
Celebration of life: Beyond Veiled Boundaries

From one world to another, the working cogs of the afterlife have suited the souls within those worlds. Slightly beyond the sight of living people is a system of order that keeps all in check. Away from worlds of magic (as was in the previous books), here is a world as we know it. But peel back the laws that prevent the living among the dead, befall a strange way of life for one individual. In all honesty: this 132 chapter book is more the removed sections of another. This is a very broken long draft, I would actually not have this one in paper copy. But the elements of this book are basically for 'Shroud Over Their Eyes'. Welcome to my headache of untangling this multiverse.

Squeaky_Kittah · Urban
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136 Chs

Free time evenings

"All finished." The nurse is just a normal human, herself and her rumoured boyfriend that works here have been part of the school for only a year. They were just as new as little miss felt.

"What exactly is up with this place? I don't quiet understand why everyone reacts to the spirit folks like they do. In some ways to formal or down right ignorant. Is everyone ignorant to that fact that these spirits were once human people?" She asked hoping the nurse has a answer. Gladly she's talking to the right person too.

"I guess you were brought up not defended from them." The nurse turns away as she was cleaning away the used bandages and using cleaner fluids on the scissors, "You could say everyone here was sheltered. They were from families that used them for the sight abilities and in a way was forced to veiw the spirit people as lesser beings. That is unless the spirit people are titled, they respect those." The nurse makes glances around in being sure there wasn't many people lurking about to overhear them, "Be careful who you talk to and what you say. Especially around the Seers."

"So they were brainwashed into assuming things too." The little girl notes, "What about how you find this place? Seeing is believing, right?" The nurse laughs at that and yet see that there still a long to go for this little girl to fit in, "I grow up in a family that thought I was strange. Someone that will always be uneducated by their assumptions. Not only was I cursed sighted. I was cursed with having Dyslexia too. I try to say what I mean but it doesn't come out the grammatical way it should be. My mother was also just eventually give up on me too, stop trying to send me to schools that don't have the funding or care for someone like me. To poor to afford air conditioning on the worst of days. I watched lightning during a hurricane which strike the tree in the backyard instead of being in a shelter. Survived on the little we had, the water and electricity cut off." She got off the exam table herself, "But in spite of the lack of money. The issues everyone else has." She straighten her sleeves, "We always had a huge bbq on Saturdays. Everyone ate plenty, we actually play family games or watch jeopardy together. We are more happy then those people I should consider my sibilings." She picks up her backpack and reaches to the door, "I wonder if someday that they realize what they are missing out, the life is like be a real family. Not whatever they are now." She stops from opening it, "They seem like strangers to each other. Not just me." She looks to the nurse, "Thank you for the talk and bandages. Wish me luck that someday I can bridge a gap."

The nurse loved the praise for the work she did. It was nice to hear it. Yet on reflection it was because this child wasn't sheltered the same way as those children around here, all the heartache that a ignorant wish would never come true.

"Good luck." The girl manages herself and the nurse reflects more about the child. The graze on the arm was not normal accident but there isn't anything on her medical records that disclosed what it was from. She looks at the last name more confused. The kid was both a Seer and some other family name. A child out of wed lock. The nurse can't cry over spilt milk and will just have to rely on the child to forgive her poor words.

"All set?" The girl looks up to Curiosity with a soft smile.

"I guess so." She walks at his side, "Is there anyway considered news happening on your end? How's the travelling the other places going?"

"We don't have the capability to yet." He sighs, "Its to do with the tomes abilities to organise with each other. Something is sort of a miss with it."

"You should think outside the box or just forget what seems logical. None of those things have rules away from the living realms." She is glad that his casual. She had worried that the undertakers would start acting like stiff lips when they realize what she means to them. Although it could be because they don't have the full extent of understanding her that they are acting this way. She doesn't want to further those thoughts. So they having issue with the travelling between covers.

"If you get stuck on this side, I will send you home. You're a very hard worker." She smile wanes slightly in worry and focused with where they are heading, "Where are we heading exactly?"

