
Celestial and The Alpha

"Can you shift?" His voice was notably softer. I was grateful for it. As best as I could, I shook my head. The lingering dizziness rang through my head again. With another step forward, I let out my millionth whimper of the day. Goddess, I was like a boring yet concerning recording. From my personal experience, anytime someone with more power than you steps towards you, you should run. You should run far, far away as fast as you can. Chances were, they're going to hurt you. They're going to beat the shit out of you and that's honestly the best you should hope for. He stopped his movements, seeming to give me the time I so desperately need. He sighs. I'm probably annoying him. There was less than five feet between us now. He took another cautious step. I bit my cheek as best I could. "It's okay, little one." He took the final step towards me before crouching down. Even crouched down, I still felt so tiny in his presence; especially while I was in my wolf form. He reached his hand out towards me agonizingly slowly. I begged my fears to go away, putting my head down. Maybe if I can't see him, I won't be too scared. I could feel his hand hovering over me, a static-like feeling I'd never felt before letting me know. Finally, his hand touched my back. The static exploded into tingles. I jumped a little at first, the unknown worrying me. But. . . It feels so good. I'd never experienced this before but I never want it to stop. I relax under his touch. He picked up my small form and held me close, the tingles expanding. There was pain as he picked me up but the tingles were distracting me a good amount. "What's happened to you, little one?"

Mixy_Writes · Fantasy
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31 Chs

13.2: The Most Beautiful Girl

Celeste's POV

"You are the most beautiful girl out there Celestial, don't let anyone ever let you think otherwise."

I remember the comment like he told it to me yesterday. I had been crying because the other kids had told me that if I did have a mate then they would reject me because I'm an ugly runt. Thoughts of Lycer rarely stopped now that I had seen Christopher. I don't want to remember him, almost as much as I don't want to remember Christopher. Much different reasons.

"I have to make a few phone calls," Xavier says. I nod, trying to pull myself together.

"Who to?"

"Neighboring Alphas. We're having a meeting this upcoming Friday to discuss the rogues. We've been seeing more rogues banding together and have been having more attacks lately and we're uncertain as to why now. If we can, we'd like to find the root of the problem and nip it in the bud, if there's a root in the first place." I nod. 

"Is it okay if I go get something to eat while you do that?" 

He nods. "You don't have to ask, little one," I blush. That damned name.

I excuse myself to the kitchen, grateful I don't see anyone else in the pack house. It really is beautiful, lots of natural light expanding to every corner of the main rooms. I open the fridge and a few cabinets, getting out the ingredients to make an easy sandwich. My food knowledge doesn't expand very far and what I've learned in this week has mostly been adjusting. I put ham and cheese between two slices of white bread, putting away the ingredients. I stare back into the fridge, searching for a drink when something tugs on Xavier's sweater I'm wearing. "Excuse me!" I turn around to the sight of an adorable child. Red locks frame her chubby freckled cheeks, blue eyes staring at my questioningly. She's wearing overalls and no shoes. "You're the new Luna, right?" I mean, I guess I am. I nod hesitantly. "That's great! Can I have a juice box please?" I stare at her, blinking, before turning back to the fridge and grabbing two juice boxes. I hand one to her and keep the other, stabbing the straw through the hole in the top. Apple juice, yum!

She stares at me as she drinks her juice, making a dramatic noise when she's finished her sip. "I'm Delian!" A wide smile reveals two missing teeth. 

"I'm Celeste," I return the introduction. She throws herself at me, wrapping her arms around my legs. I set my juice down on the counter and crouch down to her height, giving her a proper hug. She smells like the wind on a summer's day. I find myself holding her head to me, feeling strangely connected to this child I'd just met. "It's nice to meet you," I say, pulling back from the hug. 

She stares at me quietly for a moment, seemingly studying me. She grabs my hand, looking at my palm for a moment. I let her. "You're sad," she says. I frown. 

"I'm happy right now," I lie. 

"It's okay Luna," she gives me a small smile, "You don't have to be happy all the time." She throws her arms back around me. A soft smile makes its way to my lips as I hold the young pup to me. "Wow!" When she pulls back she gasps. "You look so pretty when you smile!" As if to emphasize, she puts her hands on my cheeks and pulls them up. She giggles at her result. 

"Delian." We both look up at the sound of Xavier's voice, "Does your dad know you're here?" She looks down, shaking her head. "You are more than welcome here," he comes over and scoops her into the air, making her burst out into a fit of giggles. I pull myself back to full height. "But you have to tell him when you come," he brings her closer to her face and rubs his nose against hers. She nods as he puts her back down. 

Xavier walks over to me, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "I see you've met Delian," he says while eyeing my sandwich. He picks it up, taking a bite before handing it to me. I frown. That's my sandwich. . . "Delian," he gets her attention, "how do you like your new Luna, so far?" 

She beams, "She's pretty!"

Xavier chuckles, "I think so too." 

"Alpha, can I ask her a question?"

"Of course," he says with a soft squeeze to my side. 

She gestures for me to come back to her height. I comply. She 'whispers' in a voice that fills the room, "Will you be my friend?" 

"Why are you sticking around me?"

"Reasons," the dirty-blond haired boy in front of me said shortly. 

"Am I allowed to know those reasons?" He smiles, his teeth somehow a gleaming white. 

"I want to be your friend," he shrugs. 

"I don't even know your name," I reason, "and I doubt you know mine." The birds are chirping a beautiful tune today, singing a song only they know. 

"Then what's your name?"

I blink, "Celeste."

"Is that your full name?" I shake my head. "Go on then, what's your name?"

"Celestial Jacobs." He smiles, kneeling in front of me and taking my hand before kissing my knuckled dramatically.

"Celestial Jacobs, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, my name is Lycer. I think we can now be considered friends.

"Luna?" I blink, coming back to reality. Delain's eyes are wide, almost sad. How long was I staring off? 

"Of course I'll be your friend, Delian." Her smile returns at my confirmation of friendship.

"Great, then we should have a tea party!" She grabs my hand excitedly.

"How about another time?" Xavier's suggestion has Delian looking up at him with a pout. "You should go find your dad before he gets worried. Go on then," he encourages her. Delian leaves after another quick hug. Xavier pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me. "Are you okay?" I bury my head in his chest, "You spaced out there." I nod. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head. "Okay." He puts his hand on my head, I listen to his heart beat steadily. 

'It's okay to miss him,' Ancillary says. 'It's not wrong. He's still out there, somewhere.'

'I know,' I reason, 'but I doubt I'll ever see him again.'