
Celestial Conquest: I, A Fallen Angel, Shall Slay The Divine!

In the Land of Honour, Requaniel, once the esteemed Angel of Protection, faces an unjust exile for the death of his beloved Lady Celestia. Fueled by a burning desire for revenge, he changed his name to Eden White and set out on a journey to defy the gods. Eden stumbles upon the Celestial Conquest System that gives him the ability to summon training dungeons and the mysterious White Room to fight the monster he had defeated before, not only that, but defeating every monster and boss can help him gain points along with many skills in just one kill. However, a shocking truth suddenly shakes his whole existence as he finds out about Lady Celestia's reincarnation into seven earthly fragments—basically into Seven Different Girls! Join Eden's transformation from celestial heights to earthly realms—a saga weaving love, vengeance, and relentless pursuit. This is the tale of a cosmic renegade evolving into the ultimate God Killer. Note:- Before you start reading this novel, please understand that this is fiction, anything resembling the real world is just coincidence, nothing much. I have no intent of offending any kind of group. Also, please keep in mind that the Earth in this novel is not the same Earth we are presently living on, so do not use your common sense for this novel. This is pure fantasy, after all. [This cover is not mine]

Demigod_of_All · Urban
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64 Chs

A Divine Being In The Human World!

"Bro/Sir Eden!!!"


Upon entering the classroom, a shrill cry was heard, making Eden stop in his way.


Shortly, a bewildered expression shaped his face as he noticed that Robert along with ten or twenty boys were kneeling in front of him as if showing their gratitude to a god.

"W-What are you guys doing?"

Eden commented, feeling uneasy by their behaviour as he stepped backwards.


Emilie, on the other hand, sighed and walked past the boys, saying,

"You'll get used to it soon, Eden. Just ignore it."

As if talking from experience, Emilie ignored the boys and sat in her seat, in the middle column of the last bench.

Despite Emilie's reassurance, Eden didn't even know how to respond to the boys.


Ultimately, with a sigh, he faked a smile, requesting,

"Could you guys please get up? I'm not worth enough yet for this much respect."

"You deserve it, Sir!"

One of the boys exclaimed with a determined look on his face.

"Albert is right, Sir Eden!"

Another boy blurted it out.


With another sigh, Eden covered his eyes with his right palm, requesting,

"Just…get up already, please!"

Luckily, this time, the boys got up straight.

"I'm honoured to be treated this way."

Instead of neglecting their appreciation, with a fake smile, Eden nodded and walked past them to find a seat for himself.


His attention quickly shifted to the seat beside Emilie, which was empty.

With a grin on his face, he paced forward, asking,

"Emilie, would it be fine if I sat here?"

Well, it might be the basic manners for Eden to ask since he was going to sit beside the daughter of Sakurasou, the family that was the epitome of richness.


Hearing his plea, a bemused expression shaped Emilie's complexion as she lifted her left eyebrow, commenting,

"Sit wherever you want; why are you asking me?"

"Because it's a basic courtesy."

Eden smiled and sat beside her.

"You're acting as if you're from a Noble family or something."

Emilie chuckled and rested her head on her right palm, her gaze fixated on Eden.

"Oh, that reminds me. What's your family background? Your surname is White, correct? Frankly, I haven't heard about it before. Are you, perhaps, a foreigner?"

Emilie showered the questions on Eden since his behaviour finally piqued a slight interest in her.

"Yes, bro. Tell us, too!"

Robert, who had acquired a seat in front of Eden, turned to Eden and asked with his eyes sparkling,

"Yes, sir! Please tell us about yourself! We'll be honoured to know about the dark horse of our class!"

Even Eden's so-called 'followers,' requested.


Eden stayed tight-lipped, wondering what to say.


Finally speaking, he shifted his gaze towards Emilie and others, adding,

"I'm from another country. Well, about my family background…I didn't have one, to begin with."

With a stoic look on his face, Eden completed his statement, eventually leading to a dead silence between them.

"O-Oh…I see…"

Emilie responded with a concerned voice, lowering his gaze and adding,

"I'm sorry…for asking this."

She felt bad asking something like this, and that's why she apologized.