"The king wanted to speak to your book." She nods lightly, "You don't have to if you want."

"I am sure it be fine. There aren't many questions that the book can answer anyways. What it knows is what it overheard or has learnt. Asking the gods for why the sky is blue would be better." They left to the dinner hall, a table was ready for her and several pairs of undertakers had suddenly turned all mute from the moment she walked in, "I guess if it's business. It has to be formal." She recounted that she literally told her sibilings that.

"We going behind the Seers backs this way." Curiosity mutters.

"I don't have much to consider their merits either. I am not an idiot like they are treating me for my age as." She returned her own mutter to him. He snickered again.

That slip in front of his peers made some turn to each other. She give a soft bow of greeting and sits alone on the seat. Curiosity went to sort out her meal, he had a better idea of her situation of affordability then others. Regardless what meal is about to be put before her, she is excited to have a proper meal. The cooks here are better then her aunt or uncle cooks. Not greasy like the store made stuff or takeaway.

"What within reason can we help you today?" She sounds a little happier then expected. The few shuffled not used to natural human emotions. The king however seems use to it, like he was expecting this sort of behavior from her, "We don't have god knowledge so whatever your going to be asking might actually be something off table. You could say that you upset the lords that protect balance." She folds her arms comfortably but her left hand is flying about as she spoke. She can't help herself speaking with actions mirroring words.

"Great." He has someone put a paper down, "This is a map of words. The words are connecting realm phrases." She doesn't even need to look at it.

"I know my chapters. These are all my book or the torn shreds of books we have rescued." The king had been completely thrown by that moment. He certainly shook his head a few times to adjust what he understood from her.

"The core sections would need some sort of system to order names in." Curiosity puts her tray down.

"Thank you." She held off eating a second to look at the paper as something does caught her off as something wrong, "Is there a different tome visitor around? That section isn't belonging." She had poked it too, "But going by the phrasing. They are dream walker. They can't harm us, not without consent at least."

"My head hurts already." The king complained.

"That's maybe because you are looking in details to much. Over generalized things helps retain your sanity. Just don't mistake to say that at them, some folks are easily offended or it is actually out right an act of racist remark. So keep your general wording to yourself." She tilts in how that does nothing, "But you be glad that there is somethings that have universal assumptions, even if in the detail they are polar opposites. Demons are consider evil to humans. Angels are their counter opposites. Its those sorts of things of concept we can share."

"But not all demons are evil and angels..." He misunderstands the point.

"Its the concept of there being sides. Not the actual definitions." Curiosity is fine. He gets it. She starts eating some of her food as they think it out. She looks at the map changing itself a lot. She too can understand the issue. It's not like there is a real book will every single name of all the souls and soulless. There is bound to be some that cross over and back without much trace.

The fly through the pages types. There isn't a perfect category for everyone. Some things that been thrown in section without really any consideration. These sorts of things are why the undertakers here are maybe struggling. It's a messy chaos of pages that don't make up there minds on what sections they belong with. Some pages just flutter about freely due to it, they aren't even noted on this map.

So she has a board mind in accepting this, because its not like she can tell souls to stop passing about within her drawn lines. She can however scare or snatch in those as she pleases from outside her books. She can toss them in any section of order and leave it to the soul to adapt or aquant itself with new surroundings.

"So how do we travel to this part you said isn't ours?"

"We can't answer that. It's a soul thing." She would have more to say yet it is better to let them figure it out from the vague clues. She doesn't want to give the wrong meaning to something. Especially when she's the one being stuck with something so sensitive to the matters.

"This where that concept of over generalized meanings isn't helpful." Curiosity moves her hand off the map and she takes opportunity to have a few bits to eat. She has her fill and let's the creatures that cling around her for attention soon climb to steal what they wanted. She couldn't stop them even if she tries.

Even Loki was maw first into her drink, making a odd noises. She hadn't even sipped it and now she was put off doing so. A pair of undertakers came forwards in collecting what was left and the king flutters hand at something else.

