
Celestial Castaway

In the ethereal realm of Asvold, the celestial city witnesses the birth of Zephyr, a child marked by an insatiable hunger for cosmic energy. This cosmic anomaly leads to his condemnation, banishing him to the mortal realm. Renamed Kai, he grows up in a tranquil village, shielded from his celestial origins. However, an innate desire to amass cosmic energy and ascend to Asvold as the mightiest force in the universe stirs within him.

Lilbeancuisine · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: The Celestial Misfit

In the ethereal expanse of Asvold, where clouds cascaded like strands of celestial silk, the celestial city bore witness to an extraordinary event—the birth of a child named Zephyr. From the moment of his inception, Zephyr was marked by a profound hunger for cosmic energy, a cosmic anomaly that sent ripples through the celestial realms, capturing the attention of elders and beings dwelling among the celestial spheres.

This cosmic aberration, however, did not elicit celebration. Instead, it ushered in an unprecedented condemnation. The celestial order, disturbed by Zephyr's insatiable appetite for cosmic energy, decreed his banishment to the mortal realm—a realm unfamiliar to a celestial being, a realm where he would confront the boundaries of mortality.

As Zephyr descended from the heavenly heights, tearful farewells accompanied his journey. Celestial guardians, their eyes reflecting the sorrow of an otherworldly separation, bid adieu as the infant's cries blended with the ethereal winds that gently guided him toward his mortal destiny. The celestial city of Asvold, once his home among the stars, transformed into a distant shimmering beacon, fading into the cosmic tapestry.

The trajectory of Zephyr's descent brought him to a tranquil mortal village nestled at the base of towering mountains. Unbeknownst to the villagers, a celestial being had graced their humble abode. Adopted into the community, the infant was given the name Kai, a name that would become synonymous with a life bound by mortal innocence, shielding the celestial origins that lay hidden beneath the surface.

Life in the village unfolded with a serenity that contradicted the celestial turmoil that marked Zephyr's birth. Raised in simplicity, Kai's existence mirrored that of any mortal child. The villagers, unaware of his celestial heritage, embraced him as one of their own. Yet, within the recesses of his subconscious, a silent yearning stirred—an innate desire to amass cosmic energy and ascend to Asvold, not as a banished entity, but as the mightiest force in the universe, defying the judgment of his celestial kin.

As Kai matured, the tranquility of the village occasionally yielded to the arrival of itinerant cultivators—wandering martial artists whose very presence exuded an aura of mystery and power. Chance encounters with these nomadic warriors ignited a flame of curiosity within Kai. Tales of ancient and overlooked martial techniques permeated the air, resonating with the celestial yearning hidden within him.

Unbeknownst to the villagers, the Tranquil Peak Sect had found its home within their midst. This secluded group of practitioners delved into the mysteries of martial arts, preserving ancient techniques that were often forgotten by the world. Drawn to the whispers of power and discipline that surrounded the sect, Kai found himself enchanted by the prospect of wielding celestial might through the sacred art of combat.

When he woke up the next morning, the dawn painted the sky with hues of gold and pink. Kai felt an undeniable pull—a cosmic force urging him to explore the potential lying dormant within. With unwavering determination, he gathered his meager belongings—the essentials for a journey that would transcend the boundaries of the known.

As Kai approached the gates of the Tranquil Peak Sect, he greeted one of the guards with a nod of respect. Inquiring about the disciple exams, he learned that the sign-up process took place in the middle of the sect. Eager to commence his celestial training, he entered the sect grounds, where he beheld truly great cultivators practicing their arts. The air crackled with energy as Kai witnessed feats that transcended the mortal realm.

Navigating through the sect, Kai eventually found the registration area. As he finished signing up, the weight of his decision settled upon him. The journey he had embarked upon was becoming more tangible with every passing moment.

Leaving the sect premises temporarily, Kai ventured into the local town to equip himself for the trials that awaited. In a humble weapon shop, he met the shopkeeper, a weathered individual with a keen eye for the needs of budding cultivators. After perusing the available weapons, Kai settled on a normal plain dagger—a modest yet serviceable choice. The cost: a mere 5 astral stones, a currency of value in the celestial realms.

With the dagger securely at his side, Kai returned to the Tranquil Peak Sect, his resolve deepening.

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