
Celestial Chronicles: Crimson Ascension

Akira was abandoned at a small church in the woods and was raised by a nun. He was taken to a temple when he was 5 to awaken his mana and there he met Jake and Naomi and the three of them were trained by David. When they reached he age of 10 Akira, Jake and Naomi awakened their mana property. Soon after, they were attacked by five assassins and where able to take down four of the assassins but were badly injured during the process. The last assassin left was Dexter, Who was stronger than all of them and his main purpose was to kill David and the nun Sesilia. Akira tries to fight, but he is outmatched and got pierced through the chest, leaving behind a huge hole. Without hope and on the brink of death, a mysterious power overflows in him when he sees sesilia and David impaled. Unleashing the mysterious power, Akira reaches a new level of power which helps him defeat Dexter. They all escaped through a portal made by David and find themselves in a strange building surrounded by people.

Void_Fox_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Test Day

Two days Later,

Akira is seen in the central training hall, where the entrance test will be held. Many people were there. 

"Hey" A familiar voice spoke behind Akira.

Akira turned back to see Naomi and Jake.

"Hey guys, how was your training?" Akira asked.

"It was alright; I became stronger" Jake said.

"What about you, Naomi?" Akira asked.

"It was alright, I guess" Naomi said.

"You know, she couldn't stop talking about you on our way here" Jake said.

Naomi blushed a little before smacking Jake in the back of the head.

"So, what are we doing for the entrance test?" Jake asked.

"Didn't your instructor tell you?" Akira asked.

"No, he didn't" Jake said.

"Same here" Naomi said.

"So apparently, the test is divided into three phases, which are the written test to test your knowledge, the strength test to know your strength and lastly, the survival test to see how you survive on your own" Akira said.

"Wow, you know so much" A voice spoke from behind.

The three turned back to see a long blonde-haired elf.

"And you are?" Naomi asked.

"My name is Lydia Spellbound" The elf said.

"And you must be Naomi, Akira and Jake. The three candidates were brought in personally by the commander himself" Lydia said.

"And you know us how?" Akira asked.

"You guys are practically famous. I mean, first day, and you already fought with the commander, even though you didn't defeat him, you lasted longer than I originally anticipated" Lydia said.

"What do you want?" Akira asked.

"Sorry?" Lydia said 

"I mean, you came to us, so I assume you want something" Akira said.

"Well, I just came to exchange information" Lydia said.

"What type of information?" Akira asked.

"Do you know that this year's test will be harder than last years?" Lydia asked.

"Yeah, I do" Akira replied.

"And do you know why?" Lydia asked.

Jake and Naomi had a confused look on their faces as they both looked at each other.

"It's because of the two prodigies that appeared in the opposing faction. Chronis Dragonuim and Vivian Valentine" Akira said.

"Very good. But did you know that the dragon and werewolf races weren't our enemies before?" Lydia said.

"How?" Akira asked.

"I'll explain it to you if play a game with me and beat me" Lydia said

"So, are you down for the challenge"

"You don't have to accept such challenge" Naomi said

"Yeah, it's pointless. Let's go" Jake said.

Akira, Jake and Naomi started walking away. Lydia was shocked and infuriated because, since her whole life, no one has ever ignored her.

"Wait! If you win, I'll do any three things you tell me!" Lydia yelled.

The people around Akira turned and saw what was happening.

"Isn't that Lydia Spellbound" someone said.

"Who's that she's talking to"

"It's the kid that fought against the commander"

"What's that about a contest"

"Hmm, any three things I say. What about if I loose?" Akira asked.

"Then you'll do any three things I tell you" Lydia said.

"Okay, I accept" Akira said.

"What!!" Jake and Naomi said this in shock.

"Don't go backing out of your word"

"What, Akira, why did you accept such a stupid request?" Jake asked.

"I saw an opportunity" Akira said.

"What do you even mean?" Naomi said.

[It's time for the first phase of the test. Please all candidates take your seat] A woman over the PA system said. Suddenly, chairs and tables appeared in the hall.

All the candidates in the hall took their seats and waited for the exam. Jake and Naomi were beside Akira, while Lydia was behind him. A man suddenly appeared in front of all the seated candidates.

"Begin" The man's voice echoed throughout the central training hall.

And test paper and a pen appeared on all the tables of the candidates, and they started writing.

~They aren't hard~ Akira thought.

Akira turned his head to see Lydia, Jake and Naomi. They were also answering the questions on the paper.

"I'm your invigilator for this exam, and once you finish answering all the questions, they will be graded immediately. If you don't finish answering all the questions when the time is up, they will be graded like that. If your paper turns green, you pass. But if it turns red, that means you fail." The instructor explained.

"But if you fail this test, it doesn't mean that you're not taking the other two test"

30 minutes later,

Everyone has finished the test, and Akira and the others paper's turn green. 

[The test is now over, and out of the initial 500 candidates we have, 400 candidates passed, while 100 failed] A woman over the PA system said.

All the chairs and the tables disappeared.

"The second test is beginning now!" The instructor yelled.

"Everyone, line up!"

All the candidates formed a single line. 

"Split up! And form 20 lines!" The instructor yelled.

All the candidates split up and formed different lines, and then different instructors came in front of each line.

"If you can land five hits on the instructor in front of you in 30 minutes, you pass. But if you can't, you fail" The instructor said.

Worry started to show on the candidates faces. The instructor looked at the faces of the candidates.

"Don't worry, their powers will be sealed, and they will be the same grade as you" The instructor said.

Akira and Lydia were on the same line, while Jake and Naomi were in another line. A candidate approached the instructor in front of their line and fought, but he wasn't able to land a single hit on the instructor within thirty minutes.

"Candidate 450 has failed the strength test" The instructor he fought said.

"Next candidate!"

"It seems it's my turn" Lydia said.

"Don't forget about our contest"

Lydia walked up to the weapon rack, picked up a bow and headed to the instructor.

"You may now begin" The instructor said.