"I think you would appreciate having these. We will have days like this again. Random questions to ask. I can at least appreciate that you do so with nothing as strained as a sort of cost." So they ask advice from the Tricksters but pay for it in some favours. For what she asks for is actually mundane and simple even if she ever does, "The information bargained here is quiet fitting it's price."

"Sometimes it seems that. It's up to the believer or holder of the knowledge to know how to get what they want from it." She does accept her new three books. She took them with ease and no second thoughts of them being cursed or a trick. She thought about the top book. It was a reading manual when she lived in England in that other lifetime. This copy was unused and not thick of stickers from her first time using one, "You might use my orginal art to be more useful. Like words. Looks and places have universal concept. You all look ready for a funeral all the time, quiet fitting for undertakers." She puts these books into her bag, "A drawing can speak a thousand words."

"Excuse you?" She smiles in not meaning anything by it.

"You remember drawings?" Curiosity ponders.

"Nothing was erased for me. I remember the day I started to notice you more. You were annoying the book with being so on the edges. We actually feared you being snatched up by a god eater from a nasty tome owner. I thought you came to ask me about something. You inverted taught me about your views at the time and way of life. Although life after death doesn't exactly mean what it sounds from a living person like me." She sits down softly now that everything was packed away, "I thought I was crazy. I had all these strange dreams and I draw all those pictures. I had even attempted candles when drawing does nothing. My collection. You were scared of it. Scared that someone would misuse my drawing or candles." She laughs, "Its a good thing that I made sure they weren't erased. Those things might help you now. It just takes a while. Not just time." She smiles and looks at the paper of words, "Order in choas. Chaos has to start in order." She picks up her closed bag now and carries Loki freely, "See you again, then. Return home safe, right? You belong so don't assume we forsake. Even those whom left before, we wait for them too."

She left them. She had even looked back at how frustrated the king is. Curiosity had to much.

"She really is like how she describes universal concepts. Generalising to point of sounding odd or misguided. She sees through yet holds back for the sake of normality. She retains shape but seems boundless." Curiosity just getting this out his head for now, "She is deceiving but to the purpose of protecting. Ageless behind a young little girl." He had actual just seems to melt.

"The soul recycling system failed to wipe the slate clean but maybe it is a blessing and a curse." The king looking at the words on his universe map, "She said that the visitor must be dream walking. But..."

"Dream walking might filter differently if they walked from a universe of different universal understandings behind a concept." The closest to the king are the acting advisors to him. They spoke in unison in this thought process. Sliding everyone of them to take glance up to someone still seated on the chair. The mask the seems pleased with itself, posed with sheer thrill of being noticed by them. It throws cloth hands over the surface with inking in some much needed corrections.

So many of thr undertakers took arms and attacked, fearing that this mask was an enemy. She twirls about away quickly in evading them. The king posed a order of stop to see these corrections. The ink was wet and blurred in spots. Yet this overall map was the best completed map for this universe, styled for only spirit people can travel with. Not for the living to use.

"Why did you do that?" He asked. There was motion of reply. It that she received something and should return the favour. The mask take bow and jumps into a near dark patch, completely lost from being chased by the undertakers this way.

"She's dyslexic." One the folks reading some corrections.

"Are you really suggesting that the damned shadow is also her?" The king points out that like it was a flaw.

"She's still a Trickster." Curiosity argues, "Her mundane requests are not the value we perceived them as. Which was what she was trying to teach us just now."

"There is consequence to any act or even reaction." Some ponder. Debated it what they just did might actually affected anything. They would know better if they weren't dazed by the sheer volumes of duties undertakers have become now.

Consequence of loosing, the place the god souls left behind had thrown plenty of chaotic reordering or accidents to slip by. The mess is slowly getting harder to be undone. The longer the books are being left unchecked by pure souls. Not the pure as the way humans believe.

