
chapter 2

Chapter 2


He was tall,with dark hair falling across his forehead,a pointed nose,his eyes were a strange shade between green and grey that seemed almost slivery and adored with long lashes. The deep lines beside his firm lipped mouth had clearly been scored there by cynical amusement. Although she knew they'd never met, his face seemed oddly familiar just the same.

He was wearing a navy silk dressing gown ,which hung open to the waist , revealing a strong,hair shadowed chest.

His bored gaze assessed her dismissively, taking in the brief short skirt,the red shirt and black blazer. Marta returned his disparaging glance with energy and interest, and saw his mouth tighten.


She lifted her chin. 'I'd like to see Hermes Attwood, please. He... he's expecting me ,she added ,into the long silence.

Leaning against the doorjamb,he gave her another longer look,which this time took in her suitcase at her feet. His long lashes snapped together in a frown.

Then, I don't think that will be happening,he said, and made to shut the door.

'oh, wait , Marta pleaded , grabbing the edge of the door . 'If you'll tell Hermes I'm here.

'Can't be done. And please get your fifty hands of my door, he added. 'You can lose a finger pulling a stunt like that.

'But he does live here?, And receiving a brief nod, 'Then why won't you fetch him for me?"

'Because he's not here, he's away for the week, she was told. So it's unlikely he was expecting any visitors,least of all you.

'Away for the weekend?, Marta asked.

'What's wrong Miss Wellman?, You claimed he was expecting you, now , take your hand away from the door and bust off quitely , like a good girl.

'Not here?', Marta repeated. Stunned. 'oh ,I don't believe it.

'well ,I don't prose to allow you search the house.

I... I'm sorry that I've arrived at a bad time, and clearly I should have checked with Hermes first, but no real harm done.

' I think ,he said softly, 'that I'll be the judge of that. What exactly do you want, Miss Wellman .

'Firstly, I'd like to come in, Marta said. I've been on a hot, stuffy train and I'd like to freshen up and rest.

'Naturally , he said. But makes you think this is the right place to do it? was there no restroom at the station or whatever.

'Of course there was. But that's not the point.

Then what is the point ? , He was still blocking the doorway. 'I would really like to know.

No more beating round the bush, Marta thought. 'I've come here to live , to be with Hermes.

He didn't appear to move ,and there was no visible change in his expression, yet Marta sensed a dangerous tension in the environment..

'That is very enterprising for you, 'Did you know that Hermes is married?"

I certainly know that, he's separated , she corrected. And anyways, I think that's our business, not yours.

'you're Right, He paused again, I suggest you give me the address where you'll be staying,and I'll pass it to Hermes whenever he returns. Then ,if he wishes to make contact,he can.

'Address? " Marta repeated I'm bewilderment. 'But I'm staying here ... To wait for him .

'No, he said. 'you're not.

' I don't understand..

'It's perfectly simple. You want to move in. I'm telling you it's not possible.

'you mean you're turning me away?

'Now you are getting it, ' selfish it may be, but I don't give house room to girls, who turn up out of the blues claiming acquaintance with the member of the household.

'But I've nowhere else to go. Marta heard and despised the faint squeak of panic in her voice. I .... I don't know anyone in London.

'Then here is some excellent advice, his voice was suddenly harsh. 'Go back to wherever you came from, and we'll pretend like this never happened.

The momentary fear gave away to anger . 'I don't need your advice, she said curtly, Nor am l leaving. And when I see Hermes I'll tell him exactly the kind of welcome I received at his home. You can count on that.

'whereas you, Darling, can't count on a thing , Marta felt her anger matched by his . ' It's a pity you didn't check he'd around before you set out . Not that it would have made any difference,he added , with another perilous shrug. 'I still wouldn't let you stay. Now run along.

'Damn you, Marta said furiously. ' who the hell do you think you are? And just what right have you to tell me what to do?

'I happen to own this house. His ice was like ice. ' Which gives me any rights I choose to assume, lady.

'But Hermes..

'He is my guest, my temporary lodger , nothing more. Whatever he may have told you,or you chose to believe, he added with emphasis.

Marta wanted to scream at him , call him a liar . But there was something about his words which held the ring of truth. But right now she needed somewhere affordable to stay. She wasn't poor by any means ,she reminded herself. She had a respectable balance I beg current account,and a credit card. She could get by until she found a job. But common sense told get that het resources would soon dwindle If she had to fork out for a London hotel, even for a couple of night.

She looked at the case besides get, and groaned inwardly . In her home town , she thought, swallowing, they wouldn't treat a stray dog like this. Marta looked stonily at her tormentor, I don't suppose you'd let me leave my luggage here while I go and look for a room ?

'Quite correct, he said. ' I won't . And for two pind I'd let you roam tht Street to teach you a bitter lesson. But I can't do that, because London is not a place Where you turn up on the off chance , 'You'd better come in while I talk to someone..

'Marta was shocked by what she heard, 'You mean I'm being allowed to pollute your sacred portals? .