(A few minutes before)
God was feeling good. How could he not at the moment? He just defeated the two Heavenly Dragons, there bloodied bodies lying on the ground. Granted he did have to form a temporary alliance with the Devils and Fallen Angels, but he worked that into his favor.
The Three Factions are currently at war. Tensions have broken past the limit of no return and conflict soon arose. It's been about a hundred years since the initial battle and God thinks that it is safe to say that the Angels are winning this war.
When the Heavenly Dragons were fighting and trampled onto the Three Factions battlefield, they responded in kind by attacking them. Now while God may not like the Fallen Angels and the Devils, his hatred for Dragons exceeded that dislike.
Although he isn't the Chief God for nothing. Even though the three sides were fighting together didn't mean that he had to save any other non-pure Angel. His brethren agreed as well. As a result, at the end of this battle with the two dragons the Devils lost two of their Maou—Leviathan and Asmodeus—and a very good amount of troops. While the Fallen Angels and Angels only lost about two hundred troops.
However, the Fallen Angels lacked a strong motive. As time continued the leaders of the Fallen Angels are starting to think about backing out of the war. Not that God would let them that is.
God's motive in life is that: "The wicked deserve to be punished and I will be their jury, judge, and executioner if need be."
So as God stood in front of these two beasts and he gazed down at their eyes with a smug look on his countenance…he couldn't help but chuckle internally. Raising his mighty Excalibur above his head he thought of what he would do with these monstrosities.
'Let's see…I know. I can create two more Sacred Gears that I have done. They just need to be released, but with these two I can make two more Longinus class ones. Oh yeah that sounds good enough. Then after that it won't be hard to persuade some humans to join my side against the Fallen and Devils. Once I regain all my power…I'm going to kill that beast…Great Red…kukuku…' God thought with a wicked smirk before directing it towards the two dragons.
"Any last words…beasts?" One of the dragons, a sixty-meter red western dragon with crystalline green eyes huffed violently and glared at the man.
"Yeah I do. Why don't you go fuck yourself?" The other dragon, a white western dragon of the same length and two golden horns along with baby blue eyes grunted in agreement.
"For once I am actually agreeing with you, Ddraig."
"Oh? That makes me feel all warm inside, Albion." The red dragon, Ddraig, said sarcastically at its counterpart.
"You little— "
"Silence, mongrels! Just die like the worthless scum that you are!" With that the Biblical God swung his sword Ddraig, who looked at the oncoming blade unflinching.
It wasn't until a black flash appeared in front of the red dragon that it moved its head back a bit. God, clearly thinking that he could cleave right through whoever dared to intercept him, was utterly stumped when he felt something grab his sword. Looking up slightly he saw a man wearing a black trench coat with matching pants and combat boots. The unknown man had a hood on that obscured most of his face except his eyes.
The Biblical God's eyes widened as he saw the man was holding his sword with only one hand and no matter how much the deity tried to power through the sudden obstacle, the sword didn't even budge.
The first thing Issei did when he teleported himself in front of God was glare at the man in cold fury. Just minutes prior he had heard the angel leader regard the two dragoness's as beast and scum which only proved to cement his growing loathe towards the 'Chief God'.
Before he appeared in front of the Biblical God, he set his face in a calm mask and his eyes became cold and calculating. He usually went into this 'mode' when he was in any sort of fight whether lethal or not. Issei will admit that his personality does do a whole one hundred and eighty degrees when he is like this, kind of like how he was when he first came into this dimension.
Glaring coldly at God his eyes went past the old bearded man and saw members of the Three Factions. All of them were divided as Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils with some having less numbers that others.
"Who are you?" God asked in a threatening tone and Issei glided his eyes to him lazily.
"Who I am? Don't worry about it. Now what I want to know is why were you about to kill these two dragons behind me?" Issei already knew why the Biblical God wanted to kill them, but he wanted to anger the man before him. Judging by his face, Issei was doing a good job at doing so.
God bristled angrily at the obvious defiance from this man. Who was he to defy him? He was God! The most powerful of all the Chief Gods! He was going to make this heathen pay for disobeying him and maybe he will humiliate him in front of the two dragons to utterly destroy any hope they may have got when they saw him.
"Listen here, boy, those two dragons are nothing but scum like the rest of their species."
"Hehehe…" Issei chuckled darkly as his aura flared to life causing the air to get thicker. "Such a rotten attitude you have. I think someone needs to kick you off of that mountain that you put yourself on." He pushed the sword over to the side and launched forward with an uppercut to God's abdomen, eliciting both a mix of blood and saliva as well as a pained cry.
A shockwave was produced from the hit and God was sent reeling back at breakneck speeds while tumbling the whole way. The angel leader finally seemed to get his feet from under him as he skidded about another hundred feet before stopping.
Issei clicked his tongue before turning around and looking at the Heavenly Dragons. Reaching his hands out to the both of them, they moved their heads back before putting them forward. When his hands finally touched they felt their wounds heal and widened their eyes. After a few more seconds he pulled back his hands and looked at their wounds and nodded to himself.
"So care to tell me what two lovely ladies are doing here in the first place?" Ddraig and Albion felt their faces heat up, although much more noticeable in Albion's case, and averted their eyes from their savior.
"W-Well…we were both fighting and wound up here." Ddraig said as she slowly stood up from her downed position.
"Then they started to attack us and we weren't going to take it sitting down so we attacked them back. Wait, how did you know we were female. That is unless you're a…" Albion trailed off as she stood up also and looked at Issei with her head tilted to one side.
"You're right. I'm a dragon so I can smell that you both are female." Came his nonchalant reply which brought their blushed back full force.
"D-D-Don't say it like that!" The red dragon yelled, but just got a smirk in return.
"Guuh, you didn't have to be so blunt about it…"
"Issei-kun…" Turning his head to his right he saw Tiamat with her hood up. If he couldn't see her face, then he would've noticed her twitching eyebrow.
"Right on the dot, Tia-chan."
"Tia-chan? As in Tiamat? The Chaos Karma Dragon?" Albion questioned and Ddraog nodded.
"Hey, Ddraig…Albion, how are you two doing?"
"Fantastic, I mean it's not every day that you get cut with dragon-slaying magic and then almost die."
"Ddraig, you damn smartass." Tiamat growled and Issei couldn't help but chuckle at the two.
"Now, now, Tia-chan you know what to do. Bring the two to where we were before coming down here and take this." Reaching into his pocket, he extracted a piece of paper that had a black rune on it. "Slap this onto the ground and a barrier will erect itself. Don't move from there and enjoy the show." Nodding her head, Tiamat put a hand on the two dragons and teleported them to their previous location.
"Hey, boy!" Issei groaned and turned back around to see God with a blonde man with blue eyes standing next to him. Glancing once more to the three dragon's location he was glad to know that the barrier was already up.
