
Catradora oneshots

Catradora oneshots, she ra and the princess of power

Plena_Arcanis · TV
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18 Chs

Two Separate Rooms, One couple

Since the final battle against Horde Prime and the heart of Etheria, everything was  perfect. Adora is with the person she loves the most and Catra  is with the person she's wanted her whole life.

For the first time Catra entered the castle of Brightmoon and admired it with shimmering eyes

"Woah, your place isn't half bad" she said with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face. Glimmer rolled her eyes and smiled

"You should check out your very princessy room before you speak cat" Catras eyes widened and Glimmer and Bow began to walk towards the rooms

"Grossss" Catra responded, Adora laid a hand on Catras shoulder

"Don't worry Catra its a lot better than it sounds" Catra looked into Adoras loving ice blue eyes and nodded smiling and blushing.

"Whatever you say princess" she said she said kissing her quickly on the check before catching up.

"Here's your new room Catra! It's got all the goods, it's got a big bed and a waterfall and everything else!" Glimmer said

"If you don't like it you could always change it up!" Bow added in. Catra looked around and felt disappointed that she didn't share a room with Adora. She really wanted to be as close to Adora as posible. Adora saw her expression and understood how she felt. Adora wanted to be with Catra all the time and having two different room would make it a little difficult. She put her hand on Catras shoulder and smiled when Catra looked at her

"It'll be okay my room isn't so far away" she whispered as to not show that Catra was thinking about that to Glimmer and Bow. Catra smiled slightly and stood closer to Adora.

"It's pretty neat.. though it could do without all this pink!" Catra said smirking at Glimmer "of course you would decorate like this sparkles" Glimmer rolled her eyes and walked over to Catra laying a hand on her back

"If you want you can paint it all black." She said shaking her head. Catra grinned and brought up her hand in victory.

"By the way, what's with the waterfall is that where we're suppose to shower or something?" Catra asked pointing at the waterfall.

"No!" Glimmer and Bow yelled as Adora laughed, Catra looked at her lover and smiled, her laugh was to die for.

Adora placed her arm around Catras shoulders

"Don't worry I thought that too!" She said laughing. The best friend squad began to laugh together peacefully

_____Night Time___

Catra tossed and turned as the fluffy bed consumed her  we didn't have beds like these back in the horde it feels weird she thought. She began thinking about Adora, how her scent was her favorite thing, and her smile was to die for, how she's never admit it but she gets lost in her eyes, she never wants to leave and she always wants to look into her eyes. How she was so glad to have told Adora she loved her, thinking about their first kiss made her squeal of joy. She made sure she was completely alone before she started smiling and squealing thinking about how much she loved Adora. Everything about her consumed Catra like a fragrance so beautiful and lovely. How when she was angry, the solution was always seeing Adora. She wondered if she went to Adoras room right now would Adora let her sleep with her? She and Adora always slept so closely in the horde, when Adora left, she couldn't sleep as well, sleeping alone made her feel vulnerable she wondered if Adora liked sleeping alone. Maybe she wanted her time alone. That alone made her feel sad that maybe Adora didn't want to sleep next to her maybe she wanted her space from Catra. She began thinking terrible things like maybe Adora didn't want her and she was just faking. Her thinking was interrupted when she heard a knock at her door.

"Catra ? As you awake?" Adoras voice was like a warm breeze to Catra. Catra wanted nothing more but to be in Adoras arms.

"Adora? What are you doing? it's late" Catra responded not wanting to let Adora know that she was so desperate to be in her embrace.

"I know... I couldn't sleep and I wanted to check up on you... since it was your first night here..." Adora said standing by the door because it was all dark she couldn't see anything, but Catra could. Catra saw Adora standing there, could she want to sleep with me? Catra took a chance. She stood up and walked toward Adora, Adora flinching hearing the moving cat but couldn't place her location. Then she felt furry arms wrap around her waist and Catras head buried in Adoras neck and her tail wrapped around one of her legs. Adora was shocked but pulled Catra closer, loving her warmth. Adora wanted to be with Catra as much as Catra wanted to be with Adora, and the hug was all they needed to do for them to understand that they didn't want to be alone.

"Adora?" Catra asked. Her head still buried in Adoras neck. Adora hummed in response still enjoying how close the person she loved was, her scent and her feel. "Do you really love me or are you just faking it?" Catra hesitantly asked holding Adora as tight as she could. As if it was the last time she was ever going to hug Adora. Adoras body stiffened and she tore Catra from her body to look into her face. She stared the dark shadow that she knew was Catra. She imagined Catras beautiful blue and yellow eyes and her jaw dropping smile.

"Adora please answer" Catra pleaded wanting an answer to her concerns. She said Adora looking at her face but couldn't read her expression. Adora suddenly smiled

"Catra I love you more than anything and everything. I'm not faking it. You know I'm a terrible actor. When I had to save the world all I could think about was how much I wanted you. How much I wanted you by my side and how much love I wanted to give you. I couldn't sleep because I just couldn't stop thinking about you. Your smile, your eyes, your beautifully fluffy hair." She said with a goofy smile that she knew Catra saw. Catra became flustered and was glad Adora couldn't see in the dark. "I wanted to feel your embrace and when I finally got the courage to come I was so glad. And now you're asking stupid questions of course I love you!" She said pulling Catra into an right embrace "I always have and I always will for the rest of my life. I couldn't have you at my side for 4 years so I'm just really glad you're here." She said stifling a sob "I missed you so much and I never want to be apart from you" she said burying her face in Catras neck. Catra stood there surprised unknowingly tears formed in her eyes. She missed Adora so much

"I missed you too Adora" she said letting her tears fall "I promise as long as you want me I'll always be by your side" she said holding Adora as tight as she could. Adora laughed

"It's more like as long as you want me" Adora said. She felt Catra shake her head

"You're an idiot. I'll always want you" she said pulling Adora to meet her eyes. Adoras smile so clear to her in the dark made her feel such joy. She pulled Adora close and kissed her. A kiss so passionate and full of pure love. When they pulled apart they both smiled and touched foreheads.

"I look forward to every second of my life with you" Adora said. Catra felt such happiness nothing could have made this more perfect.

"As do I." She responded and she held Adora close. "Let's sleep Adora it's late" Adora nodded and grabbed Catras hand leading her to her bed. They both laid down and got comfortable. Catras in Adoras chest and adoras arms wrapped tightly around Catras small body wanting to keep her as close as possible. Her tail wrapped closely around Adoras thigh. Catra felt the safest shes ever felt at that moment and Adora got exactly what she wanted. Catra.

"You're gonna talk to sparkles about my room change." Catra spoke

"Where to?" Adora said thinking Catra wanted a room closer to hers.

"Your room dummy I don't want you to walk around at night looking for me and I don't wanna walk to your room at night. That way I'm with you every second of everyday" Catra responded Adora smiled

"That sounds absolutely perfect" she said inhaling Catras lovely fragrance. "I love you" she said as she pulled Catra closer. Catra purred at all the affection. Adora was the only one who had ever seen affectionate Catra and she planned to keep it that way

"I love you too" Catra said in a low voice, drifting off into a peaceful slumber knowing that she was in the arms of the person she loved the most.


I absolutely loved this.
