
Cathy and Joan

‘Cathy and Joan’ is a fictional, romantic and very touching story which focuses on England during the Stuart period, a period when the distance between the rich and the poor in England had no bounds. The poor had no connection with the rich, but Joanna (Joan), an adopted poor little girl, had remarkable potentials which earned her the love and friendship of a little princess of England called Catherine (Cathy) Catherine showed how crazily in love she suddenly became with Joanna on the first day they met each other, when her body guard tried to separate her from Joanna and she hugged Joanna in response and refused to let go. ‘she is coming with me’ she cried and when this was finally resolved, she untied the ribbon on her beautiful long hair and tied Joanna’s tattered hair together as a sign of their covenant. Their unique friendship was supposed to last forever and it was supposed to stand as a convincing proof that the rich and the poor in great England would eventually unite one day. On the other hand, Joanna’s foster mother wasn’t comfortable with Joanna’s friendship with Catherine because she believed the rich were unquestionable bullies and the poor were always the victim and Cathy would make no difference. She believed Joan’s relationship with Cathy would eventually put Joan in to trouble. When the love birds grew, it looked like Joan’s foster mother was right for the tide turned and Cathy became the insanely jealous beast that furiously devoured poor Joanna- Wait! Lest I forget, before this ironical incident occurred, Cathy was about to tell Joanna a horror story and may be Cathy didn’t actually murder her childhood friend in cold blood, may be Cathy made that up in her horror story just to simultaneously scare and amuse her friend.

Kane_Brave_Hearts · History
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12 Chs

Chapter Ten

And as it is said, women usually don't play with men that made them loose their cherry, Catherine was forced to believe that Charlie was better than Antonio. She also believed that Antonio was a devious gold digger who proposed to her because he was desperate to gain access to the royal family. Charlie belonged to the top class and Antonio was just a commoner seeking to join the top and besides, Antonio had only kisses and love stories to offer, but Charlie had everything; Riches, respect, honor, etc. So Catherine needed to make a wise decision, either to keep listening to the love story bullish or to face reality by sticking to Charlie Edwards.

Weeks passed and there was still no sign of Catherine. Antonio became deeply worried and the only reason he had not gone to the Castle in search of her was because she warned him to desist from doing so for the Queen usually did not take it lightly with strangers who went into the Castle uninvited. The next option Antonio had was to consult his big brother Oliver who was a good friend of the princess, perhaps Oliver could help him gain back his connection to her. When he met Oliver, he told him his story and without delay, Oliver wrote a short letter to Catherine which said,

"Dear little mistress, My brother needs your urgent attention. Come over to my place, we need to talk"

and in response, Catherine wrote,

"Dear Oliver, please tell Antonio we are done." When the response got to Oliver, he wasn't surprised because he had anticipated that from the very moment his little brother started dating the princess. He wasn't in a haste to tell Antonio what Catherine said, rather he persuaded Catherine in another letter to come to his house for they needed to talk and because of the respect she had for him, Catherine agreed to pay him a visit. The next day, Catherine visited and after a brief discussion with Oliver, Antonio landed unexpectedly and took over.

"What happened my love? I have been searching everywhere for you." He said worryingly and Catherine was downcast because she battled with her conscience. The problem she faced was how to tell Antonio that she was no longer interested in him and in the start, she underestimated the distress which her sudden decision could cause Antonio, so after a short interval, she gently raised her pretty face and went straight to the point,

"Antonio i have made up my mind to quit our relationship, I am so sorry."

Hearing this, Antonio was so shocked that his eye balls nearly fell off from their sockets.

"You aren't serious, are you?" He responded in deep fear.

"I am for real Antonio. We aren't meant to be together, cant you see that? mum will totally freak if i tell her am dating you." Catherine replied and turned to leave but Antonio quickly held her in other to prevent her from doing so.

"Just like that?" He asked in panic.

"Yea Antonio, just like that," Catherine responded.

