
chapter 1 : Highschool reunion

Hi I'm Victor Boyson,usually my life is pretty basic and the days are the same ,I teach the same class of 10th graders History class at Bright stone High day in day out , and coming home to an empty ; three room one bath apartment to binge watch Netflix ,but on this faithful day.

Half way through watching a Netflix series the phone buzzed as a call popped in ,I paused the show and pulled out my phone from my left pocket ,


~Shantelle : "B*TCH!!! where are you ,your supposed to pick me up for the class reunion remember "

~"Go on without me ,I'm not going "

~Shantelle:"uhmmm .. it's not like you have anything better to do ,your busy watching a Netflix show and your busy feelings sorry about yourself regretting your life choices "

(The damn B*TCH was right but was I gonna let her know ? Nope )

"Ha ha ha (sarcastic laugh) For your information I've got plans tonight "

~Shantelle:" Don't you lie to me ,I'm standing outside your window I can clearly see you on your coach watching TV "

"When did you ?"

[Call cut]

Shantelle :"It doesn't matter let's go!!"

"I said I'm not going !!"

Shantelle :" Don't test me boy"

Shantelle Boyce ,Is a 26 year old who looks and behaves like a hyper 16 year old , she and I met in high school and instantly clicked mainly because both our surnames have 'Boy' in it ,she and I never fit in so we became brother and sister outcasts who looked out for each other ,the moment she called I knew I was going to the reunion whether I wanted or not ,you see our relationship has always been like this I get forced into events I don't want to attend but always end up enjoying them ,what could go wrong .

45 minutes later I found myself in Bright Stone high school's multipurpose room , standing next to the snack table all alone , possibly because Shantelle is busy blowing off a guy in bathroom,after 45 more minutes of awkward dancing, drinking and standing around by myself I took a deep breath and decided to go home .

Just when I was about to walk out that's when I heard it ,the voice that called out my name .

"Vic?.. Victor Boyson...Oh my God it's been so long ,how are you "

I looked at him awkwardly trying so hard to remember who he was ,but nothing clicked he noticed very quickly that I had forgotten all about him and continued by saying

"It's me Khaya, Khaya Fordham"

Oh yeah now I remember him ,the bastard and his friends made my life hell in high school ,and how the hell did I forget his face and his trying to act all nice ,all buddy buddy,what was up with him .

"Oh khaya ,I remember you now and I'm gonna go home now ,bye "

I rushed out of the room because the dreadful memories I shared with khaya and his pack of so called friends floaded in my head ,little did I know khaya rushed after .

Khaya:"Victor! Victor ! Wait !"

"What Khaya !? Hmmm "

Khaya:"Come on stay a little while longer ,for old time sake "

"Uhm ?Old time sake ?(scoffed) ,you mean you want to strip me naked and through me in the middle of the whole reunion and call me fag ,or you want to stock me in one of these lockers and write it ,he came out of the closet but trapped in a locker "

Khaya stood there watching me as I break down ,tears running down my face my pent up anger ran was no longer contained flowing like ride with no direction .

Khaya :"I'm sorry Okay!!"

Khaya shouted cutting my speech,he got closer to me ,his eye full of sincerity I could tell that his apology was real ,those words 'im sorry ' are words I've been wanting to hear from him for so long that hearing them felt so unreal at that moment I started hyper ventilating,I was so out of breath the room started spinning .

Khaya :"I'm sorry for everything ,I know I was cruel,no I was evil to you ,the things I did to you I can't take or change but please,I'm her right no begging you to forgive me "

Khaya took a few steps closer after saying that and kissed me out of the blue ,his big strong arms grabbed my cheeks and pulled my head closer to him ,his lips so soft I was instantly mesmerised it felt like I was floating around,but wait this is khaya .. I mean Khaya what the F*CK ⁉️

(I don't wanna lie the kiss was amazing my heart was beating so fast it felt like I was gonna explode but at the same time I was so at peace ,I was so turned on I gotta boner ,why? .. why? .. why now? ,why torment me for 4 years? ,Why wait for 8 years to pass before apologizing?, I mean you could have written a letter for crying out loud ,I asked myself these questions while in the comfort of his arm .)

(This bastard thinks his gonna show up after 8 years in my life ,mess up m emotional state and kiss away everything he put me through ,as good as the kiss was I pushed off me he looked at me waiting for me to speak to him but I was so speechless all I could do was walk away with salty tears running down my face .)

Shantelle : "Babe? What's wrong Victor ?"

(Shantelle rushed to me holding a bottle of vodka in her right hands and her left her 7 inch platform hills leaving her boyfriend for them behind as she saw me passing by heading towards the exit with a face full of tears ,I guess I looked messed up ,no matter what happens to me Shantelle never not once called by my government name .)

Shantelle : " Victor? Victor talk to me what's wrong ? What happened ?"

"I just wanna go home .... Please "

Shantelle : "okay I'll drive give me the keys "

"Your drunk I'll drive "

(Just as we were about to get into the car ,Khaya came rushing to us shouting.)

Khaya : " Victor!!!... Victor!!.. wait let me explain "

(All o wanted was to get out for the f*cken venue as fast as possible )

"Come on let's go I don't wanna be here any longer "

(I said trying to rush Shantelle into the car so we can leave but Shantelle had that "I'MMA F*CK UP WHOEVER HURT MY BESTIE" look she looked at me and said .)