"Oh, came back for more?" He smirked at God, not that he could see due to his hood. That made the Biblical God fume in anger but before he could respond, Issei spoke up once more.
"Now I'm pretty sure that you all know where this is going, so I will say this only once…anyone who doesn't want to get killed or critically injured, retreat now." Scanning his eyes from the three factions he waited for a few moments before a loud sigh was heard.
"This is a better time than any to say this, I guess. We, The Fallen Angels, hereby withdraw from the war." A man in his twenties spoke up from his respective side. He had black hair and golden bangs as well as a black goatee. He also had twelve jet-black feathered wings, signifying that he was a fallen angel.
"Azazel, you coward! An enemy is right in front of us yet you want to run!" A young man with black hair and pointy ears hollered. Unlike Azazel this fallen angel only had ten black wings along with pale skin and bloodshot eyes.
"Kokabiel…" Azazel sighed tiredly and rubbed his eyes. "We lost a good number of troops during this war and unlike the Angels and Devils our population is limited. Nothing you say or do will change my decision. Don't forget who the leader of the Grigori is." Kokabiel ground his teeth together before giving an angry huff and turning away. Azazel gave a signal and a giant magic circle appeared underneath them and their army. Once they were gone Issei turned his attention back to the Angels and Devils.
"Anyone else…?" The only thing he got was silence in return. "Alright then."
As soon as the last word left his mouth the combined group of devils and angels, totaling to about five hundred troops, all charged up their respective magic or –in the angel's case—light spears. Then about two hundred soldiers of their joint armies came charging at him with light swords and metal lances.
Looking down at his hand he gently clenched it and an amused smirk marred his obscured face.
"It's time I reveal myself to the supernatural world…" The oncoming volley of projectiles and soldiers came within fifty feet off him before a giant burst of power sent them all sailing backwards.
The Biblical God was in the process of trying to steady himself from the sudden increase, although it wasn't long before a massive pressure fell over him and everyone present. Fumbling to his hands and knees, he looked ahead to see the man cladded in black release a monstrous aura compared to the small bit he let out upon his arrival.
Yet, it was the power itself that scared him despite the increasing size. Covering the area like a thick miasma, it was black in color but it also reflected a variety of colors both dark and light. Orange, blue, gold, silver, ruby, purple, and so forth shimmered and gleamed while the obsidian color was still there.
God suddenly realized why the man's power was so terrifying. It was because it felt undiluted, raw, pure, and dare he say infinite.
However, God was not the only one who felt the shiver of fear, in fact all around the planet the deities of different factions felt that same dread creep up on them. With Issei's aura still growing that it spread to the rest of the planet while covering it like a blanket, it made him stand out. Just like he wanted.
"Zzzz….Zzzz…Zzzz…Zzz-huh?" A large serpent like dragon mumbled in confusion as it opened its amber eyes groggily. Looking around it lifted its head slightly and observed the surrounding landscape. Several fish seemed to stop dead in their tracks before swimming away in fear. Tilting its head in confusion, the dragon gave a long yawn before swimming up towards the surface of the ocean.
"*Yawn*, what is that enormous energy…it feels familiar…" The dragon spoke softly as it seemed to slither upwards. When it finally peeked its head out of the water, its eyes widened considerably. A black aura with multiple shimmering colors seemed to expand across the sunny sky until it completely blocked out any light from the star. Day instantly seemed to turn into night, but instead of feeling any sort of fear, the dragon smiled and went back down to its resting spot.
Gently getting comfortable the dragon put its head down on the soft sand and couldn't help but chuckle softly.
"Fufu, Ise-kun must be revealing himself…I have to make plans to visit him in the future, but first…Zzzz…" The dragon said in a very feminine voice before dozing back into sleep.
"Such a boring fight, none of them seem to match up to him." A woman's voice rang out through a quiet and decrepit village. Several of houses were set ablaze with a raging fire while bodies littered the streets. Based on their bat-like wings they were obviously devils.
However, right in the middle of the village was a giant pile of dead bodies filled with men, women, and children. Sitting on top of the pile was the woman in question. Adorning a black overcoat with golden ornaments, a plain black shirt, a pair of formfitting black jeans, and black knee high combat boots that had two golden buckles on the back side, the woman looked both intimidating and stunning.
She swiped a strand of black and gold hair from her face and peered at the corpses with her mismatched eyes. Her left eye was black while her other was the same shade of gold as her hair. The morning sun reflected off of her pale skin, but the dissatisfied frown on her lips didn't go away.
"*Sigh*, I should leave before the devils come to my loca—" Giving off her surprised sound she snapped her gaze at the sky which instantly darkened as a familiar miasma covered the atmosphere. Instantly recognizing the aura, she let out an eager grin and stood up from her spot on the dead bodies.
"My, my Issei-kun…you really got strong since the last time I met you. That time when you saved me from Lugh…that demanding presence you gave off and the glimpse I got at your power. It seems I'm going to have to step up my training if I want to stand on equal ground with you." Dusting off her clothes, she narrowed her eyes at the miasma before tilted her head.
"Why are you still suppressing your power, I wonder. Hmph, either way once I get stronger I will make sure to court you. Until then, Issei-kun." Giving once last smile, she disappeared in a golden flash.
"Grr! When will you give up?! It should be obvious that you can't beat me!" Great Red roared in anger as she dodged a black/violet beam before blasting a red energy beam in return.
"Baka-Red, I will kill you." A woman in her forties with black hair and emotionless gray eyes said in a monotone voice. In addition, she was wearing a gothic Lolita outfit. Dodging the red blast, she manifested about a dozen snakes and sent them to Great Red.
"You damn brat!" Great Red hollered and swiped her wing at the snakes, which dispelled them into a smoky haze. "Ophis, how long do you want to keep this up. I will kill you this time."
"It, doesn't matter, I will, always come back, to kill you, Bitch-Red. You, stole my home." The woman, now Ophis, stated and just as she was about to send another attack the Dimensional Gap started to shake as an unknown aura creeped in. The two dragons ceased their fight and instead looked around as the aura seemed to cover the iridescent landscape.
"Such a…strange, yet powerful aura." The Ouroboros Dragon mused to herself while Great Red was in shock.
'That aura…no doubt that is Issei-kun. I knew he got stronger but I never thought he was this strong? Damn, is his intention to reveal himself or something?' Current fight now forgotten, Great Red caused a large tear to rip in the space next to her and centered in on Issei's location. The image blinked before displaying said man standing across the angels and devils army, who were looking at him with a fearful look.
Looking around she saw the Chaos Karma Dragon and the Two Heavenly Dragons standing up on a dirt hill, although they seemed to be unaffected by the power output. Without any indication, Issei's ever-increasing aura sucked back into his body and vanished without any sort of trace.
