Pill, or perhaps the peerless martial art skill known as Tathagata Palm? And then there's the allure of the divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. As Xia Ping navigates a world seething with hatred, he faces numerous challenges and adversaries while constantly seeking ways to strengthen himself. Will he rise above the enmity and forge his own path, utilizing the power of the Grand Hatred System to overcome his detractors and carve out a destiny unlike any other?

Godlevelauthor · Action
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7 Chs


Jiang Yaru felt a mix of awkwardness and the inability to refute this claim. It made sense, and she couldn't find any reasons to dismiss it. Could Xia Ping truly be a hidden deviant?

In the afternoon, as the class came to an end, hardly any students in the 36th class had the concentration to focus on their studies. Their attention was solely directed toward one thing—the impending duel between Xia Ping and Xiong Batian.

The southwest corner of the campus became a hub of activity, with crowds gathering in anticipation. Students who had caught wind of the news rushed to the location, eager to witness the spectacle. They gathered near the dragon station, wearing expressions of excitement.

Xiong Batian had already positioned himself on the dragon platform. He stood there with his eyes closed, regulating his breathing and collecting his energy. His face remained composed, as if he were patiently waiting for Xia Ping.

"Where's the guy who's going to fight the bears? Why are there so many people this time?" One curious student inquired. Having arrived at the scene, he noticed the large crowd but lacked knowledge of the specific details, joining purely for the sake of entertainment.

Another student chimed in, sharing the rumor that had been circulating. "They say it's a student named Xia Ping. Apparently, he only has three days of martial arts training. He decided to challenge Xiong Batian to avenge his friends and came to the dragon station."

"No way! Is that kid out of his mind? Doesn't everyone know that Xiong Batian is the strongest among the Five Heavens of Martial Arts? He possesses natural strength that can send someone to the hospital with just one punch," another student exclaimed in disbelief.

The first student nodded in agreement, still astounded. "Exactly! That kid is simply asking for trouble. There's no doubt that he'll be beaten badly."

The crowd continued to discuss, each expressing their opinion.

"There's no suspense in this battle. The only thing we don't know is how long it will take for Xiong Batian to defeat the kid after a few moves and how long it will take for him to recover from the injuries."

"Everyone's gathered here just to witness how badly the kid will be beaten!"

"In short, the outcome of the fight is obvious. The only thing we're waiting to see is the extent of Xia Ping's defeat and how long it will take for him to heal."

The conversations echoed among the students, filled with anticipation for the impending spectacle.

"Look, Xia Ping has arrived!" a student exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention.

In the distance, they spotted a young student dressed in white. He appeared quite ordinary, except for his remarkably calm eyes. Despite the large crowd surrounding him, there was no trace of panic on his face.

Behind Xia Ping, a group of high-ranking students followed closely. Even after classes had ended, they decided to accompany Xia Ping to the dragon station, eager to witness the event.

"You made it," Xia Ping greeted them calmly.

Xiong Batian opened his eyes and gazed up at Xia Ping, who stood on the dragon platform. A peculiar expression crossed his face. "I thought you would run away, but I see you have the courage to show up. Based on that, I will show you some mercy and only break five of your ribs." He extended his hand, displaying five fingers.

"No need," Xia Ping replied, waving his hand dismissively. "Even if you let go, you couldn't break a single hair on me, let alone anything substantial. If I were at your mercy, you might not be able to handle it."

Xiong Batian's gaze turned cold, and he stared at Xia Ping with disdain. This guy, who was merely a member of the local martial arts trio, dared to boast so arrogantly. He couldn't wait for the fight to begin and show Xia Ping the true meaning of despair. Xiong Batian resolved that he would not show any mercy; he had to teach this kid a lesson so that he would learn to respect the power of the strong.

Hearing Xia Ping's audacious words, the surrounding students were left speechless. They had come to the dragon station expecting to witness a severe beating, but Xia Ping's boldness left them astonished. They wondered if he would be able to back up his claims or if he had simply deluded himself into false confidence.

