

"I forgot my socks at your mother's house. Can we just fight?" Kansuke cracked his knuckles and nodded his head at the Grey Caped Referee. "After all, I think you're mentally ill. I'll fix it when I hit you hard in the face."

"Oh, so you think you'll beat me?" Kazou laughed, anticipating his smart remarks. "Do you realize I'm a level 38 Gene Elementalist? What are you going to do? Pee on me with that little toy in your pants?"

"Little?" Kansuke laughed, completely confident in his package. "I think both your mother and father know how large in scope this devastating wand is in my pants."

"My father?" Kazou replied, cracking his knuckles. "My father left me when I was born! I've been looking for him for ten years so I could crush his tiny skull and make him pay for turning my mother into a prostitute!"

"Well, you found him." Kansuke replied, summoning his Fire Plum Pillar. "If you want to know why I left, it's because your mother's pussy wasn't deep enough."

"Agh! No one mocks my mother's depth!" Kazou infuriatingly looked at the judge. "Did you say we can start yet? After all, I've been waiting to kill my father forever!"

"You're not believing what I just said, right?" Kansuke could tell he really thought he became his father. "What else did your mother do to you when you're young?"

"Judge? Wave your hand!" Kazou ignored Kansuke, staring to fume from his head. "Let me show you why the Blue Fire Army chose me as the captain of the next generation!"

"Is it because you're my son?" Kansuke kept the joke going, "I'm sorry, but you asked for my socks, so I had to at least retort. You don't really think I'm your father do you?"

"Die daddy!" Kazou had a habit of imagining his father when he pursued the pinnacle of combat. At the same time, he activated a level 10 Physical Gene Element, Flame Skin Wheel, and dropped his head towards the ground. Beginning to spin in circles, Kansuke began to feel conflicted about what exactly he was up against.

Normally, when he banged Chise and Michi, he wouldn't spin in cicles a lot, but when he pierced Isobe Nao a fierce domination battle would ensue on the bed. After pushing her against the bed, she'd push back and use her elbows to joist him on his side, sometimes shoving her tight pussy onto him in unbelievable angles.

However, he'd usually get sick after that domination session, and would eventually have no choice but to pin down her stripped thighs and take control. On the other hand, Kazou seemed to be spinning a thousand times a minute, as Kansuke used his Imperial Fire Steps to distance himself.

At this time, he only used the first level of the Imperial Fire Arts thinking he'd have an easy time against this corpulent opponent. However, he soon bulleted across the ground, leaving a darkened astral like trail, arriving instantly in front of Kansuke as he stepped on the side of the ring.

"You lose! You lose!" Kazou said, his head positioned near his butt. "Die! It's time for you to die!"


Kazou and the Fire Plum Pillar crashed causing a loud sound to ring through the stadium and shock the audience. Bloom, who'd just gotten fully dressed, walked out and gasped with her wet nipples showing through her florid bra and loose white t-shirt.

She never expected to see Kansuke be hit back by anyone, and watching him skid to the floor, she immediately screamed at the top of her lungs.

"No pussy tonight unless you win!" She crossed her arms and nodded her head. "Our man has already claimed all the angels in the heavens! How can he lose to such a puffy shrimp!"


Kansuke glided against the floor before wiping off the side of his mouth. Truthfully, he just wanted to test his strength against Kazou's charge after reaching level 26. Celestial Fire Dragons were known for their physical prowess in and out of the sack, and even with the blood dripping from the side of his mouth, his smile only grew more bright and profound.

He estimated with his draconic form he'd easily be able to pierce a hole directly through an Ice Orchard Tree, meaning even a level 45 Gene Elementalist might not be his match in strength.

Satisfied with his new found knowledge, suddenly his Light Blaze Claws flared out and assailed the approaching fire roly-poly as it speed towards his position. Causing multiple dents in the ground, tiles flew up into the air before that strange circular figure was once again in his face!


Kansuke didn't hold back and launched his Light Blaze Claws directly towards the window to Kazou's head that had been wrapped so neatly beneath his tummy. The two forces soon breached and a large bang spread out into the arena, causing Bloom to smirk happily as she nodded her head.

"I knew my pussy would bring him to victory," Bloom pushed Gerald's arm, as he marveled at the match. "By the way, are your sisters coming over tonight?"

"Ugh, only the smart one. The dumb one is undergoing surgery today…" Gerald avoided looking down at those cute tits in fear of Kansuke's wrath. "However, did Kansuke really teach her the Imperial Fire Steps? I still don't believe it."

"He's really good with his mind and his cock," Bloom responded cheerily, watching Kazou pierce onto the other side of the stage. The Light Blaze Claws had clearly taken a toll on his confidence, and he saw six versions of Kansuke nearing his face.

"No, please father! Please! Don't punish me! Please! Don't you know how hard you made my life?"

Kansuke shook his head, putting his foot an inch away from his face.


Suddenly, that same foot crashed rampantly into Kazou's head sending him flying off the stage.

"There, you happy? You got a taste of my socks…"

Kansuke wiped off his hands and jumped off the stage, the entire audience in shocked at this result! How did a level 26 Gene Elementalist beat a Level 38 Gene Elementalist of the same element! It literally made no sense, and the entire audience split between applause and staunch silence.

However, one man, in a white mask, clapped before brashly interrupting his descent from the center of attention.

"Well, since our opponents stand no chance against us, why don't we fight right now?"

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