

Story of an amazing dragon with a kind heart and special powers. (first novel, so don't be too rough with me, and I will barely upload new chapters, sorry)

Kevindragon · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Egg Chase

Celebrent watched as the giant beak broke through more of the eggs shell inching closer and closer to him. Celebrent didn't know much. The only thing he knew for sure was that he had to get away!

He immediately tried to think of a way to escape but his smol brain couldn't come up with a way to escape. Celebrent was in deep thought, when suddenly he felt pain in one of his hind legs. He looked down and saw that the giant beak had grabbed his leg!

*shwoop* Celebrent went flying out of his egg, and was hanging from the monster's beak. Celebrent finally was able to see the monster in it's entirety. The monster had a small and narrow head, with a huge beak, and wings that looked very thin. Celebrent was then thrown into the rock wall of the cave, and he felt a sharp paint in his side which hit the wall.

He stood up quickly for he knew that if he stayed there he would surely die. Celebrent looked at the monster with hatred in his eyes. The monster suddenly tried to stab him with it's beak, but Celebrent dodged to the side and ran.

It didn't take long for the monster to realize that it's prey was running from it. Celebrent ran as fast as his baby legs could take him, until there was no where else left to go, he had reached the end of the cave, and possibly the end of his life.

Celebrent hid in a small crack in the cave wall, and hoped the monster wouldn't find him there. The monster came crashing into view, and Celebrent closed his eyes wishing he could just disappear.

Celebrent could hear the monster moving around very close to where he was tried to hide himself. He tensed up, as the monster crawled right to where he was hiding, then it suddenly started to look around the cave.

Celebrent dared not move his head, or even open his eyes in case it would give away his position. He waited there for what felt like a lifetime, and for Celebrent, it technically was. After waiting, and anticipating a giant beak to stab into his small body. But it didn't come, the beast left him alone. Celebrent still didn't move an inch out of his hiding hole, Incase the monster was waiting for him around the corner of the cave.