
Causal Collision

Natasha is about to be forced into marriage by her mother. She is getting married to a wealthy man. They sort of feel sorry for each other at the beginning but start to fall in love. However with every collision comes a burst of energy, heat and pain. Read the book to find out the rest of the story .... more chapters and frequent updates on wattpad

DaoisttTzxFj · Teen
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Chapter 6

Natasha's P.O.V

It been 2 week now since we've moved in and today is the day we are going to the club with all our friends. It also been 2 week since Tyler and I had sex for the first time and we been fucking so much since then. I know it's bad to form a relationship based on sex but we can't help it, he's really good.

Today, I'm home in our bedroom, waiting for tyler to come home. It should be any second now. In all honesty , I'm excited and nervous about our friends meeting each. It's very important they get along. I get up and go into my walk in closet. I need to find something to wear that says sexy but taking, me being a girl that doesn't really wear 'sexy' dresses, of course which means I don't know what to wear. That's when a miracle snatched my eyes. As I pull out the dress someone enters the room.

"Tash I'm home."

"Hey how was work?" I say while walking into the room. "same old same old. What have you been doing?"

"I was picking out a dress for tonight and was about to go shower."

"Oh right, I need to go through my stuff and find something good to wear."

"Well you get your clothes ready while I go for a shower." I grab my towel and walk to our attached bathroom. I slide out of sweatshirt and my baggy shorts. I moaned as the steaming hot water caressed my body. Suddenly I feel a pair of hands on my waist. I turn around knowing who it is.

Warning mature contact

I'm greeted with long lust filled kiss. My hands pined to the wall. He travels down my body slowly torturing me. He lingers on my breast making them hard. " Ty...ah!" He was about to push fingers into my pussy, I gently pushed his hand away.

I turned off the shower and knelt down, almost as if I was bowing to him. I took his long erect dick into my mouth. I start bobbing my head back and forth, swirling my tongue around like vines wrapping around a tree.

"Fuck Tash...damn you're good...I'm gonna cum right down your throat." With that I went faster, taking more of his 8 1/2 inch cock into my small mouth. Lucky, I don't have a gag reflex.

I moaned but you could barely hear it because of Tyler's 'friend' filling my throat. Tyler held onto the sides of my head moving my head even faster, grunting even louder with every hard thrust.

" I'm cúmming." He let out with one hard thrust. His seed went straight down my throat into my stomach. He pulled out of my mouth and help me up but we're not done, not even close.

He pushed 3 fingers inside pumping them in and out. "Mhmm baby faster harder!" He was going so fast and so hard it was like he was being powered by a steam train engine. He stopped for a second removing his finger and replacing it with díck. He plunged into making me scream at the top of my lungs. I jumped wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Ty don't hold back I-I can handle it."

With he went twice as fast, twice as hard, twice as deep. Now we were moaning incapable of stopping. "Oh baby!"

"Fúck tash, you're so tight!"

I was in oblivion and before I knew it, I could feel my high coming. Tyler's thrust became sloppy and harder. "Baby cúm with me," He grunted. I let go and cum all around his cóck as he shoot cúm deep into my pussy.

Scene over

He kisses me one last time before we bathe together. Him washing my body and me washing his.

We walking into the bedroom with towels covering us. I grab the dress and lay it next me. Ty goes into the closet and throws his towel out. I let out gentle giggle as I appy lotion to my body. Is it down at th edge of the bed and try to reach my back.

"Let me help." He squirts some of the lotion onto his hand, rubs them together. He moves his perfect hands all over back, giving me a soft massage. "I'm done."

"Thanks." I slip into my underwear. Then put the dress on, checking how I look in the mirror. I put some mascara to make my eyes pop and lip gloss to make my lips shine. I wasn't big on make up and when I do I like it natural. I take the band out of my hair, letting it fall on my back still a little damp. The top of my dress is snake patterned whilst the bottom of my dress is like a black wrapped skirt which is a bit short and tight but I'm sure it will be fine. I pair the dress with my black open- toe heels.

Tyler walks in, looking so darn handsome. He's wearing a navy tight fitted button up shirt. He paired it with dark trousers and a brown belt. Topping it of with a black watch and black trousers.