Gao Pei and Yang Wei, observing from a distance, sneered. They eagerly awaited the moment when Xia Ping would be defeated by Xiong Batian. They anticipated not only his loss in the fight but also the subsequent humiliation that would lead to his arrest as a deviant.

Yang Wei felt his lungs will collapse if he stayed any minute longer with this mongrel, so without delay he asked: "Xia Ping are you in or out?"

Gao Qiong mockingly said: "Xia Ping, don't tell me you are afraid now. All mouth and no trousers."

Xia Ping nonchalantly said: "I am worried about you both

Yang Wei interrupted Xia Ping and pressed his SCAD (student computer assistive device); "There is no need for you to worry about us, here sign up this contract so one cannot go back on his words."

A virtual appeared in front of Xia Ping containing all the details regarding his bet with Yang Wei and Gao Qiong. Xia ping knows gambling can be sectioned in Yan Huang and violation of its may result in punishment by the law.

"Sign up this contract with your SCAD." Gao Qiong promptly said.

SCAD is a device which contains all information regarding about its user-like general information about the user, such as, name, age birth-date, home address, name of the school and school enrollment number, martial arts realm of the user. bank accounts etc. Thus SCAD is an all purpose device in the Yan Huang.

The moment Xia Ping's signed the contract with its own SCAD, the contract becomes legal. Yang Wei and Gao Qiong both heaved a sigh of relief and a blooming smile appeared on their faces as they thought Xia Ping future, this kid will not only be brutally beaten by Tyrant Bear but also had to streaked in public.

Jiang Rú, observing Xia Ping signing the foolish contract, was taken aback. She couldn't comprehend how someone could agree to such a ridiculous thing. Had this kid lost his mind?

Liang Xue, with a hint of disgust, commented, "Rú, don't be so surprised. I read online that there are individuals who have peculiar desires and develop unusual habits. It seems that Xia Ping enjoys streaking in public. Perhaps his inner cravings are finally being fulfilled."

"What?!" Jiang Rú exclaimed in disbelief.

Meanwhile, at the southwest corner of the campus, a large crowd of students gathered near the battleground.

"Hey, Tyrant, who are you fighting this time? Why are there so many people here?" an uninformed male student inquired. The news of the impending showdown between Xia Ping and Tyrant Bear had spread throughout the entire school, attracting a multitude of spectators.

A student with curly hair responded, "Brother, where have you been? How could you not know about this? Xia Ping is about to face off against Tyrant Bear!"

The discussion among the students escalated as they shared their thoughts on Xia Ping and the upcoming fight.

"This Xia Ping must be out of his mind! Only someone insane would dare to fight against Tyrant Bear with just third-level refining body strength."

"That kid must have the worst luck! Tyrant Bear never shows mercy."

"Xia Ping has some serious guts! It's unbelievable."

Just then, a student shouted, "Xia Ping is here!"

All eyes turned as an unassuming young man in a white shirt strolled down the alley. He didn't possess a muscular physique or a strikingly handsome face, yet there was something captivating about him—Xia Ping's eyes. Deep and mysterious, they seemed to hold the depth of an ocean.

Tyrant Bear's eyes snapped open, and he sneered. "Well, well, I didn't expect you to actually show up, boy. I must admit, I admire your courage. I'll be kind enough to show you some mercy by only breaking five of your bones."

With a calm demeanor, Xia Ping replied, "I would advise you to give it your all. Otherwise, you won't even be able to harm a single strand of my hair."

"Arrogant!" Tyrant Bear's face turned red with anger.

Upon hearing Xia Ping's audacious words, many students were left speechless. This kid truly had no fear of death. Far away, Gao Qiong and Yang Wei couldn't contain their laughter, finding immense amusement in the situation.

"Teacher, let the duel commence," Xiong Ba Tian said, turning to the referee—a teacher dressed in white sportswear standing beside him. The teacher was responsible for overseeing the duel and ensuring that both parties adhered to the rules without causing any excessive damage.

The referee nodded and said, "Very well, let the duel begin. However, remember not to cross the line of endangering one another's lives. If that happens, I will intervene immediately." He cast a stern glance at the bear bully.