"How, interesting. Who, is this person?" Ophis asked herself but then noticed a flash of worry and curiosity cross over Great Red's eyes. Narrowing her eyes, at the True Dragon before her face became emotionless once more and looked at the image with interest.
"W-Who are you…?" The Biblical God asked with a slight stutter at Issei, who cracked his knuckles.
"Like I said you don't need to know. Now where we were again? Oh yes, the fight. Well, give me your best shot…let's hope you don't disappoint me…" Issei muttered the last part to himself as the angels and devils all took a defensive stance albeit shaky as they may be. Noticing this, he chuckled darkly at them.
"Yare, yare, I didn't even attack yet and you are already trembling in your shoes? Wow, let's hope you can survive…although don't blame me for you dying. You should blame yourself for your own arrogance since you neglected to call your remaining troops from your home bases. And also for your own weakness." Smirking coldly at the now terrified devil and angel troops. Stretching out his right hand a black portal opened up and he sent his hand in. Finding what he was looking for, he wrapped his hand around it and withdrew it from the portal, which disappeared as soon as his hand was fully out.
In his hand was a sheathed sword that gave off power that seemed primal. The sheathe was a deep ebony, that seemed to absorb any light that was reflected onto it, and the handle was the same color as the sheathe but was decorated in red jewels. Switching hands so the three foot and a half long sword was situated in his left hand, he gently the handle with his right.
"This is a sword of my own creation…and you all will be the test to see if it is just as I anticipated it to be." Swiftly withdrawing the sword from its sheathe, he put it on his left hip before pointing the black blade at the angels and devils. Giving one last smirk he instantly vanished leaving a loud shockwave in his wake.
Appearing right in front of the nearest angel, Issei swiped his sword in an upward diagonal fashion and successfully split the angel in two. Ignoring the bewildered looks being sent his way, he charged another angel and decapitated him and it was then that the coalition army seemed to break out of their stupor. Surrounding him in a circle, Issei can be seen slicing and dicing angels and devils that dared crossed his path.
However, as he stated previously they were mere obstacles in his way to God, who was stationed on the outskirts of the circle.
Parrying a swing from a light sword, Issei punched the man in the face and sent him flying back to the fray. Turning around he deflected two swings from a pair of devils and stabbed one of them while he grabbed the other one by the throat with his unoccupied hand. Wrenching his sword free from the now dead body, he jerked his left hand and a crack was heard from the devil's gullet that he was holding.
Without looking Issei stepped to the side and grabbed a light spear that was sent his way and charged some of his power into it. The spear instantly glowed in a white light, but also let off a dark color as well. Throwing the spear at a group of devils and angels, it exploded and they were instantly vaporized in the blast. It was then that he spotted an opening in the crowd that lead to God, he ran full-force at the deity.
Swinging at any opposition that came across his path, he ducked and flipped over any stray swords or projectiles until he saw that he was surrounded once more. Two figures stepped up towards him and Issei made note that they had twelve devil wings.
'Lucifer and Beelzebub….' Issei identified them as they both brandished their weapons or in Beelzebub's case, magic.
"Well, well, you sure are strong to take down a good portion of our army let alone only using your sword." Lucifer stated as he wiped some of his silver hair from his eyes.
"I agree, but you reign ends here." Beelzebub followed up while Issei just looked at the two Maou's in boredom.
"Yeah, okay…" Issei spoke sarcastically and his left arm was then completely enveloped in blue, sparkling lightning. The lightning quickly changed colors to a white/black and he slammed his electricity clad fist into the ground. Unable to handle the pressure, the surface cracked violently while the electricity flowed through the opening fissure. The pained cries of devils and angels that were caught in the lightning based attack were apparent, but luckily some of the army—including the Biblical God and the last two Maou's—took to the skies. Ignoring the slowly disintegrating angels/devils, Issei looked at God before yawning to himself.
'Wow…I'm bored with these small fry…might as well end it as quickly as possible I guess…' Grinning at the thought, Issei launched himself at the two Maou's before instantly vanishing from view midway to his destination. Looking all around their point of view, the two Maou's were curious as to where Issei went before they widened their eyes and looked up.
"He was above…!" Beelzebub exclaimed as Issei was already in the motion for a downward strike. Swinging down his sword with unsurpassable speeds, Issei used some of his powers to further enhance the effect of the strike. Finishing his strike, the space towards the last Maou's shimmered before a loud burst of wind sent them propelling down to the Earth. Although whether or not that was the best option is arguable.
His power-enhanced strike reached the ground as well and split open the already deep crack in the crust of the planet while also widening it to unimaginable proportions. Dirt and rock spewed from the crack as globs of molten hot lava can be seen bubbling at the very bottom. Disappearing in a black flash, Issei reappeared on the edge of the enormous crack and looked down to see the two Maou's hanging on to the side, both heavily injured from that one stroke.
"It seems that your reign ends here…" Issei smirked at the two before twirling his sword and sticking in the ground with a loud thud. Straightaway, the lava that was stationed at the bottom of the crevice rushed towards the surface and spewed in the air about twenty meters high. As quickly as it came was as fast as it disappeared leaving not even ash of the two Maou. Lifting his sword from the ground, he turned to the about a hundred to two hundred still standing soldiers. The rest were either dead or unconsciousness.
"H-He killed Lucifer-sama!"
"A-And Beelzebub-sama too!"
"Screw this, I'm out of here!" Some of the devils yelled out in obvious fear and made transportation circles and disappeared. Turning to the left over angels, Issei grinned and charged at the flying Biblical God. Appearing in the angel leader's blind spot, he sent an ax kick to the man, who just barely put his hands up in defense. Rocketing to the ground, God groaned and held onto his sword tighter before he felt himself get lifted off the ground by front of his white armor.
"You unhand God right this instant!" The golden haired man, Michael if Issei remembered correctly, screamed and charged up a light sword to the max and lunged at Issei.
Feeling something bounce off his body, Issei could only chuckle in mirth at the Seraph's shocked expression. Slamming the pommel of his sword into the angel's head, Issei put back his attention to God.
"Oya, oya! Such a weak attack. I expected more of a Seraph, but then again you I'm not surprised." He stated in cold amusement while the rest of the angels could do nothing but be frozen in fear.
"Release me, some who is nothing more than dragon-loving scum isn't fit to touch me!" God bellowed angrily but Issei merely laughed a bit.
"Arrogant to the end…how predictable…" Just as he was about to raise his sword to stab the Biblical God, Issei felt a fist wrench itself in his gut. Looking down to see God's fist imbued with light energy, he raised in eyebrow. Slamming the deity into the ground, creating a large crater as a result, he sheathed his sword before stepping a few feet from the downed God.
"Why don't we settle this like men? An old-fashioned fist fight."
