
Celestial Birth

"Celestial Birth" follows the tumultuous journey of Darren Croford, a once-powerful leader in the criminal underworld, who meets his demise at the hands of those he once trusted. Betrayed and left for dead, Darren finds himself reborn into a new world, shedding his former identity to become Sin Dreith, the illegitimate son of the powerful Dreith family in the Whay Kingdom. Determined never to be manipulated again, Sin sets out on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Sin vows to surpass anyone who dares to challenge him. With unwavering resolve, he strives to become the strongest force in the world, determined to make those who once stood above him kneel at his feet. Driven by a relentless thirst for power, Sin becomes the bane of the Dreith family, Cold-hearted and unyielding Sin's influence spreads like wildfire across the Eagan continent, he becomes a figure of both fear and fascination, his every move cloaked in shadows and deception

inquisition326 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The truth

 Chapter 2

 The man that was clad in silver armor grabbed the shield that was on his back, he then ran forward with the shield raised above his head. Crack! Thump! The shield shattered and the man in armor was pushed back with a such a powerful force that his feet left a trail behind.

 He had been pushed back five meters but before he could go any further a wall made out of stone grew from the ground and helped him stabilize himself. Landing on the ground Mary spoke no words instead she rushed forward while the group was still focused on their leader.

 The leader had the chance to finally breathe but he could still feel the might of that attack as even his hands tremble, looking up he could now see she devil that nearly killed him in one move getting closer. The man went on to scream out to his other members who were the archers of the group, but it was already too late as the one on the right had his head cleaved off of his shoulders almost immediately. 

 The archer on the right had already realized what was happening but it was too late as he pulled on the string of his bow while turning to face his opponent a sword Pierced through his chest and flames burnt him from the inside out as he screeched out before slowly his voice deemed down until eventually he turned to dust that was then blown away by the wind.

 At this point, the other two that had been on kneeling on the ground with their hands inside the the ground had moved away and were now seen standing behind their leader. "Is this really all they sent to block our escape" said Mary with a mocking tone while a smile was seen on her face.

 "Captain, I don't think we can stop this monster" said one of the men that were standing behind the man who was clad in silver amor. "Yeah, yeah how about we run away and just let them leave, it's not as if we can wait for reinforcement to arrive, we would be dead, and they'd be long gone by then so how about we just..." His words were cut short by the woman who had seemed to have appeared out of nowhere to cut off his head. "Shit" thought the man clad in silver armor as he tried to reach for the long sword on his waist only to have his hand cut off the next second.

 "Ahh" crack!! The man that was holding the stomp of his hand that had blood gushing out had then got kicked so hard on the side of his head that his neck twisted, and his face was now facing the man that was behind him. Seeing the state of his captain the man fell on his ass and even soiled his pants as a yellow liquid was seen spreading on the ground, his captain had then fell to his knees before his whole-body slammed onto the ground. 

With his captain out off the way he could now see the woman that had a blade in her right hand while she carried a child in the other, "please spare..." the Jian pierced through his skull. Pulling her sword out of the man's head his body fell backwards to the ground, she then splatters the blood that was on her sword on the ground before it had disappeared out of thin air as if it were never there in the first place.

 "OK let us keep moving now young master will head south for now"said Mary as she went of running south. Sin though had his mouth wide open as he could not believe anything that had just happened, he was now a hundred percent certain that he was in another world, but he was also scared to find out the nanny that changed his dippers and cooked for him everyday for the past three years was so dangerous. 

 "Let's not mess with Mary" thought Sin as he swallowed his saliva. A bunch of thoughts had flashed back and forth out of his head that he had not realized that they arrived in a forest and that the sun had already set. 

 Finding a cave Mary had gone inside with Sin. After walking a couple of steps into the cave Mary went to raise her right hand and a warm red flame appeared in her hand lightning up the cave they were in. Walking forward Mary had went on deeper inside the cave trying to make sure it was safe, they had eventually reached the ending of the cave, gathering a couple of materials that were found on the ground she made a fire and then she settled Sin on the rock's that were near the fire.