Wow you look gorgeous." He comments while scanning me up and down. "Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself." I walk over to my bedside table and grab my purse. I put my phone, lip gloss, ID and some cash. "We better get going."

We walk to down stairs towards the garage, on the way Ty stopped to tell Gretchen (housekeeper) that we were going out and we might be back late. We continue our journey to garage.

"Mr & Mrs grant how may I help you this evening?" James, the chauffer asks as he stand next to the Mercedes Benz CL 600.

"We are going to blue ice, the club, you know there?"

"Yes sir, I do."

Ty nods, opening the door for me. I slide in all the way down so ty could come in from the same door.

We made our way to the club in comfortable silence. My phone binged telling me a have a new massage.

Emerald - we are here at the club. Are you far?

"How far are we?" I ask the driver.

"5 minutes Mrs."

Natasha- 5 minutes won't be long now

When we step out of the car, we are blinded by lights. ''Mr Grant, who is this woman?'' A reporter asked. ''This beautiful woman here is my fiance and the love of my life.'' Everyone is surprised but none more than Tyler. I guess he didn't mean to say it. It was kinda of awkward so we didn't make eye contact. We push through the crowd and enter the club. My friends are waiting at a table looking killer good.

Emerald has this dress on that reminds of tropical trees. Ruby has this green off shoulders button down. Matt is wearing a dark blue button down shirt that has white splashes on it with a pair of black jeans and black trainers. Tom is wearing a plain white t-shirt, a dark blue jacket, dark blue jeans and white trainers.

'' OMG are my eyes deceiving me or I'd Natasha Vanvet wearing a dress that shows her figure?'' I roll my eyes at Tom, ''It's not like it is the first time you've seen me in a dress.''

''You've met my fiancé Tyler.'' I gesture over to him. ''Hey, you guys look amazing.'' He shakes gents' and kisses the ladies's hands.

Two good looking men walk through doors. When they see Tyler they start walking towards us.

''Ah it's good that you could join us.'' Tyler says sarcastically. ''It takes time to look this good.'' The more confident, cocky one says.

He is a bit pale with a square jaw line. He has a green eyes and these thick brown eyebrows, gorgeous cheekbones and kissable lips. His hair is styled in a swoosh that is slightly towards the side and spikey. He is basically sex on a stick. He is wearing a plain white t-shirt, a black blazer with brown pockets. He is also wearing a black watch, dark blue Jean's that are held up by a black belt, finished off with black trainers. ''This is one of my best mates, Andrew also know as Andy.'' He kisses my cheek. ''Damn you- '' Tyler interrupts,''don't say anything if it inappropriate or maybe offensive.'' Tyler warns. ''Then I am never going to speak.'' I chuckle, at Andy's comment. He sent me a charming smile, along with a sexy wink.

The man next to Andrew is a olive skinned with a round jaw line. He jas hazel eyes and black triangle eyebrows with this soft smile. His hair is straight but you can see it's not natural because of the ends and how they're starting to curl. However still neat and sophisticated. Even though he's just as hot as Andrew, he has more of a romantic vibe coming off of him. He is wearing an ordinary white button down shirt that is covered by a black sweater with a low v-neck shape, dark grey Jean's and brown shoes. ''This is my other best mate Derek aka Rek.'' He takes my hand places a kiss on it.'' Can I just say you are gorgeous...and so are your friends.'' He finishes facing them especially eyeing Emerald.

''These are my best friends Ruby, Emerald, Tom and Matt.'' They all said their heys and mingled.


Everyone was drinking loads even though I wanted to but something told me not to. Didn't mean I didn't drink, I had one vermouth cocktail.

The guys went to get more drinks so it's just Rub, Em and I at the table.

''OMG they are so hot.'' Rub whispers loudly.

''Yeah they're hot I like Derek especially because of his sweetness and his sexiness.'' Em says as if she's enchanted.

''Tell us about your new life.'' Rub say which brings Em out of her day dream.

'' Just learning to run household, gosh it's exhausting.''