"Ha! It's your funeral either way, but I would have to reject!" God grinned as golden magic circles appeared all around Issei's immediate vicinity. Pouring out of the circles were angels by the hundreds, all coming to defend their God from harm. As if on que the newly assembled angel force created light spears and trained it on him. Issei just smirked but before he could begin to wrap up this fight a golden haired female pushed her way through the crowd of angels.
"Gabriel! What are you doing here?! You are supposed to remain in Heaven at all times!" God said in a calm tone, but it held anger. Seeing that one of the Seraphs has entered their trajectory the angels momentarily lowered their spears and motioned for some to round up the ones that were still alive and also Michael, who was unconscious.
"Stop this!" Gabriel hollered at Issei, blue eyes pleading for him to listen. "You can't kill God! If he dies, then who will lead the humans?! Who will lead them to peace and prosperity?! Everything we do, if for the greater good of humanity and the supernatural world! Can't you see that?!"
"Oh? Is that so? And pray tell who is going to stop me from doing so?" He asked rhetorically to which Gabriel instinctively grimaced, clearly expecting him to back down from the fight.
"Think about it logically. If you kill God, then the other factions will no doubt attack the angel faction. Not to mention that they will go after you as a way to challenge themselves. How will you avoid conflict with the other races?" The busty, golden haired beauty stated and Issei was silent for a few seconds and put a hand on his shadowed face.
"He…he…hehe…he…hehehe…hehehehahahahahaha! Ahahahahahaha!" Issei laughed as his aura burst back into existence with a vengeance and gravity seemed to increase as they were all sent to the floor—again in God's case.
"Your naivety is amusing, little crow! 'How will I avoid conflict with the other factions?' you say? It's simple. It's fear. Too think that one emotion could do so much, but I can. Fear can lead you to avoid conflict and turn the other way. As to your faction…why would I care about the Angel Faction. To be honest, I don't give a damn about what happens to you all. If you are scared of other factions attacking you, then get stronger!" Issei glared at the Seraph and walk forward until he was looming over her kneeling position.
"I can't stand people like you. Or rather women like you. If you don't like something, then stop pleading and begging and do something about it. Instead of cursing your own misfortune, you should get stronger to overcome that obstacle. However, I should commend you for being so brave enough to throw yourself in the midst of a fight. So for your courage, you don't have to watch your God die." Cutting off her supply of oxygen momentarily, Issei used the gravity around him and threw her body like a ragdoll towards the assembled angels. Looking back at God, he relented the increased gravity on the bearded man and grinned, clearly not caring if the woman was caught or not.
"Now where were we? Oh that's right, I was going to kill you." The Biblical God brandished his sword Excalibur and charged at Issei. Side stepping a swing from the blade and then ducking under another, Issei practically played with the deity. Slapping away a light spear that was sent his way, he tensed his body as a wide strike was sent his way. Moving his body at the last second, Issei grabbed onto God's arm and punched the elbow with enough force to pop the joint from the socket.
"Aaaaah!" The deity screamed out in pain as he looked down and saw that his bone has broken through his skin. Grinding his teeth in anger the Biblical God took Excalibur in his other hand and proceeded to swing in fury.
"Your movements are getting sloppier, Biblical God. Is this all the 'Chief Deity' can do?" Issei asked with a smirk and was rewarded with even more wild swings. His body suddenly disappeared in a flash and God instantly felt his left leg explode in pain. Uttering another cry of pain, he looked down to see that the limb below the knee was gone and leaking blood profusely. Using his sword as a cane, God turned around and saw Issei standing there casually.
"You know this is probably nothing compared to the pain you caused when you killed all those dragons. While may have been justified, most were clearly out of spite."
"They are nothing but scum—"
"Shut up." Issei's voice hardened and he stalked his way to God and caught the sword in his hands. Then, Excalibur glowed white signaling that God was inputting his power into it. Seeing that he was trying to strengthen Excalibur, Issei charged up his hands with dark energy which ate away at God's light energy.
"W-What?" The deity muttered in confusion as his sword lost its glow. It was then that he heard something that he never thought he would hear.
The sound of a sword breaking.
Snapping his attention to Excalibur, God was completely slack jawed when he saw spider web cracks appear on his prided sword.
"For a sword known to be one of the strongest, it sure does break easily." Issei muttered to himself and applied more pressure till he heard the sound of definite breaking. Snapping the sword into several pieces, he delivered a roundhouse kick to God's face. The result was that the leader of Heaven was sent flying back until Issei appeared in his path and gave a sharp elbow right to his stomach that sent him to the ground once more. Another crater was formed as the Biblical God coughed up a large amount of blood.
Groaning in pain, God tried to pull himself up but found a foot on his only good hand. Before he could speak, a resounding crack was heard as his hand broke. Issei didn't waste in anytime in throwing a flurry of punches at the downed deities face, each punch generating even more blood than the last. By the end of it, God's right eye was completely swelled shut and blood was now leaking from his nose and mouth. Grabbing the man by his throat, Issei held him up for the angels to see and was met by horrorstricken gasps. It was then that he suddenly smirks when he felt someone watching him and looked all around the area and found nigh-invisible magic circles with different crests on them.
"Hello, leaders of the other factions." Issei began as his gaze lingered on a single tear in the space for a little while longer. "My name is not something that you need to know. You see I have been among you all and I saw some things that irked me. For some reason, you all find it favorable to slaughter innocent dragons…yet for what reason I do not know." Holding up God even higher in the air he narrowed his eyes a bit at the unseen audience.
"Your heroes in your mythology kill dragons without giving a damn about who you are killing. Almost as if it is they get some prize for killing the dragons. Tell me, how many of my brethren have you killed for glory? Was it to follow in the example of this man? This 'Chief God of all Gods' that is now broken before you, is nothing but a hypocrite." Looking directly at God, Issei's lips peeled back in a small snarl of disgust.
"Your religion is flawed in so many ways it's laughable; although there is a reason why I dislike you. It's because you get away with some of the cruelest acts yet you get away with them just by saying it is for the better of your religion. No, your trivial problems with dragons and serpents has gave birth to naught but a false god wrapped in benevolent clothing. That is why you will die, right now." Issei threw God in the air but before the leader of Heaven could use his wings to fly away, he felt a searing hot pain begin on his stomach.
Looking down he saw a black flame erupt from the spot and he found himself screaming in pain as he could feel each cell of his body burn to nothing. Falling to the ground with a thud, God continued to roll around in attempt to extinguish the flames and even try to bring out his power only to find it blocked somehow.
"Don't even think about using your light powers, Fallen God. I imbued the flames with dark energy that even you won't be able to escape from." The Biblical God heard Issei say but couldn't respond due to the pain. His mouth set in a mouthless scream his eyes finally rolled back into his head. Flames eating up all of his body and the only thing left was a small pile of burning ash.