 "It is really unfortunate for you young masters" said Mary (growlll!) Was herd and Mary had looked up only to see the embarrassed young masters that was now holding his stomach with his face flushed red. "Hahaha" giggled Mary "I forgot that you haven't eaten young master please forgive me" said Mary as she the raised her hand for a bottle of pills to appear after.

 Mary took one pill from the bottle and put it in Sin's mouth. Immediately when the pill entered his mouth it dissolved into energy that was then absorbed by his body. With the energy filling his body he felt his hunger disappear and his body filled with energy that he felt like he was about to explode, "Calm down young master and control your breathing I'll help you absorb the energy." 

 "There you go young master" said Mary as she removed her hand from Sin's back. "Thank you, Mary, Mary what happened to mommy and how can you control fire" asked Sin as he starred at Mary with his big red eyes. "Well, I guess I might as well tell you everything, but you might not understand it all, so I'll tell you all about it eventually but for now I'll tell you this". Taking a moment to breathe she then said, "your mother is the third princess of the Whay kingdom that's located on the east side of Eagan continent."

 With just those words Sin's heart began to shake vigorously, and why wouldn't it Sin had sometimes sneaked to the library that was in the castle that's how he even came to learn about the world he had been reborn in which was planet Deligon, he had also learned that this planet wasn't as scientifically advanced as his previous world. He then had learned that this world had six continents and although the books he read did not speak much about the five other continents it spoke a lot about the continent he was born in which was the continent called Eagan which had five kingdoms ruling over its lands and people.

 Unexpectedly Sin did not expect to be born to one of the daughters of one of these five kings that controlled the Eagan continent, and he most definitely would not have guessed it would be the Whay kingdom which was said to be at the top three. With slight hesitation and a shaking voice Sin then went to ask his second question "what about my father". "Young masters as much as I wish to tell you about that I already sore an oath not to talk about the matter that's related to your father until you were at least at configuration stage or at least had strength equivalent to it"

 "What the hell is the integration stage and what does she mean she can't tell me anything about my father" Sin questioned himself. "Alright young master time for you to go to sleep now" said Mary as she clapped both her hands, "but imm nottt tired" said Sin as he started feeling drowsy and eventually fell asleep and fell off the rock on which he was sitting. Whosh! Mary appeared next to Sin and caught him in her hands.

 A black sleeping bag then appeared on the ground and Mary placed Sin in it before she tucked him in, after making sure Sin was good Mary turned her head to the entrance of the cave and said "so they're finally here , alright young master sleep tight while I go greet our guests" she then kissed him on the forehead, standing up her red and black Jian appeared out of thin air and she held it in her right hand and walked to the entrance. 

 Sitting up in a hurry Sin then looked around he had been asleep, everything that happened until now all seemed like a dream. "OH, you didn't need me to wake you up today young master, did you sleep well?" 

Looking at Mary Sin saw some red substance on Mary's cheek and then he said " Mary you have a little something here" as he pointed on his cheek. Touching her cheek with her hand she felt a liquid substance she then said "oh this must be from the berries I found earlier, would you like some" although Mary had already said it was berrie juices Sin could already identify it as blood. "I guess they followed us, and she had to deal with them while I slept" thought Sin, he then responded "I would love some" those words made Mary smile as she starred at the cute little Sin.

 Finally, a few years passed and during these years they had changed locations very often and during those times Mary had even been training Sin. Sin was now nine years old, and he had learned about the seven realms of power and the two different classes which were knights and mages. 

 They all had the same realms or way to measure one's strength but the only thing that separated the two is the different ways they use their sources some choose to call it mana, but he liked the former term better.

Mages used their source to cast spells, these spells were summoned through incantations, the only thing that limited it was one's own imagination. So, mages could basically throw fire balls and other things.

 Knights would enhance or fortify their bodies with their sources some of them can even cast different spells on their weapons when they attack as well as their bodies, they can use things like wind to help make their attacks faster.

 Even though Knights sound similar to mages their is a major difference mages have a large source so they can use more spells while Knights not so much, for this reason Knights focus on increasing their physical strength while mages learn to use their sources properly so they basically learning how to control their sources as well as learning different spells.

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