"No worries."

Eden, in response, just smirked since the word 'family' didn't resonate well with him to begin with. After all, he didn't have one back then.

His only father just cared about his duty, giving him no time at all, while his siblings were just annoyed at seeing him.

"Hmph. So you're but a bastard without any family lineage, huh?"

A voice filled with contempt caught Eden's attention.

He veered around his gaze and noticed Charles, with his followers, approaching him.


As soon as he arrived, he slammed his right palm against Eden's bench, glaring straight into his eyes, commanding,

"A bastard like you doesn't deserve to sit beside Emilie. Get lost."

"And what if I won't?"

With Eden's eyes completely filled with derision, he asked.


Hearing Eden's reply infuriated Charles as he got closer to Eden's face, saying it in a cold voice.

"Look, I'm being lenient with you, not because I'm afraid of you like those idiots. I couldn't give a damn about your so-called 'Unrivalled' capacity. No matter how much you'll achieve, you'll always remain an insect."

"Is that so?"

Eden couldn't help but laugh at Charles' comment, replying,

"If I'm an insect, what are you then?"

His grin hinted at mockery as he added,

"Since you're already leagues below me."


Charles' mind got engulfed by rage as he grabbed Eden's collar and was about to punch him, until…


Charles' eyes dilated as he felt an intense pressure around him.

"Unhand me."

With a voice as cold as ice itself, Eden commanded while glaring at him with his sharp, piercing gaze.

'What the? I...I'm feeling afraid...? By this insect...?'

Charles was left frightened by the unexpected pressure around him.

"Sir Charles?"

One of Charles' followers called him.


Finally returning to his senses, Charles clicked his tongue, and glared at Eden again, but intensely this time.

"D-Don't get so full of yourself."

Trying to maintain his cool, Charles blurted out.

"I'm saying it one last time. Unhand me, or else I won't be responsible for what will happen to you."

Eden warned him with his piercing gaze locked on Charles'.


Charles clicked his tongue, and finally, unhanded Eden. He turned around, adding.

"You'll regret this."

"We'll see."

But Eden, on the contrary, just replied with a calm voice.


Clicking his tongue in frustration, Charles stomped his legs against the floor and finally walked away with his followers.

Concurrently, seeing Eden's disdain for Charles, a wide grin formed on Robert's face.


Kneeling in his dramatic style, in front of Eden, Robert started bowing and thanking him.

"You have my thanks, bro; no, my liege. You've finally fulfilled my wish that I had been waiting for almost millennia to be fulfilled. Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart."

"Millennia, huh? I didn't know that you were this old. Should I start by calling you oldie now?"

Despite Robert's drama, Eden just cracked up a joke to lighten the mood.

"Damn, try to read the mood, you jerk!"

Hearing Eden's jest, Robert bellowed, but Eden just chuckled again.


However, Emilie, on the contrary, was just gazing at Eden, mulling over to herself.

'This boy…he is not normal. Charles is a B-ranked warrior while he is just a C-ranked yet he made him this terrified. How?'

Then, finally averting her gaze from Eden, she added,

'I need to find out about his background. Who exactly is he?'



Suddenly, the system's noise was heard, catching Eden's attention as he shifted his gaze to his front.

[Alert! Host, the system has noticed the presence of a divine being in the university!]

The system responded.


Eden's eyes widened after hearing this.

"Hmm? What's wrong, bro?"

Robert asked after noticing the sudden change in Eden's behaviour.


However, before Eden could even respond, the classroom door opened, and a lady in a black dress walked in.

She had flowing silver hair that cascaded down her back, and her eyes gleamed a striking shade of crimson.

Her slender figure was complemented by fair, snow-white skin. Her attire consisted of a black dress that hinted at her enigmatic aura. Her appearance reflected her age to be around her early 30s.

"Good morning, class."

She beamed and greeted the student and rested a notebook on her desk, adding,

"I'm Erika Wood, and I'll be your mentor, A.K.A., your homeroom teacher for the upcoming four years."

Then, her crimson gaze sharpened after getting fixed on Eden, and she grinned, adding,

"I hope you all will enjoy my class~"

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