"Let this be a lesson to all of the other factions in the world…if I find either of you harming an innocent dragon, I will personally arrive at your gates and utterly destroy you till there is nothing left. Now scram!" Issei's voice rumbled the very air as he neared the end of his talk and the gods and goddesses on the other side all felt chills run up their spines. Abiding by his command they each ended their viewing circle but the tear in the space was still there.
'Is that a good show for you, Red-chan? Kuku, I can just imagine her face when we talk next time.' Simply waving his hand at the large group of downed angels, they all felt their eyelids grow heavier and one by one they felt their consciousness leave them.
Flashing to where Tiamat, Ddraig, and Albion are he tapped the barrier and it dispersed. He noticed that the Chaos Karma Dragon was looking at him both in awe, curiosity, and a little bit of fear. While the Two Heavenly Dragons were looking at him with a blank face but the sweat that was on their foreheads was enough to tell him that they were nervous or scared.
"Oya, girls...there is no need to be scared. You should know that I wouldn't hurt you unless you gave me a reason to. Now, let's get back to the house—!" Snapping his head to a single point in the sky, his entire body tensed up upon doing so. The three dragons all followed his line of sight but couldn't find anything significant in the area.
"Issei-kun, what's wrong?"
"…Haha, nothing, nothing. I thought I sensed something but never mind. Let's get back the house, that includes you two as well." Looking at the Two Heavenly Dragons they looked at him surprised before narrowing their eyes in suspicion. "Don't worry I won't do anything."
"Alright." Ddraig and Albion said and he smiled a bit before flashing them back to his house.
Arriving at the destination, Issei looked around and saw that he was right outside of the house. Turning to look at the fifty meter dragons he chuckled a bit in amusement, ignoring their questioning glances.
"Do you two have a human form? If not, I could always make the house bigger." The Red and White Dragon Emperors nodded their heads and he nodded as well. "Good, that makes things easier. If you two would direct yourself to the living room, that would be swell. I need to take a shower from today's activities. Tia-chan, I trust that you will stop any fights between the two if any occur."
"Sure I could stall them, Issei-kun."
"Good. Then, see you all soon." Without another word he teleported inside the house. Tiamat looked at the two dragons with a slightly narrowed glance. Said dragons ignored the glance and instead went into their human forms. Their bodies glowing slightly, Tiamat waited for the process to finish although her eyes were now set in a daring glare.
When the light died down it revealed two women who looked very similar in facial structures, but you could easily tell the difference based on their appearance. On the left was a five foot ten-inch woman in her late teen with creamy skin and a mop of red hair that reached the beginning of her thighs. Her eyes were a lovely, crystalline green color that seemed to reflect the light that shined upon them. Her hips were slightly curvy but her bust size easily made up for the lack her lack of curve. She was wearing a plain red shirt along with blue jeans and white shoes.
On the right was a woman of the same age and height but she has luscious, silver hair that reached her lower back. Her shiny blue eyes seemed to absorb every detail of the house in front of her and combine that with her skin tone that was more on the paler side opposed to her opposite. Unlike the redhead woman next to her, she is wearing a white blouse as well as a blue and white floral pattern skirt. She was also wearing a pair of black flats on her feet. The skirt and blouse did well in accented her wider hips and perky bust that hugged her figure.
Tiamat could instantly see the differences between the two as the redheaded girl went into a more relaxed stance while the silver haired girl straightened her back and squared her shoulders. She even had her folded hands out in front of her like a princess.
"This is the first time I am seeing you in your human forms." The strongest of the Dragon Kings stated and she got a smirk from the redhead.
"Oh? Do you feel threatened, Tiamat? Afraid I might take something that interests you?" Tiamat knew what she was insinuating and that instantly caused her glare to increase in intensity.
"Ddraig, please. As if someone like you could ever attract this Issei, let alone a regular dragon." The silver haired beauty said with a sigh while Ddraig growled at her.
"I don't see you having suitors by the dozen, Albion. Hmph, any male dragon would probably be thrilled to have me as a mate."
"Unfortunately, the only people that would even think of wanting to be your mate were cavemen that died a long time ago. Let's be honest, Ddraig, you act to brash for a mate. Not to mention, you aren't dignified enough."
"Dignified?! As if I give a flying fu—"
"Girls! While I enjoy your bickering can we at least do this in the house?" Tiamat interjected to the two which caused Ddraig to grumble to herself. Nevertheless, the Dragon King opened the door to the house and led the two to the living room. She idly made note of the silent conversation between the Heavenly Dragons right behind her. Picking a seat on one of the couches, she waited for the two to sit down and sized both of them up.
It was quiet for a few minutes between the three with only the sound of running water being the only apparent noise. The three females were all glancing at each other and sizing up their bodies. Finally, Albion cleared her throat and put her attention on Tiamat.
"So, Tiamat, how long did you know this Issei?"
"I just met him yesterday, actually."
"Yeah." The White Dragon Emperor narrowed her blue eyes at the dragon and was about to speak when her opposite jumped into the conversation.
"What are you to him then? You don't seem like the type to stay at one place for so long. Also, just who is he? He killed the Biblical God—not that I'm complaining—and he made it look like he was just playing with the leader of Heaven." Turning her face from Ddraig, Tiamat thought on the recent events. Issei told her that he will let her judge his power against God and she had faith that he would come out victorious but did not expect him to do so easily.
Also, his change in personality both scared her yet she couldn't help but feel her carnal desire kick in at that point and demand for her to take him as a mate. The way he presented himself, how he spoke with such coldness, his dominating power that literally blocked out the sun, and him setting the deity on fire with inextinguishable flames…she couldn't help but let out a shiver that moved across her body.
"To be honest, I don't know. The only thing I know is that he saved me yesterday from some devils and then he brought me here. As for who I am to him, I am his knight yet also his friend. Although, I should say: Issei is mine. Or rather he will be mine."
"Haha…hahahaha!" Ddraig let a laugh escape her lips while the other two looked at her confused. "Hahaha, oh, Tiamat, Tiamat, Tiamat…seems like you are going to get competition then."
"From you?" The blue haired woman asked but Ddraig shook her head and motioned to Albion.
"No, from my dear younger sister Albion. She was totally checking him out ever since we came here."
"!" Albion instantly blushed upon the accusation but then glared at her older sister. "You always have to mention that I am younger, do you? Tsk, not that it matters anyway since I am the better of the two of us. Fufu, I won't deny though that he has caught my fancy. But I am not the only one since Ddraig was practically drooling when she saw him release his power."
"I-I-I d-did n-not! A-As if I would d-do something like t-that!"
"You would do something like that because you are part barbaric anyway so it fits for someone like you. Anyway, when it comes to matters of the heart I will not lose."
"Like hell I will let you get him!" Ddraig roared angrily at her sister who glared at her with a hidden fury.
"Just accept it."
"No, I will not! I am the oldest so I get first picks on a mate."
"That was never a rule, you merely made that up now."