"Bye Oliver." She diverted her attention to Oliver who watched what was happening from the corner and drove away in the royal chariot leaving Antonio dumbfounded for hours because the encounter was so dramatic. Oliver was just mute, he never bothered to say a word to Antonio because he knew what he was going through and he needed to give him some space to think. When Antonio recovered a little from the shock, he wiped off his tears and said to him self confidently,

"I can't loose the princess, she's everything i have."

and he quickly left Oliver's house and headed to see Joanna. He met Joanna in front of Mrs Isabella's house and she frowned and tried to scare him away by being so rude to him because she believed he was the cause of the decline of her friendship with the princess.

"You have the guts to come here Antonio." She said to him very harshly.

"You took my best friend away from me," she continued, "Now what's your mission? are you here to take my mum too?"

"I meant no harm Joan, I am deeply in love with Cathy." Antonio replied sadly.

"She is not here can't you see that? if you love her as much as you think you do, then go to the Queen's Castle and meet her, she's probably expecting you. Jesus Christ! why am i talking to him again? OH England what wrong have i done?" Joanna cried in frustration.

"Joan your friend dumped me for no obvious reason and my heart is broken, Help me please." Antonio replied pitifully and Joanna held still for she was moved.

"O yeah, What am i supposed to do now, take you to the Castle and force her to hug you? i know Cathy more than anyone can imagine, she can't just treat you the way she did, you disrespected her or something."

" She continued in a plain mood.

"Joan I did nothing to her. She suddenly turned wild. She stopped communicating with me and when i tried to know why, she told me plainly that she's quitting our relationship." Antonio cried and Joanna came closer and asked in perplexity,

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yea, Oliver is my witness." Antonio responded.

"Hmm." Joanna grasped her jaw and was deep in thought.

"Who is he this time?" She nodding her head and continued in smile, "She kicked me out because she met you, and now she is dumping you because she met some one."

"A lady i guess." Antonio responded fearfully.

"A cool guy to be precised." Joanna corrected.

"Oh no Joan, i highly doubt that." Antonio cried.

"Don't doubt my words Antonio! i know Cathy even more than her family knows her. Her mannerism easily gives her away. She is a devious and desperate creature and she can do anything to get what she wants. So sorry your love story with her ended this way. life is a vicious circle." Joanna responded and Antonio held her hand, knelt down and pleaded in panic.

"Don't let it end Joan! You linked me up with the princess and you can bring her back to me because she trusts you and she will always listen to you. Cathy is about to be misdirected by the heathen and we need to act fast to get her back to her right senses. Joan I did not misdirect your friend, what made her turn her back on you wasn't my influence, rather it could be something deep inside her which is beyond the things we know. But if we can give her an approach, especially you, she can repent and come back to her true friends."

"Antonio i can't help you." Joanna responded plainly.

"No you can." Antonio insisted.

"You don't understand Antonio, that was then." Joanna responded worryingly.

"Just a little persuasion and advice from you can make her change her mind." Antonio cried and Joanna paused for she was deep in thought. She knew it was a difficult job to meet her friend these days for she was obviously avoiding her for a reason which she was yet to fully comprehend.

"Joan my heart is broken, help me put it back in other." Antonio continued pitifully and after being reluctant for a long interval, Joanna made up her mind to give Antonio's words a try, perhaps it could be a perfect bonding opportunity for her and Cathy and if Cathy fails to reunite with her this time, she would then go to the queen and give her a good reason why she would never step a foot in her castle again.


"Jesus Christ! am i doing this again?" She exclaimed in frustration and headed into the house. Few seconds later, she came back and said to Antonio,

"But I am doing this in one condition."

"What condition?" Antonio wiped off the tears in his eyes and asked,

"don't come back!" Joanna said with a mean face.

"Come back?" Antonio asked.

"Come back here of course!" Joanna replied.

"Alright." Antonio agreed and Joanna abandoned him and went back in and noticing that he was still waiting outside, she pop out again and continued,

"And why are you still here? go!"

