
Celestial Bloodline

On a peaceful planet filled with magic and power, Kyle's life was lazy and ordinary, but little did he know, he possessed something extraordinary. He lived his life with his family like any other lazy human, or so he thought, unaware that everything happens for a reason. However, everything changed when he turned sixteen. His older brothers, who were fed up with his laziness, came up with a ridiculous plan to teach him a lesson. They asked him to take the entrance test for one of the biggest academies. They thought this would knock some sense into their lazy brother. Kyle was stunned, but because of their coordinated planning, he reluctantly agreed with a hint of resignation. "I don't think I'll pass the test anyway. So, trying it for the experience isn't a big deal." "The only problem is, I can't guarantee that all my body parts will stay intact until the end of the entrance test." But to Kyle's shock, he passed the test without even lifting a finger! Still, he was convinced that he would eventually be kicked out of the Academy due to his lack of strength. But the moment he set foot in the Academy, he discovered something incredible about himself. He was special and nature's favorite. . . . ______ (#It's my first time writing. So, support me with ps, gt and gifts. Hehe, THANK YOU) (Note: The cover is not mine, found it from pinterest. All credits go to the owner who can ring me up in the comment section if he/she wants me to remove it.) It might be empty right now and maybe needs more work, but there's finally a Discord server! ^^ Link; https://discord.com/invite/RNesZV6e

_Orange_ · Fantasy
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685 Chs

What a lucky guy!

Outside the dungeon, the sky above the arena was filled with multiple projections, displaying recordings of the participants inside. The largest projection showcased Alec, Mia, Lara, and Carcel defeating the (E-)-rank monster.

The audience erupted in excitement, cheering loudly for their performance.

All the teachers, including the Vice Principal, were impressed by their skills. One teacher glanced at the projection featuring Carcel.

"Second Prince Carcel is exceeding our expectations."

The other teachers agreed, mentioning Lara, the daughter of Duke Evan, and Mia, the daughter of Count Albert.

"Who is the black-haired boy? He doesn't seem to be from a prominent family."

"A hidden gem! This year, we're witnessing many talented individuals."

The teachers also noticed other students, including Kyle, who appeared lost in the forest.

One teacher looked at Kyle with sympathy.

"What an unlucky participant."

Some other teachers also glanced at Kyle.

"Who is he anyway?"

Vice Principal George looked at the projection showing Kyle's location with a smile and muttered softly.

"Are you sure he's unlucky?"

After hearing his words, the teachers seriously looked at the projection showing Kyle, and then they noticed something!

"Huh... What's happening?"

The teachers expressed their shock after seeing how Kyle narrowly avoided all the monsters. He would change direction whenever there was a monster ahead, as if he could sense their presence!

Then all the teachers simultaneously thought, What a lucky guy!

But before they could comment on Kyle's strange situation, they saw him fall into a pit, and the projection showing Kyle suddenly turned dark.

"Did he run out of luck?"

One of the teachers murmured.

Vice Principal George chuckled, but when he saw Kyle's location, he showed a surprised expression and disappeared without saying a word.


At the same time, Kyle, who just fell into a pit, quickly rubbed his back with a pained expression. He complained with irritation.

"Agh... How can I be so unlucky?"

After complaining a few more times, Kyle calmed down and looked around. He realized he was inside a cave made of rocks, with five small tunnels in front of him.

"Where the heck am I?"

He looked up and saw the opening he fell from, completely dumbfounded.

"There's no way I can go back up. This cave is way too deep underground."

As Kyle thought about how he didn't encounter any monsters on his way to this strange place, a big frown appeared on his face.

"Maybe all the monsters have already been killed by the other participants."

He stood up and dusted off his clothes while examining the five tunnels made of unevenly stacked rocks.

"Are these even stable?"

Nevertheless, he decided to enter one of the tunnels.

"I just wish I could make it out of this gloomy place in one piece."

He approached the tunnels and paused, deep in thought.

"Which one should I pick? Hopefully, there's no hidden danger lurking behind them. But they all look the same, maybe they lead to the same spot?"

Kyle made a random decision and entered the last tunnel. It was pitch-dark, making it impossible for him to see anything.

After about five minutes of walking, he caught a glimpse of light in the distance.

"Did I find the way out?"

He exclaimed with a look of relief. As he emerged from the tunnel, Kyle squinted his eyes at the stunning scenery before him.

Water droplets dripped from the ceiling, forming a large pond in the center of the cave. Surrounding the pond were various brightly lit flowers of different kinds. It was a perfect spot for relaxation.

When Kyle glanced to his left, he noticed four more exits, identical to the one he had just come out of.

"So, it's true that all the tunnels lead to the same place."

He sighed, realizing he had been overly cautious. Little did he know, the other four tunnels were filled with monsters and hidden traps. The one he chose was the only safe option!

How lucky!

Kyle slowly approached the pond and noticed a shiny, round ball floating on its surface.

"What's that?... a skill core!"

He exclaimed, his expression filled with shock. If he was right, the floating core in front of him was a monster core, and to make it even more exciting, it was a skill core!

Kyle remembered his elder brother talking about cores. Normal monster cores usually disappear upon exposure to the atmosphere, but skill cores don't. They remain intact until someone learns the skill contained within. Also, obtaining a core from a monster was quite challenging. Even after defeating hundreds of monsters, the chance of finding a skill core was only ten percent.

Kyle didn't immediately rush toward the core. He looked around cautiously, searching for any signs of danger. After a few minutes of scanning the area, he found nothing suspicious.

Without wasting any more time, he plunged into the pond and snatched the floating core.

Kyle examined the core with a smirk.

"Hehe, you're mine now."

After inspecting the core, he confirmed that it indeed contained a skill.

"I wonder what rank skill I'll acquire after absorbing it? It's big enough to fit in my fist."

He took a deep breath and absorbed the core, unaware that the core's guardian was napping in the pond.

After absorbing the core, Kyle felt a surge of knowledge about the skill flooding his mind.

"Ice domain, what an amazing name for a skill! But why can't I see its rank?"

The rank didn't bother Kyle much as long as the skill was useful.

"But to use the skill, my mana should be at least (C)-Rank, and I'm only at (F-)-Rank. I won't be able to use this skill anytime soon."

While pondering, he slowly made his way out of the pond.

He scanned the cave for an exit and finally spotted a small hidden opening behind the pond.

"Let's hope this leads me out of here."

With a good mood, Kyle entered the small opening. After all, now even if he failed the entrance test, he had already secured something big for himself. He also felt grateful to Neon for pushing him into the test. Just a little bit, though.

After Kyle left, Vice Principal George appeared inside the cave.

He looked around with a frown and said to himself.

"I never imagined some random boy would snatch the skill that the Principal left behind before leaving."

Suddenly, there was movement in the pond, and a big serpent emerged. It was the guardian of the skill core.

The serpent glanced at the spot where the core should have been, then looked at the only person in the room.

Hissing, the serpent immediately attacked Vice Principal George, mistaking him for the one who took the core.

"Tsk! That lad has some incredible luck. He managed to claim the reward without even defeating the guardian?"

George swiftly moved his right hand to send the serpent flying.

"Now that he has acquired the Ice Dragon's skill, I can't let him fail the test. Otherwise, the Principal will find fault with me."

After one last glance at the pond, he disappeared once again.

Hello! A new chp is here!

_Orange_creators' thoughts