
Caught In The Act 7



The writer's conference was in two days and Jenny was having a hard time deciding on what to wear. She had even gone shopping with Comfort but nothing seems fascinating enough. She didn't want to commit a fashion blunder by going overboard but she didn't want to be underdressed either. After rummaging through her closet for what seemed like the fiftieth time, she heard Comfort calling her from the living room so she decided to suspend her search for a dress to go and see what the fuss was about.

"I'm here, what's the emergency?" she scowled.

"Well forgive me for reminding you that Soul to soul is on now," said Comfort.

She became excited, "oh my favourite TV show, why didn't you say so sooner…you know I wouldn't miss it." She said as she increased the volume of the TV,

The anchor of the program explained that they had received love letters from viewers that would be delivered to the recipients via phone call as was their custom every week. He picked up the first love letter from a viewer named Charles and Jenny smiled at the fact the person had the same name as her husband. The anchor proceeded to call the recipient live on air and Jenny was shocked when she heard her phone ringing.

She reluctantly picked as she and Comfort exchanged confused looks, "hello…"

The anchor spoke over the phone, "good afternoon ma'am, I'm calling you from continental studios, you are live on our program soul to soul and we have a love letter here for you from one Mr Charles, may I go ahead and read it?

"Please go ahead," she said as she placed her hand over her chest in a bid to steady her breathing.

Here it goes then, "Hello World, Yes Jen, You are my world, you have never stopped being my world. I am so sorry I couldn't find the words sooner to keep you in our World. I am so sorry I left and pierced your heart, if you are listening as I hope you are, please forgive me. I know now I should have never left and I promise I would never leave again. My world is empty without you, my book is blank without your words. Please return and brighten my world again, whatever it will cost me, I am ready. I will do anything to have your love fill my life again. I just can't stop loving you, I'll always love you," The anchor finished reading the letter, said goodbye and ended the call so the program on air continues. Jenny collapsed on the chair as if exhausted as she ran her hand through her hair.

It was quiet for a moment then Comfort spoke first, "so what are you thinking?"

She hesitated before she answered, "I don't know, I'm just confused. I just don't know if I can trust him again."

Comfort sighed, "Charles is a good man that made a mistake, you can't keep punishing him forever, and at some point you'll have to forgive him."

"I know and I've been praying about it. At this point, it's only God that can mend my heart and my marriage."

Comfort squeezed her hand to reassure her, "everything will work out just fine, God will work it out."

It was the last day of the conference and although she and Bob practically spent the whole time together, she didn't enjoy it as much as she thought she would. The last day of the conference was holding at a hall in a five star hotel and the event was dedicated to book reviews for the writers who had been awarded the previous night. While the reviews were been read, the writer whose book is been reviewed was required to sit on a special seat on stage and this time it was Jenny's turn.

The anchor began speaking, "And now to read the last review that came in few hours ago from the Reader's opinion corner of the book 'The last straw' by the Award-winning Writer and Editor, the gorgeous Mrs Jenny Omolabake Omonigho, this will be the last reader's comment of the book we will take before we open the floor to writers, experts and our special legendary literary icons in the house to give their criticisms and commendations whichever the case maybe in the presence of the Author.

Jenny smiled at the audience as the anchor continued speaking, "Now with a standing ovation, we call on the Author to step forward to read this last Reader's review from one of her fans out there." The audience clapped in response as Jenny stood up to receive the mic from the anchor.

She looked at the display screen and began to read the review, 'I know I am not an expert when it comes to literature and art but I have found your work the most profound, heart rendering and succinct composition of thoughts that flows from soul to soul. Although this review is supposed to be about your latest book titled 'The last straw', yet I feel very compelled, having read all your books ever written and published, not only to review this last book but to review your life's work so far. And if I may be so bold to go a little step further to review your life as well as observed and experienced by me personally. (Audience chuckled and murmured in anticipation), Reviewing your life's work, I didn't know your words could travel that far into the very depth of the heart of the matter until I traced the line of your thoughts on diverse practical and socio-economic issues. I was shocked to find that you do not just entertain your reader in literary euphoria, you were direct in identifying the problem, seductive in bringing your reader along in the quest for a solution and merciful in releasing your characters in the heart of the reader at the end of each book as intelligent impulses and energy to become bigger, better and achieve their dreams in life. Your literary works, your books from the very first one to the last one, hmmn…that one, 'the last straw' will remain in a class of their own as the best I have read and seen as the richest work of art from the noblest, deepest and richest heart of a rare creature. And in reviewing your life, I just have one more sentence to add, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I regret never letting you see this earlier. Today I join the rest of the world to celebrate a prolific writer and a great woman, cheers to you! From your number one fan Charles Omonigho' she choked back tears as she finished reading the review and handed over the mic to the anchor, she hastily exited the stage and made her way to the ladies room.