''What about the 'romantic' life?'' Rub questions. I sigh knowing what she means and answer the question, looking down and play with my fingers. ''He's so good. He knows the way around a women's body like the back of his hand. However there's something about him. He says how feels and it so deep, it fascinates you. He cares, not how the other guys say they care but they don't, he actually cares and can tell by his eyes. When he's around or does something that show he cares I get this feeling in my stomach maybe I'm sick.''

I finally look up and see their faces with big smiles plastered on their faces. ''Omg.'' Rub starts. ''You're falling in love with him.''

No way... I am.

Tyler's POV

This night so far has been amazing Tash's friends are very nice people to be around. Judging by the look Andrew and Derek have been giving Ruby and Emerald, I'd say there is some serious chemical reaction in the air or whatever. Tom is just such a funny guy and Matt is relatable because we like the same things and have similar experiences in school.

We initially came to the bar to get drinks but it's very crowded. We saw the girls in a deep conversation and didn't want to disturb them so we are waiting here. When we start to talking about random things, matters of life and etcetera.

''How's your life with Natasha in it?'' I know exactly what he means but I'm not going to answer it because my sex life is none of his business, if I was going to tell him I'd say it is amazing. ''There's something about her that just intrigues me. Her smile is just gorgeous and her laugh makes you want to laugh. She's so shy but at the same time confident. Let's not forget beautiful and she doesn't even know it. She's not like the others she doesn't care that I'm a billionaire. She's sincere and doesn't keep her feelings in unless it will hurt someone. I get all nervous around her and I don't know why. It like she has a lasso around me and is pulling me in.''

They are all looking at me as if I was reading out love's philosophy. ''You are so whipped.'' Andy says breaking the silence. I look at him, opening and closing not knowing what to say.

There is this girl that is just dancing around our table trying to get our attention. However, I'm to caught up in my thoughts. She starts getting up close and personal and I'm starting to lose my patience. ''My name is Courtney. What's yours handsome?'' She says her breath laced with alcohol. ''I'm taken sorry.''

''How do you know that?'' Tom asks. ''I don't.''

''That's the girl that made Natasha's life a living hell during her school days.''

I get up and go grab our drinks. I walk up to the table and see her, she pushes her natural curl behind her cute ears. God she's beautiful.

''Okay who's ready for another round?'' The guys are already at our original table. ''I think I will sit this one out.'' Her angel voice chimes. ''Are you sure?'' She looks at me with her glistening chocolate brown eyes and flashes me a smile whiter than fresh snow. ''Yes, I am.'' Ruby's question breakes me out my trance. ''So you don't mind if I have it?''

''Please go a head.''

Natasha's POV

Tonight has been a success. We all drinking, dancing and talking like we've been friends forever. I knew we'd get along but I never suspected this. Andy, Rek and I got along really well and we promised each other to hang out more.

Since everyone but me is absolutely drunk, Ty and his friends offered to take everyone home. We took Tom, Andy take Rub and Rek took Matt and Tom.

''Come on Ty.'' I'm struggling to hold Ty up as he stumbles all the way to the car. Thankfully, Tom wasn't drank enough to be stumbling.

The ride home was a quite trip. It feels like I have known Ty for a really long time and having his head on my lap just felt right.

When we got home James offered to help me help Ty up but I said it was okay.

''Come on Ty we're almost there.'' I encourage him as he keeps tripping over his feet. At this point I'm particularly dragging him.

''You're very pretty.'' I suddenly feel this pot in my stomach and I can feel blood rushing to my cheeks. ''And I mean strong independent sexy women. God, Rek and Andy were right I'm so whipped.'' I am absolutely speechless. Does he even mean it? I gently drop him on the bed.

He puts his arms around my waist pulling me down onto him. ''Come baby kiss me.'' He whispers into my ear. He smashes his lip onto my mine. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance. That's when it really hit me. His mouth is completely laced with alcohol. He probably won't even remember anything today.

I rhetorically ask,''Ty, you're drunk. Why don't you get some rest?'' He caresses my cheek while sitting up,

''You see what I mean. Why do you have to make it so hard not to fall for you?'' He fall back on to the bed, rubbing his eyes and groaning. He passes out like a little toddler on a long car ride. Strip into his underwear so he feels more comfortable.

I hop into the shower for a quick rinse. I try to sleep but I could think about is what Ty said. Could he have ment any of it.