


Vureva · Book&Literature
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80 Chs

Time Lord

Summary - Dark Lord Harry Potter travels to a new time and reality to snag himself a new follower. Bellatrix/Harry

Time Lord

In a cave near Hogsmeade, the air crackled with energy. Lights flashed and the ground trembled as arcs of electricity sparked from every stone. A buzzing sound could be heard as a pin-prick of light began to grow larger and larger. Finally reaching critical mass, the light exploded leaving behind a frazzled-looking adult male.

Harry Potter shook off his wooziness and got to his feet. As suspected, he was as naked as the day he was born. All his calculations told him that everything on his body would be disintegrated. Luckily, he took measures against it. He touched a tattoo on his forearm and a small blue flame appeared. His hand slipped in causing the flame to grow, and after a few seconds of rummaging around, he pulled out his wand. Once his hand left, the flame disappeared. It was a handy spell created by himself for just this cause. He placed a pocket dimension in his forearm to hold the bare essentials that he would need for his mission. With his wand in hand, he waved it and clothing appeared on his body. Another wave and a chair formed. Harry sat down, tired from his trip.

As Harry sat down, he went over a few things in his mind. His mission was simple. Travel to a different reality that was very similar to his own and "recruit" some new followers. It was a shame what had happened to his old ones. Most were killed in the last great battle. In the end, his side came out on top, but the casualties were devastating.

Both sides were nearly wiped out. Truth be told, there were only the dregs left to choose from. He damn sure didn't want to have to train those useless idiots into half-competent soldiers. That was the reason for his dimension-hopping. His first stop was a specific time, but he still had to hope that the realities were similar enough. He was here for one specific person, Bellatrix Lestrange. He remembered that in his youth, she was likely one of the most feared women to ever exist.

As time went on, Voldemort had let her talents and body degrade to the point where she was just another talented meat shield. Psychosis like that needed to be nurtured. He calculated this jump to a specific time. He was aiming for sometime around 1987 or 1988. He didn't have time to pull her from Voldemort's clutches, nor did he have any intention to get into some long, drawn-out fight for dominance. He chose this time because Voldemort was supposedly already defeated, and Bellatrix was safely stored in Azkaban prison. He smiled cruelly. A few years in prison would make her all the more grateful for her release. Now he just needed to prepare.

Harry took his time. He had long since figured out that rushed plans often failed. He spent around a week preparing the cave with wards, expansion charms, and anything else he thought would be useful. He didn't need a house or anything like that. He wouldn't be staying. He chose this cave because of its proximity to Hogsmeade. Here, all the magic he would be using would go unnoticed by the Ministry. Once he had the cave all set, he went out and bought some toys to play with. Of course, they needed a little magical tweaking.

His forearm pocket dimension, while decently sized, wasn't huge. It was only around one square meter in size, so he couldn't bring everything that he would need. What he did bring were his potion supplies. He pulled them out and went to work. He wasn't a master, or anything close. He did, however, have some masters working for him. They could create any potion that he would need. Harry just had to learn how to brew it properly. All in all, it took a couple of weeks to get everything in order. It was time well spent in his opinion.

Time Lord

Bellatrix Lestrange was bored. It was the same thing every day. Eat the disgusting slop they called food, sleep on a hard, stone floor covered in a ratty blanket, and suffer when the Dementors rolled by. Still, she didn't regret anything. She spent her days reliving the glorious violence in her mind. How she longed to get back out there and slit a few throats. She sighed and rolled her eyes when she heard her brother-in-law, Rabastan crying in another cell. The man lacked conviction. She heard tapping on her cell bars. She looked up to see a good-looking middle-aged wizard with striking green eyes. He smiled and her world went dark.

Harry had easily gotten into Azkaban. The wards were identical to the prison in his reality. That made the job a lot easier. He knew these wards like the back of his hand. He created a hole in the apparition wards that would stay open for about an hour … more than enough time to get in and out. He went in, got what he needed, and got out without anyone being the wiser.

Soon the hole would close, and there would be no evidence of what had happened. He placed the unconscious Bellatrix on the work table. He waved his hand in front of his face and grimaced. She smelled bad. Not surprising, Azkaban wasn't exactly a five-star resort. He waved his wand and her clothes disappeared. He waved it again and she was clean … well, clean enough for now. He got a good look at her. The seven years in prison had certainly done a number on her. It had stripped her of her beauty and youth. He didn't know exactly how old she was, but he knew she had to be in her mid or late thirties. She looked at least in her early fifties. That definitely wouldn't do. He pulled out some of the potions that he had created and got to work.

