
Celebrity Love

Jesy!Jesy!Jesy!, Jesy has been a global sensation although all the glitz and glam she has never been in love because she afraid of the media and Paparazzi reaction. ............................................................................................ What happens when she finally finds love with the leading company's CEO Jayden Nelson READ TO FIND OUT!!!

DaoistlcEnDm · Urban
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37 Chs


It's been a few days since Jayden last saw Jesy and he has decided to just forget about Jesy and try and live his best life and open a new chapter of his life.Meanwhile Jesy has been having her time of her life with Sean but there is one problem she can't forget about Jayden and she is starting to think she made a bad decision by breaking up with Jayden she feels like she acted like a coward and instead of breaking up with Jayden she should have stood firm with him and helped with his problems just like how he helped her forget about all the bad things people on the media have been saying about her. She was in the studio recording a song when Sean came in she saw him smiled at him and Sean smiled back and listened to Jesy's singing she could admit that could sing and that was one of the reasons he was in love with her . But he had not told her and he wanted to tell her tonight at dinner , he did not even hear her talk to him because he was busy daydreaming about how he and Jesy would make a great couple and how they would live happily ever after

Jesy: Earth to Sean , she said that snapping her fingers at him

Sean: Oh sorry I was busy thinking about something ( if you knew I was thinking about our future together)

Jesy: Ok , so what are you doing here

Sean: I just wanted to invite you to dinner

Jesy: Umm I will be busy tonight, she said that because she was tired with all the work she had been doing

Sean: Please , I won't bother for two days if do this

Jesy: ok , what time will you pick me up

Sean: I won't be picking you up , I will meet you there send you the location later

Jesy: ok, see later then

Sean: Bye, Then he left living Jesy back to her work she had to do . After long day Jesy decided to go straight to the location Sean has sent her and surprise him. When she got there she saw that Sean was not there as expected so she decided to sit in one table and wait for him . As she was busy with her phone waiting for her phone she saw Jayden sitting in another table looking at her , they looked at each other for long time and she could admit that she was still in love with him and felt like a coward for leaving him . She got distracted from her by Sean

Sean: Jesy you early

Jesy: Yes, I wanted to surprise you she stood up and hugged him while Jayden was still looking at them

Sean: Ok , let's order our

They ordered there food and started chatting she even forgot about Jayden because she having fun

Jesy: oh Sean you said wanted to ask me something

Sean: oh Yes , um Jesy I... love... you and can you please be my girl friend he said that stuttering

Jesy: Um Sean , I can't be your girlfriend because I am still trying to process the break up with Jayden

Sean: Ok but if it was not because that would you be my girlfriend

Jesy: No

Sean: Why

Jesy: Because I just see you as friends nothing more than that

Sean stood up furious and smashed the wine glass he using on the floor and walked out leaving Jesy shocked.

( Could this be the end of Jesy's and Sean friendship)

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