"Alright Joan." Antonio responded confidently.

"When am done, i will let you know okay?" Sounded her voice.

"Okay Joan, thanks." Antonio responded.

Few hours later, Joanna prepared her self and headed for the queen's castle. She wished Cathy would be around so that they could resolve their differences and possibly revive their diminished bound. On arrival, she didn't bother to ask the servants about the princess because they were morons who could hardly tell the whereabouts of those they serve, she just headed straight to Catherine's room and boom, she met her at last after months of being unable to communicate with her.

"got ya." she said playfully and sat beside Catherine who was resting on the bed.

"Joan what do you want?" Catherine asked with a plain face.

"You dumped me Cathy..." Joanna responded, wishing to sound humorous enough to amuse Catherine.

"No i dumped him, that's why you here I guess." Catherine said seriously and sat up.

"I came for us Cathy, not for him." Joanna responded with a calm voice.

"I have a suggestion Joan, why not date him since you are yet to have a man of your own." Catherine suggested and Joanna remained calm for more exchange of words with her friend could provoke her and after a deep recollection, she hugged Catherine and broke into tears.

"What happened to our bound?" she cried and made her hug tighter. Catherine was silent but by her behaviour, one would know she was moved. She remained mute until the time she felt was right to respond.

"Alright kiss me." she said finally with little smile on her face and Joanna gently released her grip and kissed her on the chick. Then they began to discuss like they always did in old times and to a point and when Joanna felt was right, she presented Antonio's case and like matured ladies, they looked into it. In the end Catherine promised Joanna that she would get back to Antonio soon and when it was time for Joanna to leave the queen's castle, she hugged Catherine goodbye and from there, she headed straight to Antonio's house and gave him the good news.

"Don't come back, Remember its our agreement." She said seriously after delivering Catherine's message and to show deep appreciation, Antonio hugged her and tried to kiss her on her smooth and delicate chick but she suddenly drew her face backwards and asked with a frowned face,

"What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to kiss..."

"And why would you kiss me? let go!" She responded uncomfortably and withdrew her self at once.

"On the chick..." Antonio tried to explain.

"Jesus!" she exclaimed and walked away without saying another word.

"Thanks Joan! You are an Angel from above," sounded Antonio's voice. "My guardian Angel." He said at his own pleasantry when she had gone a far cry for he wished Heaven would make things even for him at that moment by turning Cathy to Joan and Joan to Cathy. Well, Joan wasn't bad anyway. But she seemed to be too mean to him and she wasn't used to keeping male friends. Ironically, Cathy was soft in the outside, but too mean in the inside and Joan was too mean in the outside but so angelic, soft and full of kisses in the inside and as the saying says, the devil you know is better than the Angel you don't. If Antonio hadn't developed a ragging affection for the princess in the first place, he would literally switched his interest to Joanna whether Joanna liked it or not.

Catherine's promise to Joanna was from the heart, but it wasn't so deep to neutralize the love and admiration she had for Charlie Edwards and besides, Charlie always gave her things she believed Antonio wasn't man enough to give her and that was sex and ego. Joanna was worth keeping her promise for, but to her, Antonio was no match to Charlie and Choosing Antonio over Charlie could be the dumbest thing she would do. When Joanna left the Castle, Catherine was deep in thought all day and during bedtime, she finally concluded that she must follow her heart desire not her friend's desire.

Days went away without any sign of Catherine and Antonio became even more worried for he felt that the news Joanna brought to him about Catherine was a joke. But the cover note Joanna gave him which had the royal seal on it remained a convincing prove that She did consult the princess on his behalf, meaning that the princess may have forgotten her promise to Joanna or something and since Antonio had already agreed that he would never show up in Joanna's place again, he decided to go to the queen's castle himself to see Catherine. He prepared, took some fruits and nuts as presents, and headed for the queen's castle for a possible reunion with the love of his heart. On arrival at the castle's gate, the security guards intercepted and he reported to them convincingly that Princess Catherine was expecting his visit.