In the meanwhile, she got herself lost in exploring. She had even stubble upon her so called family having a sibilings meeting. Since she arrived here, there was four other buildings she had yet to know about or had realised existed. There is also the church and its gravestones that she wanted to see. She took the corner to inspect the modern buildings. It seems that the group of sibilings were so happens to have a huddle right here behind this corner. She wasn't actually looking for them. But it seems she was meant to be, some sigh in relief that she got the message or were annoyed that the plan was foiled to see her miss this meeting.

"There you are." The eldest among is acting leader. His the office guy as she knows him as. He was even quick to pull her into group, "Now that we are together. There is a huge problem and we can all talk through sorting it before the rest of the family makes action." He holds her in front of him while the rest huddle steps in, "There is a creep in the church. No one can see him, but us."

"Is it because we all have masks and does this guy have one?" She interrupts asking.

"What? How did you know we have..." They are hit in the arm.

"She's one the family, regardless." The eldest sighed, "Yes it is because it and we do have masks."

"So it's damned. Interesting. Must also talk backwards then. They normally do." She pets Loki and the group shivers.

"Who told you that? How do you know?" The annoyed among them was unhappy of her a stranger being highly aware of things beyond living.

"So is this guy bothering here for a reason or is it lost? Do we even talk to it?" She asks on with what the other sibilings were squaring between them, "Does it have a book to? There been a few of those. They been seeking advice from ours. Like social networking."

"Social what?"

"Are you actually a demon in disguise?"

At the least it was softly voted among them that it was for the best that she had a chance to see for herself.

Picked up at ease by the eldest and the group following along to the church in the Eastern side of the campus. Even the door in was east facing, so they all walked around. At the vantage point of being held up like this, she can see all sorts of beings hovering in fear of this group. These was even looks by living students too.

She glimpses at people and then pours more attention about the building. Much like a lot of the area is Greek orthodox or even Methodist. The outside ornaments are in keeping to it being a plantation 1820's church. This is a mostly Christian church with modern additions. There was a prayer anex beside for the those that need prayer mats, which isn't Christian. The notices walking in gave the base timetable for services for all faiths. There was an open culture service on Saturday lunchtime. All these sorts of things to adapt to make the school accepting and diverse. In spite of the fabric history of the area.

"The four pew from the front." It was now just her and the eldest. He continued to carry her and opens the door slightly for them both to peer into the main church seats. Indeed a guy of damned origin, cloth skin, ethereal shadow clouding breath and a mask face. It seems solid to the eyes of a cursed but in living eyes is a dark patch of unlit area. She slips out of grasp to brave walking in. She steps confident and use to the invasive brush cold aura all freaks have. Loki was gone, so this was a guy to fear. Or maybe not at all.

"Mr Magic guy." She puts her backpack at the floor and sits beside the tired man underneath all those straps of materials. likely the skins if beings his insanity has slain. All in the name of order in books. She got onto the bench with no help and let's her feet sway, "Your taking a break. It's fine. You wouldn't upset to many folks around here really but at this point. I don't care that you do."

"You are the broken soul of that the tome around here keeps like a pet." Indeed she heard him in translation, not the way other people around mistaken.

"Dream walking in other people's books again. You know that you break rules too." She continues and it sighed in being caught red handed by her. Yet, she pets a through the back - trying to humanly support the hurt soul.

If she was broken, this guy was sand. His literal soul is crushed sand. She accepted that a lifetime ago, forced herself to accept that she too was broken and unique. The shadowy guy snickers at how a child was consulting him. It's rare. Completed undamaged souls don't realise how protected by ignorance they are. Always those who work the edges of time and space that put up with worse.

"There's a monster at the edge that ate god souls. I don't think you should pay it time." She slips mindlessly in thought. He jolt ready and she sees him dive into darkness. Never to be seen again, maybe. She got off the pew now and puts the weighed bag on her shoulder. It is significantly heavier then normal for her. She ends up dragging it behind in the return to her sibilings.

