
Celestial God:King

Mexican_King · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Underestimation and Prejudice

The victory over the adversaries had brought a renewed sense of hope and unity to Cove Academy. The students reveled in their accomplishments, basking in the knowledge that their abilities and determination had triumphed against all odds. However, amidst the celebration, an unsettling truth lingered—underestimation and prejudice.

As the news of the students' victory spread throughout Crystalia, many in the world outside the academy struggled to reconcile the notion that mere mortals had bested formidable opponents. They dismissed their triumph as luck or a fluke, refusing to acknowledge the depth of their talent and the immense effort they had put into their training.

The students felt the weight of this prejudice bearing down on them, a constant reminder that their accomplishments were devalued by those who refused to see beyond their preconceived notions. It was as if the world could not comprehend the idea that these seemingly ordinary individuals possessed the strength and potential to rival the gods themselves.

King, ever perceptive, noticed the frustration and disillusionment growing among his students. He understood the sting of underestimation all too well, having faced it himself during his time as a god. He knew that to overcome this hurdle, the students needed to rise above the limitations imposed upon them and prove their worth on their own terms.

Gathering the students in the academy's grand auditorium, King addressed them with unwavering conviction. "You have shown the world what you are capable of, but now it is time to go beyond their expectations. Do not let their underestimation define you. Show them the true extent of your power, your determination, and your unwavering spirit."

Inspired by King's words, the students channeled their frustration into a burning resolve. They immersed themselves in their studies, honing their skills to unparalleled levels. They trained tirelessly, pushing the boundaries of their magic, and delving into uncharted realms of power.

Word of their relentless pursuit of excellence spread, and whispers of their astonishing growth reached even the most skeptical ears. Slowly but surely, the world began to take notice, realizing that the students of Cove Academy were not to be underestimated.

In a world where gender roles had been flipped, the students faced an additional layer of prejudice. Society's expectations and biases cast a shadow over their accomplishments, as some believed that they were inherently inferior due to their gender. But the students refused to be defined by societal norms. They shattered the limitations imposed upon them, proving that true strength transcended gender and that their abilities knew no bounds.

Their unwavering determination and the brilliance of their achievements began to erode the walls of prejudice. The world saw the students of Cove Academy not as mere mortals, but as extraordinary individuals who possessed the potential to shape the future of Crystalia.

With each accolade, each groundbreaking discovery, and each display of their extraordinary powers, the students shattered the misconceptions that had plagued them. They emerged as beacons of inspiration, not only for their fellow students but for all who dared to dream of a world where one's worth was determined by their own merits rather than societal biases.