"I-I did not! That's the one rule that sisters must abide by."
"In your book, yes. In mine, no. By the way, you wouldn't go well with him to begin with. He needs someone who knows manners and how to be a lady and not a barbaric woman like you."
"You little bitch!"
"You piece of shit."
"Stop it! Neither of you are going to get him since he will be mine! You two need to learn your place and back the hell out!" Tiamat screamed at the two bickering dragons which got them to stopped their argument. Ddraig and Albion stared at the Dragon King before smirking.
"You should know how we find mates, Chaos Karma Dragon. Do you really believe you have any more claim to him than we do?" Albion asked as her sharp blue eyes threatened to cut Tiamat on the spot.
"We, dragons, love power. That is what we will look for in a mate—male or female. We do this so if conflict arises you can trust your mate that they can defend you and your kids, if you have any." Ddraig continued and Tiamat practically snarled at the two while glaring dangerously at them.
"Issei-kun is different, I know he is."
"You silly girl…" Albion shook her head, like a parent chastising a kid. "I know he is different because no other dragon would have come to help another in need. Regardless it is not his choice. It is our very nature as dragons to seek out a mate of equal or greater strength."
"We ask you once again…do you really think you have any more claim to him than we do? Let's be honest here, Dragon King. You don't. If anything he probably, unconsciously mind you, thinks that we are more mate-worthy than you. So, if anyone here has to 'learn their place' it is you…Dragon King, that needs to learn where they stand to us, the Heavenly Dragons." After finishing her sentence both Ddraig and Albion glowered at Tiamat, who did so back in return.
"Would you two like anything to drink?" Issei's voice rang down the hallway and the girls ceased their glaring and instead focused at the doorway to reveal Issei wearing some blue shirts and a black shirt.
""Do you have any tea?"" The Red and White Dragon Emperor's said in sync and Issei chuckled at the two. Both dragons glanced at each other and flushed a bit in embarrassment.
"Sure I do. Do you want anything as well, Tia-chan?"
"Some water would be appreciated." She said with a slightly strained smile, which Issei noticed but didn't say anything. Nodding his head, he went to the kitchen and began to prepare the drinks. After only a few minutes away, he entered the living room once again with a tray of two teas and two glasses of water. Handing the drinks to their respective person he sat down on a one seat recliner and took a sip of his glass.
His eyes roamed from one girl to the next, making note of the way they held themselves. For instance, Tiamat was drinking her water in a relaxed manner but he could tell that her body was stiff and tense. He wondered why, but disregarded it since it may just be that she was wary of the two dragoness's.
Looking to Ddraig, he scanned over her features and concluded that she was very beautiful just like Tiamat. She was absent-mindedly blowing on her cup of tea before drinking it at a quick pace.
'She must have been thirsty. I wonder if the other is as well…' Taking his eyes off of the red-haired beauty he looked to her opposite. Absorbing her appearance, he was not surprised to find that just like Ddraig, she was another gorgeous woman. Unlike Ddraig, she was more attentive to her surroundings and seemed to be more eloquent. Holding the cup in both hands and delicately grabbing the handle before taking a steady sip of the cup's content, her posture wasn't lacking and she even crossed her legs in a lady-like manner.
Noticing a pair of eyes on her, Albion turned her head to Issei and gave a small smile which he gladly returned. Although despite their differences there were some similarities. Their facial structure was nigh identical like their noses and lips. Ddraig was only a bit more gifted in the breasts department, while Albion was a tad curvier than her opposite. Not to mention, they both smelled pretty much the same.
"Are you two sisters by any chance?" His sudden question caused the two Heavenly Dragons to widen their eyes a bit. Ddraig suddenly smirked a bit at Albion, whose eyebrow twitched ever so slightly.
"Yes we are. I'm the oldest while Albion is my younger sister. You're the first one to guess that." The Red Dragon Emperor said while Albion bit her tongue to keep herself from retorting her sister's statement.
"That's odd, you two have the same facial structure and you both smell similar." That seemed to cause the two dragons to blush as they remembered what he said about being able to smell them. "Either way, I'm sure you three have some questions. It is only fair after what recently happened that I abide to answer." After a few moments of silence, Tiamat was the first one to question him.
"Issei-kun, you were basically playing with the Biblical God. How strong are you really?"
"Well, I did say that I would let you decide that. So how strong do you think I am?"
"At least as strong as Ddraig and Albion here, but you were suppressing your power, weren't you?"
"Hehe, good observation. Yeah, I was. I wanted to minimize the damage that would have been done to the Earth."
"You carved a giant crack right through the crust that you can see lava boiling at the bottom. It stretches for at least a thousand or more meters. If that is just minimal damage, then I wonder what you can do if you wanted to maximize the damage done." Tiamat said in disbelief and Issei just smiled mysteriously at her.
"Ah, Issei, right?" Albion asked politely to him.
"Please, call me Issei-kun. I'm sure we are all friends here."
"W-Well then, address me as -chan from now on as well."
"Me too!" Ddraig interjected which got an annoyed look from Albion, not that she cared to noticed.
"Alright, Albion-chan, Ddraig-chan. So what was your question?"
"Right. You seem much more different than you were when you were fighting God. Why is that?"
"I usually just call it a 'mode' that I have. But, if you were to get specific then you could say that was I how was before all the time. Dark and cold a majority of my time, but I had a friend that helped me get over that. Yet, just because I am not like that all the time doesn't entail that it doesn't slip out primarily when I am in a fight."
"So you are kind of like an Evil Dragon?" Ddraig asked with her head tilted a bit, but he shrugged.
"If you trying to say that I am brutal in battle then yes, if you mean all the time then no. Also, unlike most of the Evil Dragons I am not psychotic nor crazy."
"True, true."
"So what is your goal, Issei-kun? What do you want to do?"
"Well, Tia-chan…like everyone I have my own checklist. You will find out when I achieve those goals but for now I won't tell you. Any other questions?"
"Then allow me to ask some. Why were you two fighting?" Issei asked the Heavenly Dragons, who in question looked at each other.
"We…don't necessarily agree with each other." Ddraig began, but she sounded unsure of herself.
"Let's say that we often have disputes in spite of us being siblings." Albion continued and like her sister she too was unsure of herself.
"So like a sibling rivalry in a way."
"That's basically it. Sometimes I want something yet she also does and we fight over it." Issei nodded at Ddraig's words and finished his glass of water. Picking up the tray he went around and collected everyone's empty cups and put them in the kitchen. When he came back he went over to the Heavenly Dragons and swiftly chopped them on the head. Upon seeing this Tiamat let out a small laugh as the two dragons yelped in pain.
"Ow! The hell was that for?!" Ddraig yelled out while Albion cradled her head with her hands.
"That really hurt, Issei-kun…"
"It was supposed to hurt. Forgive me if I hurt your feelings but you two are idiots."
