
Celestial Chronicles: Crimson Ascension

Akira was abandoned at a small church in the woods and was raised by a nun. He was taken to a temple when he was 5 to awaken his mana and there he met Jake and Naomi and the three of them were trained by David. When they reached he age of 10 Akira, Jake and Naomi awakened their mana property. Soon after, they were attacked by five assassins and where able to take down four of the assassins but were badly injured during the process. The last assassin left was Dexter, Who was stronger than all of them and his main purpose was to kill David and the nun Sesilia. Akira tries to fight, but he is outmatched and got pierced through the chest, leaving behind a huge hole. Without hope and on the brink of death, a mysterious power overflows in him when he sees sesilia and David impaled. Unleashing the mysterious power, Akira reaches a new level of power which helps him defeat Dexter. They all escaped through a portal made by David and find themselves in a strange building surrounded by people.

Void_Fox_ · Fantasy
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31 Chs


The Beast Realm,

"Kami! Use the pendant, I'll stall them. Take the child and run! " A red haired man shouted while meteors rained down from above.

The silhouettes of seven people emerged from the rubble with anger evident on their faces.

"Beelzebub" Satan, one of the seven people called out "I'm getting impatient. I said bring them in, dead or alive".

"Luke!" Beelzebub yelled loudly "Give up already! You have been cornered".

"Is it ready?" Luke asked Kami, his wife.

"Yes, it is" Kami answered while hugging her sleeping baby.

"Okay. Go now, I'll stay and hold them back" He began to walk forward.

"Luke" Kami held his hands. "Make sure you come back to me… and your son".

"Don't worry" Luke held his wife and kissed her forehead, then turned to his son and did the same. "I'll be back sooner than you think"

'I love you~' Kami whispered with tears in her eyes while a white portal opened before them.

"Go now" Luke gave them a reassuring smile and walked away.

Kami walked into the portal while looking back ate the broad silheoutte of Luke with hesitation evident in her eyes. A few seconds later, she and her child disappeared along with the portal.

'*Sigh*' Luke shook his head before yelling out loudly "Beelzebub! How is your left arm I remember when kami cut it off in the demon realm".

"You MOTHER F*****R!" Beelzebub yelled while charging towards Luke.

 _ _ _ _ _ _

In the Human Realm, 

"My son I'll come back for you" Kami said while dropping her son in at the door step of a church. 

She reopened the portal back to the Beast Realm dropped the pendant on the waddling cloth of the baby along with a long rectangular box and slowly walked into the portal, then it closed shortly after. The door of the church opened shortly after and a nun walked out with confusion and a little panic on her face.

"What were those sounds?" She looked around and then downward. On seeing the baby, the panic on her face was replaced with a tender look. "Such a blessed but unfortunate child. May our lord Aether, show you the light". After the short prayer, she took the child, the pendant and the box into the church.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Back in the Beast Realm, 


An iron staff clashed with a broadsword as Luke and Beelzebub exchanged attacks.

"BLACKHOLE!" Luke chanted and a distortion in the space around Beelzebub formed starting from his abdomen. A black ball could be seen sucking in Beelzebub, sensing danger Satan stepped in to attack Luke.

"Behind you!" A familiar voice warned Luke. Then kami defended Luke from Satan's attack with her sword.

Luke looked back in shock to see Kami standing behind "What are you doing here, I thought I told you to go"

"I couldn't leave you here to fight them on your own" Kami replied and pushed Satan away.

"A touching reunion" Satan laughed maniacally. "I'll send you two to your makers soon."

"Go" Luke said in a low voice "Use the pendant"

"I can't. It's with Akira" Kami said

"Why did you…. Shit!!" Luke cursed on seeing Satan and the other six charging towards them.

 "Where is your second sword?" Luke asked Kami as he couldn't find it on her.

"I dropped it off with Akira" Kami said while Luke looked at her and smiled.

In a last ditch effort to stop their attackers Luke and Kami each used their ultimate.

"INFINITY" Luke said while activating his gravity property.

"NUCLEAR REACTOR, STAR BURN" Kami said while activating her atomic and cosmic property.

Then a purple ball formed on Luke's hand while an aura of radiation formed around Kami and her sword simultaneously stars in the sky shot down beams of star energy at Kami which got absorbed by her sword.

INFINITY, NUCLEAR REACTOR and STAR BURN combined to form a new ultimate called SPACE CUTTER. Which formed around Kami's sword.

"Die" Kami yelled as she horizontally slasher her sword at their attackers direction.

Going towards the seven of them, at the speed of lighting cutting through all seven of them at the same time, simultaneously creating a pseudo earthquake along with a cloud of smoke and a large horizontal sword wave.

"Are you alright, do you still have mana left?" Luke asked Kami.

"I'm okay, but I'm out what about you" Kami replied.

"I'm all out too" Luke said.

Then the silhouette of the seven people slowly emerged from the smoke. The princes came out with minor damages.

"It's my turn now" Satan said as he activated his fire property.

"INCINERATE" A large ball of fire slowly gathered and formed above him and with a flicker of his finger, the fireball fell towards Luke and Kami who were out of mana and stamina and with fear evident on their faces.

Luke tried to activate his gravity, but he was not able to because he was out of mana. Then the fireball fell on them creating a ground breaking explosion which left a crater, out of the rubble were the bodies of the couple on the floor.

"Go and check the status of those two" Satan said to Lucifer.

Lucifer walked towards the bodies and checked Kami and Luke "The woman is still alive but the man is dead"

"Bring her, we will imprison her" Satan said

"What will I do about him" Lucifer said as he pointed to Luke's dead body.

"Just leave him be" Satan replied.

Then Lucifer picked up Kami from the floor and carried her on his back and headed towards the others. 

"WARP to the demon realm" Satan said and the space around all of them distorted and they all vanished.

_ _ _ _ _ _

In the Demon Realm,

A place where sulphur and brimstone burns, some parts are hot, some parts are cold while others change from cold to hot or from hot to cold.

The princes appear in front of a huge castle which many demons lined up to greet them.

Lucifer walks up to a tall bald man which was one of the demons "Baal, see the woman I'm carrying imprison her."

"Who is she?" Baal asked

"She is Kami, one of the power houses leading in the war" Lucifer replied

"Okay so which level?" Baal asked

"The ninth level and also ne on your guard even if she is still unconscious, don't let your guard down" Lucifer replied

"Yes sir" Baal said

Lucifer hands over the unconscious Kami to Baal. Baal manifest's his wings and flies away with Kami.

"Everything is almost ready" Satan said as he smiles menacenly

"There is an unspoken rule that primordials shouldn't interfere with mortals and the devils have also hidden themselves from the other races, so why do you choose to show us now?" Lucifer asked

"It is all part of the plan" Satan replied