Bob saw her exit to the ladies room so he decided to go after her to make sure she was okay. He lurked around the door to the ladies room and some of the ladies that came out gave him weird looks, he considered leaving but decided to wait some more. A few minutes later, Jenny came out and she looked surprised to see him there.

"I just wanted to make sure you are okay… are you alright?" he said.

"I'm sorry but I have to go," she said and made to leave but he held her back.

"Hold on, I'll take you to him."

She released her arm from his grip, "perhaps it's best if you don't come along."

He looked disappointed, "I'm your friend Jenny and I want to help you…as a friend."

She looked at him with understanding, "I know that and I'm very grateful, thank you for these past few months. You gave me a shoulder to lean on when I needed it the most, you made me feel like the best and most beautiful woman in the world at a point when I was in doubt myself and for that I'm very grateful. I'm sorry if I took advantage of your feelings for me and led you on…"

He cut her short before she could finish, "it's okay Jenny, I understand where you are headed but don't please…I don't want to be the guy that got jilted by his lover before he even had a chance to confess to her so please let me hold on to the good memories, okay?"

She smiled, "okay, thank you so much for everything and I'm sure you'll find a woman that deserves you. I do hope you'll visit Nigeria again," she said as she gave him a brief hug.

He hugged her back, "Thanks for everything, I sincerely hope you and your husband patch things up," he said and released her. He watched her retreating figure and a lone tear escaped from his eye. He wiped it away as he headed back to the hall for the rest of the conference.

Charles was in his office late, working late, as that has become his custom these past few weeks. He felt tired and exhausted but the pain in his body was nothing compared to the pain in his heart. He wondered if his review was among the ones that were read at the conference, he wondered what Jenny thought of it, if she would like it or felt embarrassed by it.

"A penny for your thoughts…" Mrs Zubair said cutting into his thoughts.

He sighed, "Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind."

"You look exhausted, we can take a break and continue tomorrow if you want," she suggested.

"No, that's okay. I've already wasted enough of your time, we need to finish this today so we can meet the deadline," he replied.

"That's alright, I understand. But I'm tired and hungry and am sure you are too, can we take a break and at least eat, we can order some food."

"I'm not really that hungry; I just want to finish up with this."

"I want us to finish too but we need strength in order to continue," she said as she took out her phone and ordered online from a nearby restaurant.

"The food will be here in about fifteen minutes," she informed him.

"That sounds nice, let's just finish this section before the food arrives.

About half an hour later, their food had arrived and they pushed the pile of paper work so they could use the mini table as a dinner table. Charles dived in hungrily devouring the delicious meal. He ate quickly so he could get back to work and in the process spilled some drink on his shirt.

Mrs Zubair chuckled, "I told you to slow down but you won't listen, now look what you've done," she got up and got some paper towels to help him wipe the stain off.

Meanwhile Jenny went to their home and discovered that the door was locked, she tried calling her husband but he wasn't picking up so she guessed he must be tied up with work so she decided to go to the office and see him, she couldn't wait to see him and let him know that his words finally got through to her and that she has forgiven him. By the time she got to his office, it was late and most of the workers had gone home but the security guard confirmed to her that her husband was still in the office and he let her in. she made her way to his office and opened the door immediately after knocking, the sight she saw made her drop her bag in surprise.

Charles was too shocked to speak, of all the moments for Jenny to walk in, it had to be now that Mrs Zubair just happened to have her arms around his shoulders.

Jenny spoke first, "I can see you are doing just fine, don't bother to look for me anymore. My lawyer will contact you," she said as she stormed out of the office.

Charles called out after her, "Jenny please wait…it's not what you think," he hurried after her but before he could catch up with her, she got into the elevator and left. Charles watched the elevator door close and he felt like Jenny had finally shut him out of her world.