"Hahahahaha!" Tiamat laughed at the two dragoness's, unable to hold in her laughter at their misfortune. Issei ignored their shouts and instead looked at them with a sharp gaze.
"So…if you two don't like each other…then you wouldn't mind if I kill one of you then."
"""!""" All sign of conversation stopped, even Tiamat who was in the middle of laughing.
"W-What are you talking about?!" Ddraig shouted in anger, but it didn't seem to effect Issei at all.
"Issei-kun! What do you mean?!" Tiamat added while Albion said there silent with a contemplative look on her face.
"It's obvious. If I kill one of them, they wouldn't care right. For instance…" His body suddenly disappeared and before the other two dragoness's knew what was happening, Ddraig vanished as well. Appearing just a few feet from Tiamat and Albion was Issei holding Ddraig by throat with his forearm. Her body dangled a few inches from the ground and her eyes were wide in fear.
"Now, Albion…if I were to snap her neck like a twig would you care at all? Would you avenge your dear older sister or would you turn the other direction? Also, Ddraig, don't even think of boosting your power because the moment you do…I will kill you. So what is it, Albion?"
"Issei-kun, stop this!" Tiamat hollered but he didn't take his eyes off of the silver haired woman. The woman in question slowly got up from her seat and smoothed out her skirt before looking at her sister. Hands trying to wrench the forearm from her throat, to no avail, and eyes trained on her with a pleading look. Sighing to herself, Albion averted her eyes from the sight.
"You see, Ddraig is annoying and gets on my nerves all the time. She is loud, brash, completely lacks manners, and sometimes I really do go to kill her whenever we have a fight. I hate how she always thinks how since I am the younger sibling she has first claim to everything because she is the oldest by only a few minutes. Honestly, I wouldn't mind to see her die…"
"…Well then, I guess—"
"However…" Albion interrupted Issei as a white aura surrounded her body and her eyes glowed menacingly. "She is my sister above all else. Sure she is the opposite of me and can be a bitch at some times, we are blood-related. I will not let you or anyone else take away the only family I have left. Even if you killed God easily. I don't care. If you even try to kill Ddraig…I will fight you and even if I die, I will die trying to save my family."
"Al…bion…" Ddraig's weakened voice rang out in shock as her eyes suddenly welled up with unshed tears. The weight on her neck from Issei suddenly disappeared and she didn't waste time in running to her sister. Flinging herself to her opposite, Ddraig squeezed the life out of Albion who did so in return.
Tiamat was about to scold Issei only to find himself smiling at the scene. Utterly confused at what was happening, she stood silent as the only sound apparent was some slight sobbing coming from Ddraig.
"Do you see now? You two shouldn't fight. You are siblings, sisters at that. When you're here in this world you only have each other to look out for. You never know when they might be gone…and I can tell you that the pain of not being able to see them anymore exceeds the pain they may cause you." By now the three girls were looking at Issei, who seemed to be reminiscing about something. Snapping out of his thoughts, he turned to Ddraig and bowed in apology.
"I apologize if I have hurt you in any way. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me." Suddenly becoming embarrassed at the sight of him bowing to her, Ddraig blushed and turned her head away from him.
"I-It's not that big of a deal. Y-You just got me by surprise. Yeah, surprise. Although, you sure are muscled…" She mumbled the last part to herself and rubbed her neck a bit. "Be that as it may, you helped out my sister and I. For that, I believe it warrants my forgiveness to you."
"Thank you, but I can see some irritation already forming on your neck. I can heal it for you if you want."
"If it makes you feel better than okay."
"It would. So, do you want me to kiss the pain away or something else?"
"W-W-What?!" The red haired woman yelped as her blush came back with a vengeance, her cheeks the same color as her hair. Albion and Tiamat looked at Ddraig with a bit of envy at the position she was in.
'I can't even tell if he is serious or not…' The Red Dragon Emperor thought to herself with a sweat drop before shrugging.
"I-I don't know. Just do whatever makes you comfortable." Making his way over to her, Issei leaned down and planted a small kiss on the side of her neck while also imbuing some healing properties to her. On Ddraig's part she shivered in delight as she instantly felt a jolt go across her body both inside and out. With a sharp intake in breath at the contact to a satisfied groan when she felt her neck heal, Ddraig was now fully sure that she wanted Issei as a mate. If he could do this to her with just a single kiss, then imagine what he could do to her when they did other things.
"There all better. Now, would you two like to stay for dinner or do you have any other plans?" Sharing a glance, the Two Heavenly Dragons nodded at each other before looking back at him.
"We are going to head out. If we lost to God and the others then we need to train more, not to mention my sister and I are going to try to connect more." Albion said and Issei smiled at the two.
"I hope that the next time I see you, the both of you will be even stronger. The power to boost your power and the power to divide other's power…by itself those powers are troublesome, but together they are practically a recipe for disaster. I look forward to our next meeting." Just as he finished his sentence, he felt his left arm become enveloped by a pair of breasts. Turning his head, he saw that Ddraig was indeed hugging his arm between her well-developed bust.
"You make it seem like you may never see us again…I can personally guarantee that we will meet soon." She said with a seductive wink, which seemed to go right over his head if the head tilt was any indication. Feeling his other arm being shrouded in between another pair of mounds, Issei looked to the right to see Albion. The silver haired beauty gave him a slightly sultry smile as she looked up at him with her blue eyes.
"I agree with Ddraig. It isn't like we could stay away from the person who saved us for so long. I would love to get to know you better the next time we meet." Suddenly he felt someone wrap their arms over and around his shoulders. Turning his head sideways he could see Tiamat's blue-green eyes focus in on him.
"Issei-kun…don't forget about me…it isn't like I am going anywhere anytime soon."
'Is this what they call the beginning of a harem…nah, that probably isn't it.'
"Haha, Ddraig-chan, Albion-chan…I would like to get to know you both next time. Tia-chan, who said anything about forgetting about you? As if I could with someone of your stature. Now, would you two like for me to walk you out?" The three dragoness's relented their hold on Issei and the red and silver haired women nodded their heads. Gesturing for Tiamat to wait there, he lead the way through the house and to the front door.
"This is a nice place you have here; did you build it yourself?" Albion asked as she admired the architecture of the housing.
"I did, but this is only one of the houses that I have. I travel a lot and due to that I need a good number of houses. As a matter of fact, I will only be in Japan for the next month or so before I head west to Europe."
"Europe? That's an odd transition." He nodded at Ddraig's statement with a smile as they turned a corner.
"Yeah, that is true. But, I have been there a few times and I have a friend there that I haven't seen for some time."
"A friend you say." Ddraig questioned furtherly.
"Yes, a friend. You two might know her actually."
'We might know her; I wonder who she is…' The Red Dragon Emperor thought with a frown while her younger sister had slightly narrowed eyes trained straight ahead.