"Why would the princess expect a nonentity like you?" One of the guards mocked.

"The princess never fails to notify us when she's expecting some one unknown to us, especially a weirdo." Another guard mocked and in provocation, Antonio bulldozed his way into the Castle and yelled Catherine's name authoritatively. A sudden fight ensued between him and the guards and the queen's attention was called.

"Who is that fool trying to create nuisance in my castle?" the queen asked in anger.

"Your highness he said he's here to see Princess Catherine." One of the guards responded and Antonio took over and spoke confidently.

"Your highness my name is Antonio, i came to see princess Catherine."

"And what business links you to my daughter?" The queen asked in deep curiosity.

"Your highness princess Catherine is my girlfriend." Antonio responded bravely and the Castle guards and maids who observed what was happening burst into laughter.

"Shot your mouths!" the queen yelled in anger and there was silence, "Weeks ago i punished five guards severely for their incompetence." She continued, "Their failure to tighten up security led to the lost of one of my properties. You can imagine, a thief sneaked into my castle and stole my favorite horse when i have the best Security in the world watching," She pointed at Antonio and continued, "this is how desperate such thieves can be-thieves that creep into my castle and steal my horse when i have the best security in the world watching."

Antonio was gripped with fear at once and in a shaky tune, he responded,

"Sorry for your loss Your highness, but princess Catherine is truly expecting me, I am not a thief."

"Alright son its left for Catherine to decide. If she truly expects you, then she must give me a good reason why you are here."

"Get me Catherine!" She ordered and in a trice, Catherine landed and was instantly provoked when she saw Antonio in the castle. Antonio made signs to her trying to remind her of the agreement she made with Joanna, but she neglected him. Then the queen asked her,

"Cathy who is this young man?"

"I don't know." Catherine responded and the queen turned to Antonio in fury, but she wasn't in a haste to descend on him for she needed to give him a chance to clear himself. So her question to Catherine continued,

"He said you are expecting his visit, what is this- some kind of joke?"

"Mum we haven't even met before." Catherine responded seriously.

"My love what about the promise you made to Joan?" Antonio cried in great panic and everyone except the queen and Catherine burst out laughing.

"Joan? What's Joan got to do with this?" The queen asked for the third time in deep curiosity.

"I don't know, he's probably lost or something, Mum i have to go back to my room, am so busy right now." Catherine replied and left. The queen's fury was calmed a little by the mention of Joanna's name for she felt the young man could be related to Joanna but this didn't stop her from taking action for Nancy her best horse had been stolen and she needed to take revenge. She turned to the guards and ordered them to seize Antonio and lock him up in the cell, and in great panic, Antonio yelled,

"Cathy help me! Cathy tell your mum you are the love of my life, she will let go! Cathy remember your promises in the garden! Cathy save me, the queen wants to hang me!"

and when he realized that Catherine would not help, he broke down and sobbed like a child in heart break.

The presents he brought for Catherine were tossed into the trash can and he was dragged to the cell and locked up. Then the queen ordered a maid to bring Joanna to the Castle for she needed to know if the stranger who was locked in her cell was related to her and when the maid was about to set out from the Castle for Joanna's home, Catherine stopped her and compelled her to tell her mum that Joanna declined her invitation for no obvious reason and went off. Catherine did so because she knew Joanna would be forced to tell the truth if she heard what she did to Antonio. In fear, the maid did as Catherine instructed. She left the castle and after going round and round the castle for uncountable times, she returned to the castle and told the queen that Joanna ran off when she saw her. The next day, the queen gave orders for Antonio to be released because it was some how clear to her that he was related to Joanna, and before he was thrown out of the Castle, he was scourged and the presents he came with were retrieved from the trash can and handed back to him. Antonio headed back home in tears, bruises, frustration and heart break and because Oliver and his wife who were the only family he had would call his sad experience a comeuppance and would surely blame him for it and also because neither Catherine nor Joanna wanted him, the first option that came to him was suicide, but after a profound meditation, he became reluctant and in the end, he made up his mind to break his promise to Joanna by returning to her and perhaps telling her to the face that Catherine was the devil and she should keep away from her. In addition, suicide would be a lot more easy for him if Joanna refused to give him attention too. He walked all the way from the castle to Joanna's home in pain and weakness and when Joanna saw him from afar, she said to her self in deep frustration,

"Oh Jesus, he's here again!"