"What exactly did you tell them?" The eldest went to pick the bag up and was met with being unable to keep standing himself. She helps him off the floor.

"Monsters." She states nothing else. She drags her bag onwards, the gloom of her shadow baring the whole weight. There is a unspoken deal to why books like the tomes of life and death are weightless in spite of being ethereal books of divine soul control. The souls within are accepting of the universal concepts. So when a tome of a stranger is held, not always is the universal concept the same.

A tome book in great condition, is always protected. No matter if its inside the universe it catalogues or not. She can't pick the strangers tome up or even read it. She doesn't have the permission of the souls within to do so. The souls of her tome would act similarly to him using her books. Going about fixing others books is a task that needs a soul from in that tome to assist or a cosmic war from beyond the books drawn lines to enact these fixes. The later has already happened and is the cause for why tome fragments from other universes are found slightly reach within some unveiled curtains. She has accepted that her tome is looking for such things and is making effort to speak to weird creeps like that cloth magic guy. Equally why a cloth guy would leave his book to a total stranger like her. They may not understand each other universally but they are the same team. The cosmic war hurt many universes in different ways and it doesn't even matter how it began or ended.

She makes it outside of the church doors with everyone lingering about. She studies them all the same, they have uniform for a 'family' and stand in age order too. So military. They aren't going to be welcomed with ease by the folks with books, just as death gods and undertakers will be avoided. Its that association of dark or negative. Only the negative would seek such folks. Tricksters are likely no different. She twirls with how the eldest was still exhausted by the meer touching distance of the strangers tome. Proving not all can be broadly accepting like this girl is. The lad had felt a bad reaction to a soul law caused by the strangers tome.

"Don't go near her. She's carrying a cursed object." He was helped by the second lead, "Clearly our visitor was damned and also a keeper." They nod and look at her.

"I have nothing to say. If I start explaining, I will be smacked by the book again." The few that have touched the book know well it's sentient. A picky book. Those that bully her had not met the books before. They aren't comfortable at all that she younger then them but in the fold (so to speak).

"She's to young." blurts a sudden hiss by the middle girl. This middle aged sister is in shared classes time to time, "If I can't go, then she certainly can't."

"It is not about what we can do to prevent her seeing or gaining know about the other side. I would even argue that she more knowledgeable then she's allow to be." The second eldest has beaten everyone in disagreement to turn away. To force accepting this stranger as one of them, and talk the subjects that they do.

"If it is damned. Their concept is that everything they show is backwards. They disagree to agree. They smile when scared. They hurt themselves when they cry. They are quiet sad human souls." She bursts bubble of arguement with shifting things back to why they have gatherd here. She studies the estranged expressions and the sour twists they (and thier mask selves) make. She learnt these expressions as unprecedented shock.

"But what if its a clothus?"

"They might as well be demons in borrowed skin." She throw her left had lightly at this assumption, "They want your name to enslave you. Once they have permission to steal you, they break rules. That just summons the death god to become visible or something worse." She points up, "A damned will scare you. They don't want your name or care to interrupt your life as demons or clothus will." She peers around at checking if she has the ok. The book given the sign is what she needs. She hugs her backpack and sensed it tighten to her too. Yes. everything seems fine.

"Then we can sort this." The eldest sighed. The following voting nods of those that have a say.

"The clothus that are recorded. They aren't a threat. It's the threat of any that aren't recorded yet." She warns. It only made them agree easier. She remained skeptical and left out of how exactly is the process of dealing with this issue.

"Those unable to do combat are to return to normality. Even our newest member." The annoyance of being denied taking part yet relief that the brat lowest of them isn't skipping the rules. No special treatment for the lowest.

For the time being, this was a good deal. She was tired in her younger body to the point of affecting her older mental state. She suspects that when she turns of a certain age or even more class grades. She will take part in these little missions her sibilings do. There is a sort of vague feeling at the back of her mind that she do them anyways, without their support. Best to worry about it. Priority is getting to sleep, it's the end of school day. This was plenty of excitement for one day.