'Given that both Ddraig and I only know those of our own kind that doesn't help for the most part. However, if we count the times we met with other dragons then that would be about twenty or so.'
"Here we are," Issei's voice broke both Albion and Ddraig from their inner musings. "I hope you two have safe travels. And remember: no fighting unless you are sparring."
""Hai, hai."" The two dragons answered before they blushed in sync and averted their eyes from him.
"Also, ah…Issei-kun, thank you for saving us back there." The blue-eyed woman said a bit shyly, but managed to look him in the eye.
"I-It's not like I'm thankful or anything…b-but I guess I am…so thank you, Issei-kun." Ddraig muttered and Issei couldn't help but chuckle at the two, which caused their blush to reach their ears.
"Hehe, you know you two really are cute when you are thanking one. I wonder if that is always the case; I guess we will find out in the future. Either way, don't mention it. I did it to save my friends and I would do it again if another situation occurred like todays."
"But, what's going to happen now? God is dead and Heaven will soon be in turmoil."
"No doubt they are going to blame you. They might even try to come for your head or worse the other factions as well, especially if they team up." Both Ddraig and Albion questioned, respectively.
"They aren't going to do anything."
"Issei-kun, I don't understand."
"It's quite simple, Albion-chan. It's fear."
"Yes, fear. They saw what I was capable of when I killed not only the remaining two Maou's but also the Biblical God. Combine that with my threat to the other factions, the killing of dragons will stop…for now. As long as they know that I am still here the factions wouldn't dare harm an innocent dragon again."
"So, by not only killing God but also by proclaiming your strength and might to the other factions, you not only discourage others from attacking you but also from attacking dragons in general?"
"Exactly, Ddraig-chan."
"That's genius, Issei-kun!"
"That is admirable, Issei-kun. Yet, you yourself said 'innocent dragons' so I'm sure that others will find a loophole around your declaration."
"No, no, no…" Issei wagged a finger at Albion and smirked deviously at the two. "Once again, it's fear. I never said by their definition of innocence, but instead I meant mine. For their sake, they best be well aware of that."
"I understand now, Issei-kun. You really are a thoughtful dragon…" Issei chuckled a bit and patted Albion on the head. Her reaction was instantaneous as she closed her eyes and relished in the warmth of his hand.
"Issei-kun~!" Ddraig whined with a pout at him. Laughing a bit, he used his other hand to pat her on the head as well. After a few more seconds he heard something that completely intrigued him. It might have been his mind, but after it continued for longer he was sure it was real.
The Two Heavenly Dragons were purring in delight.
"Ne, ne, Albion-chan, Ddraig-chan…I didn't you purred." He said as he withdrew his hand, but the two dragoness's didn't realize that and kept purring for a few more seconds until they snapped out of their trance-like state.
"I-I-I-It…g-guh…" The green-eyed beauty put her head down in embarrassment.
"I-It isn't w-what it looks l-like, I-Issei-kun." The younger of the two simply covered her face with her hands.
"Girls, girls, it's alright. It isn't that big of a deal."
"Y-Yes it is! It's a very affectionate thing to do in the presence of another person." Albion answered and Issei tilted his head at the two.
"So only female dragons can do it? Is it accidental or deliberate?"
"D-Deliberately…" Ddraig answered.
"That's fine, then. I don't mind at all, if anything it makes you both sound even more adorable than before."
'I wonder if I can make Red-chan purr…oh that would be absolutely precious!' He thought with a mental smile, while the two dragons were trying to fight down their blushes.
"W-Well, alright. If you like it, then I don't mind doing it in front of you." Not wanting to be outdone, Ddraig nodding her head at him.
"I don't mind either, Issei-kun! I-I mean; I guess I can do it…if you want that is…"
"If you two are comfortable doing so then I would love to hear it once again." He said with a smile and opened the front door. "Well, it was very nice meeting you two. I will see you both soon."
"I look forward to our next meeting, Issei-kun." The Dragon of Domination said and gave him a quick hug, before walking out the door.
"It was lovely meeting you, Issei-kun. By the way, your tea was absolutely divine. May we meet again soon." Albion spoke gratefully and lifted up her skirt a bit and gave a curtsey to him. Although before she proceeded out the door, she found Issei take her hand in his own. Lifted up her hand to his lips, he gently kissed her knuckles and gave a small bow in return.
"The pleasure was all mine, Albion-chan." A scarlet hue lightly decorating her cheeks she nodded her head with a smile before joining her sister outside. Hearing the soft click of the door closing, the two siblings both looked at each other before their bodies seemed to vanish into thin air. The sound of running can be heard as the two were sprinting down the mountain at incredible speeds.
"Well, that was fun." Ddraig said with a grin as she flipped over a rock and landed before continuing her running.
"It was. He is much more dignified and proper than the other male dragons." Albion answered a small smile, recalling his manners just minutes prior.
"Don't kid yourself, Albion. There isn't a single male dragon out there that is like Issei-kun."
"True, not only did he save us but also helped out the other dragons in general. So unlike the others…"
"Hmm, you like him don't you?"
"Of course I do and so do you."
"Then," Ddraig smirked at her opposite in mischief, "Why don't we team up. You heard what he said before right, 'together your powers are a recipe for disaster'. That was basically him hinting that we should team up. Also, if we are going based on draconic instincts here then he will most likely recognize us more since two is better than one when it comes to mating."
"So we would have double the chance of getting his attention than any other women, like Tiamat. I don't see why not. Now that I think about it, even though our powers are like night and day they also complement each other. Hahaha, I would have never thought this morning that I would ever think of pairing up with you."
"Neither did I. But this may be the beginning of a good partnership between us. Now, we should get to flying if we want to reach our homes before nightfall."
"Yeah, we should." Albion nodded and was beginning to go into her dragon form before she felt a sudden burst of energy and turned her head to see Ddraig already twenty meters ahead of her.
"Race you there, little sister!" Without waiting for a reply the red dragon flew off at high speeds.
"*sigh*, such a troublesome older sister I have…" The silver haired woman said, but a smile was etched on her face as her own energy caused a spiral to form around her. Once it dissipated, a white dragon flew out from it and went in the same direction as the other.
"Issei-kun, stop!" Tiamat's voice can be heard shouting from the house as Issei can be seen chasing her all over the place with a teasing grin on his face.
"Tia-chan~, hold still! I just want to pet you!" He hollered and finally tackled her on the floor and began to give her a very affectionate head rub.
The sound of the Chaos Karma Dragon purring can be heard throughout the whole house that afternoon.
Harem List: Fem. Trihexa, Fem. Great Red, Fem. Ddraig, Fem. Albion, Tiamat, Fem. Crom Cruach, Fem. Midgardsormr, Fem. Samael, Fem. OC mother, ?