Shantelle : "So that's him "

"Come one let's go his not worth it "

(I said holding her hand trying to drag her into the car but Shantelle was going no where and Khaya made things worse there he was across the two of us ,the three of us stood next to my car .)

Khaya : "Look I'm sor-"

(He was about to apologize again to me when Shantelle cut him short by swinging her right hand causing a collision between the half full vodka bottle and Khaya's head ,the bottle shattered all over the place and all I was thinking about was "F*CK how did my ordinary Friday night become this F*cked"... The people around us started staring and coming closer so did the school's security guards .)

(So we had no choice but to run ,so Shantelle and I jumped into the car as quickly as possible leaving Khaya with a bleeding head on his knee, did I feel sorry for Khaya hell no he deserved it .after reaching a safe distance Shantelle looked at me and said .)

Shantelle : " Who was that guy anyway ?"

(I looked at her and realised this girl will never change all I could do now is laugh we both laughed for a few seconds and answered .)

" It was Khaya "

Shantelle : " KHAYA ⁉️, no F*cking way ...I don't remember him being that hot ,what happened in the past years "

"I know right "

(Let me catch you up real quick,you see Khaya used to be this fat ,ugly dark skinned kid , who didn't care much or put effort in how he looked but what we saw tonight was the definition of male beauty,with a body built like a creek God like how the hell does one person change so much in just 8 years ,so we both had trouble recognising Khaya.)

(Finally getting to my house, Shantelle and I went up to my room and we cuddled all night just like old times ,I fall asleep in Shantelle's arms until the morning came . Waking up Shantelle was gone all that was left was a hand written note that said)

"pull you sh*t together ,Your young beautiful fag and the world is your plus I made pancakes "

(The massage was heartwarming but I'm not eating her pancakes the last time I ate them I woke up in another province and lost my car for 2 weeks ,she mixes them with very strong Weed and something else I don't know what but it'll get you hammered .so I just took a shower and we out to the Cafe around the corner for a cup of really strong coffee and some cake .)

(I set in the corner both opened my phone and jumped inbetween social media platforms,Went to Instagram for the latest fashion trends and material stuff , twitter to check out the latest celebrity gossip etc while scrolling through Tik Tok I heard a voice .)

" Does it look alright?"

(I looked up to see who was speaking .. oh God it was him ,there he was pointing at the stitched scar above his left eye with a soft smile on his face damn he looked cute ,but I was still thought so the first thing that came to mind was pack up and leave ,just as I was about to leave he grabbed my hand and said .)

Khaya : " please just hear me out I promise I'll leave you alone "

(For some stupid reason I set back down and looked at him waiting for him to speak)

"So what do you want from me Khaya "

Khaya : " A chance to speak to you without getting hit with a bottle on the head "

" Ha ha ( sarcastic laugh) Very funny "

Khaya : " Truth be told I was happy to see you last night ... I know I did many unforgivable things to you ,I dehumanized you so many time and made high school a nightmare for you but you kept on pushing and no matter what I did to you ,you did not falter and that's what I loved about you"

(Wait ,wait did I hear him right ? Did he just say that what I loved about you? )

Khaya : " I realised to late that I didn't hate you I admired and loved how you were free with being yourself,I was jealous of all that and thought that breaking you would bring me fulfilment but instead I fell in love with you ,my intentions changed from breaking you to gaining your attention,the only time I got your full attention was when I bullied you and you fighting back gave me such a rush not once in my life had I been puzzled everytime I asked myself how to break you but you held your head high ... basically I'm trying to say I'm sorry and ...and ..I'm .. I'm saying that I love you ."

(At this point I'm just looking at him shocked like what the f*CK dude there are millions of ways of showing love to somebody rather than bullying and making their lives a living hell I have trauma from all the things his done to me but for some stupid reason his words moved me ,I don't know how I never noticed how his light brown eyes shined at the kiss of the sunlight and his brown skin slightly darker complexion made them pop even more his hair is neat his voice made my chest vibrate ,Who am I kidding I can be mad and act all crazy but damn I had fallen for the guy )


(Only the word wow slipped through my lips I was stunned with nothing to say ,I was flustered ,my chest all warm and butterflies in my stomach,I just grabbed my keys and phone and rushed out because I was f*cken confused and angry ,Khaya stood up but didn't come after this time I guess he had given up )

(Later that day around 7 o'clock in the evening I had just finished cooking and about to dish up when I heard a knock on the door at this time usually bit my neighbour coming to collect his packages that a hold for him when his at work I shouted )

"Come on in,your package is in my bedroom I'll just get it in a sec !!"

( I started walking out the kitchen heading to my bedroom but to my surprise it wasn't my neighbour )

Khaya : " Hi.. it just me ,You left your wallet at the Cafe this morning ,by the time ii realised you had already gone and I got caught up with work .. so I'm just gonna leave it here and go "

( He said as he placed it on the small tea table in the living room and started walking away )

" Wait .. it's not much but can I thank you with a home cooked me ?"

(Wait .. what am I saying )

Khaya : " I wouldn't want to intrude on your meal "

"No I insist,it's the least I can do "

( Khaya walked in slowly shutting the door behind him )

Khaya : " can I atleast set up the table "

"Yes feel free and your not eating free your gonna do the dishes afterwards "

(Khaya laughed as he rolled his sleeves up ,it seemed as though things were becoming less awkward andess tense between us )

hello there my dearest reader ,I'm only writing for fun I'm not a professional,so please enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed making it .. and I do apologize for the spelling and grammar errors English is not my first language thanks you

Bae_Monterocreators' thoughts