A Few Days Later

Bellatrix groggily opened her eyes. She was a bit confused. She wasn't hungry or cold. She tried to rub the sleep from her eyes but discovered that she couldn't lift her hand. Looking down, she found that she was strapped to some kind of table that was placed upright, making her appear like she was standing. In front of her was a full-length mirror. Her eyes widened when she noticed her appearance. She was beautiful and young! She looked to be in her late teens again! But how? Further inspection showed that she was completely nude. Besides her eyelashes and brows, and her long, luxurious locks, there was no hair on her body. She could see her taut lips slightly poking out beneath her hairless, V-shaped mound. Not only that, but her body wasn't skinny anymore. She was healthy-looking again. Even her teeth were white and pearly.

"I can see that you like my work," a deep voice rang out, startling her. Her table spun around to face the man she remembered seeing in her cell.

"You!" she screeched. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" she growled, desperately trying to break out of her shackles. The bastard just smirked at her.

"I'm your new master, and I've come to claim you," he said evenly, walking up to her and brushing a finger down the middle of her breasts. Bellatrix cackled out an insane bout of laughter.

"New master?" she laughed. "Sorry fella, but I've already got one, and I'm a one-man kind of gal," she giggled insanely, still trying to free herself. The man just chuckled.

"Ah yes, Voldemort right?" Bella flinched and glared at him, daring him to use his name again. "Is he just as pathetic in this reality as he was in mine?" he asked, good-naturedly. Bella growled. "You should have seen his face when I killed him. Such fear, such cowardice. His despair was glorious!" he ranted. Bella's eyes widened.

"As for your former master, I know he's still alive … if you could call being a pathetic wraith and having to possess frogs being alive that is." Bella fought even harder. She wanted to strangle this guy. "Don't worry about him though. Look at your forearm."

She did and nearly screeched at him. The remnants of her Dark Mark were gone! Even if she couldn't see the mark before, she could still feel it. Now it was gone. The bastard just laughed as she thrashed in anger, spitting curses at him. He walked up until they were face to face. "You'll grow to love me," he said happily. She spit right in his face!

Harry pulled back and wiped the saliva from his cheek. He had to clamp down on his urges to gut her. Bella watched as he calmed himself and glared at her. "You're lucky that I've put so much work into you. Otherwise, I would sew your mouth closed and hang you by your hair."

Bella cried out in shock when he waved his wand and suddenly, the table she was attached to started changing shape. She was flipped and turned and ended up face down on all fours. Her knees were spread and shackled along with her hands. She tried to pry them up, but they wouldn't budge. "I've got something for you to play with, Bella!" he said, excitedly. In front of her, he held up a large, purple, rubber dildo. "It's a muggle sex toy that I've enchanted. I'm sure you'll love it!" he laughed at her panicked look. "But first, some entertainment for you."

Her table was turned to face the mirror again. This time the mirror disappeared to show her husband Rodolphus strapped to an identical table! His eyes were wide as he tried desperately to free himself. The man walked up to him and patted his head like a dog. "I've given ole Rudy here a different potion treatment," he explained, pulling a sheet off of a side table to display various knives and torture devices. Her husband started thrashing wildly. Her heart hammered in her chest. She was horrified, and a little excited. "The human body is so frail. I mean, a few moments of torture and you die of shock. How boring. Rudy here won't be meeting such a fate! He'll last through days of pain, the potions will see to that. Shall we begin?" he asked happily. Not waiting for an answer, he reached down and grabbed a glass jar with a lid. Inside, looked to be giant wasps.

Harry held up the jar. "Japanese hornets!" he said proudly. "It's said that their sting is horrifically painful. Luckily for Rudy here, unlike bees, hornets can sting over and over again!" he giggled. She didn't know how that made her husband lucky but watched as he walked to his naked form and unscrewed the top. With a sticking charm attached, he slid the jar hole over her husband's penis and testicles. Rudy's ball-gagged mouth let out a muffled scream. "Oh calm down! You haven't even been stung yet. They're quite calm at the moment."

Bella gulped as he walked back towards her. He went behind her, and she gasped out when she felt the large dildo split her folds and slide into her depths. She shivered when he pulled it almost all the way out. "Forgot the lube," he mumbled. She heard a squirting noise and then it was slid back in. "Ready to feel something wild?" She was about to tell him to go fuck himself when the dildo suddenly started vibrating harshly and began penetrating her over and over. She gasped and tried to look over her shoulder, but it was no use. She put her face down in shame as she was fucked with the muggle sex toy. She closed her eyes and tried to focus on anything but the pleasure.

Harry skipped and twirled crazily as he slid up next to Rudy. "Give her a show Rudy!" Harry grabbed a potion ladle and started banging on the glass repeatedly. Rudy was shaking his head no as the hornets got riled up. Finally, he hit the jar with a vibration charm to keep the hornets angry. As the first stings hit, his muffled screams were horrific to hear.

Bella bit her lip as she watched what was happening. Her husband was writhing and screaming in pain, and her pussy was dripping down her thighs. The guy appeared by her side. "His screams are wonderful, aren't they?" he asked, sensually rubbing her bare back. Bella kept her mouth shut, afraid of the lewd noises that might escape her lips. "No? I'll see if I can do better."

She shuddered when he went back to the table and grabbed a wicked-looking blade. He lifted it up to her husband's head and ever so slowly, scalped the middle of his hair. From forehead to neck, Harry happily detached the hair and meat from his best bud Rudy's head. His screams were the stuff of nightmares. When the large strip of meat was released, Harry happily showed them his work. "I've heard that Rogaine will help with hair loss Rudy!" he said, slapping the crying man in the face with his own head meat. Harry happily skipped back to Bella.

Bella watched as he slid around the back of her. "How was that, honey?" he said, licking her quivering butt cheek. His hand was groping the inside of her thigh, smearing her dribblings into her creamy smooth skin. She mewled and wiggled as he peppered her sweaty skin with kisses and licks. It had been close to a decade since she last had any kind of real sexual contact. She was so fucking horny. Not only that, but she was lustfully anticipating what he would do next. She finally let out a moan when his tongue wiggled over her puckered asshole. The dildo was still fucking her, hitting just the right spot with every penetration. He walked by, reaching out to squeeze her dangling breast.

"Well Rudy, your wife's a tough nut to crack. I'm going to have to step up my game if I'm going to impress her." Harry grabbed an enchanted knife. It was spelled to follow his mental command. Placing the tip against Rodolphus' skin, the knife stood straight out waiting for a command. He walked back to Bella.

Bella groaned when the dildo was pulled from her pussy. She could feel the backed-up pussy juices slip out with the dildo. It must have been a messy sight. Her pussy was so raw and sensitive. Suddenly she felt something warmer at her entrance. She was so horny that she didn't care who or what fucked her. She happily slid her ass back as much as she could. She moaned when it slipped in. Strong hands squeezed her hips as her fucking began.

She let out a shuddered breath as she gleefully watched the knife slide across her husband's skin. Trials of blood dripped down as he cried and begged for mercy that wouldn't come. Her body spasmed as he hit a wonderful spot inside of her. Understanding what had happened, he hit that spot over and over again. That was the sign of a good lover, she thought.

He paid attention to her. The wet sounds of their fucking mixed with the garbled yells of her husband was a sound she would never forget. In years to come, she would often masturbate to the memory. Right now, she had no need for masturbation. Her master's abnormally large cock was splitting her apart. Her G-spot was being battered as her nipples rubbed against the table below. A loud, muffled scream turned her attention back to Rudy. She watched with excitement as his bloody ear fell to the ground!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuck!" she moaned when her master reached under her and began tweaking her wet clit. Her pussy was already beginning to flutter on his cock. She happily watched as her husband was sliced to ribbons. Inconsequential body parts littered the floor as Bella helplessly gripped the table. Her pussy was tightly gripping his thrusting cock.

"Keep an eye on your hubby, darling!" She locked eyes with her husband. She could see the pain and betrayal in his eyes. It made her pussy tingle. Just then, her master directed pure magic into her clit as his mighty cock speared her G-spot. Her eyes widened when the knife slid across his skinny belly, spilling his intestines all over the floor!

"FUUUUUUUUUUCK ME!" she cried out, her pussy contracting on his thrusting member. Her orgasm exploded as did the juices from her pussy. Her ass trembled wildly as her juices sprayed her captor. With every thrust, she squirted some more. She squealed in pleasure while watching vomit dribble out of the ball-gag. Her pussy was harshly milking the cock fucking her, hoping for a hot, creamy load. She wasn't disappointed. Her master groaned and filled her with his thick, hot seed. She mewled in pleasure, happy to have pleased her new master. "Ohhh!" she squeaked one last time, her ass spasming while releasing one little squirt. She laid there quivering in pleasure. Amazingly, Rodolphus was still alive!

"I told you Rudy would be around awhile!" Harry said happily. "I haven't even brought out the chainsaw yet."