"Antonio what did we discuss about you not coming back?" She asked when Antonio met her. "I thought you've reconciled with Catherine, what do you want this time?" She continued fearfully for she sensed he may have encountered something too ugly.

"I want to take my life Joan." Antonio replied and suddenly broke down and sobbed like a child for he remembered the hard time he faced in the queen's castle.

"I don't get it." Joanna responded in perplexity and Antonio took off his shirt and showed her the bruises which the Queen's guards inflicted on him and she was shocked at the state of his injuries.

"I wished to reconcile with the love of my life, but i got these instead." He continued.

"What-what are you talking about?" Joanna asked in shock.

"You've always hated me just like every other person does, I will not make the mistake of relying on you for you too will make no difference. But bear in mind that Cathy is a beast and you should keep away from her." Antonio responded in deep tears and turned to leave.

"Cathy did these to you?" Joanna asked in terror but Antonio gave no response, instead He tried to walk off and in deep curiosity, Joanna followed him but wasn't too fast to catch up with him.

"Where are you going now? Antonio speak to me!" sounded her voice. "walking away from you." Antonio cried in response.

"What?" Joanna asked in confusion.

"I need to end this! I will take my life now! go back inside and act like you never saw me." Antonio cried.

"Take your life? Why would you take your life?" Joanna asked in panic.

"Because my death will serve as a discipline to the maker. He needs to make direct amends to his creation for those we love do not value us." Antonio responded confidently.

"Antonio suicide will not solve your problem!" Joanna said worryingly but Antonio gave no response, he kept walking and when he noticed Joanna would not stop following him, he diverted to a near by bush and Joanna who became even more frightened followed him into the bush.

"You will just take your life? No explanation to be made, no rethink, no change of mind?" she asked in frustration and Antonio gave no answer. Then she suddenly stopped for she planned to get back and call for help, but it came to her that Antonio may get lost in the bush and be long gone before any help could come, so she changed her mind and continued following him in panic. She needed to act fast. She needed to do something in time. She thought of the next action to take and recalled him saying plainly that everyone hated him- Yes! she could discourage his hideous decision to take his life by making him feel loved at that moment,

"Stop Antonio!" she called, "i never hated you!" she continued, "My friend may have put you through this, but i am not my friend's manifestation, we are just friends- we are two different beings."

Antonio refused to stop and she continued, this time she was in tears for she was totally terrified.

"Forgive me Antonio for failing to tell you this in time, you know, all these while we've been seeing each other, am deeply sorry." Hearing this, Antonio suddenly halted and was still in tears.

"With all due respect Antonio If you take your life, I will not forgive my self." She said with a calm voice and Antonio turned back at last.

"And neither would God forgive me, he will have the gates of heaven shut against me." Her voice continued and Antonio turned back to have a clear gaze at the owner of the Angelic voice which spoke to him for he hoped to see something lovable enough to challenge his decision to take his life. Well at first he saw the same Joanna who followed him into the bush, but when the rays of the sun which suddenly came from the sky rested on her presence, it seemed as if she gradually transformed and shun like a precious stone. "No this must be the tears in my eyes." He thought doubtfully and after drying his tears, he had a clearer gaze at the magnificent female creature standing in front of him and her presence shun even more brighter. Yes her face was spotless! Her eyes were cat like and her tears were like drops of magical water that would heal any wound it touches. Her skin was soft and delicate and it looked more priceless than diamond. Her entire presence was outstandingly beautiful. Indeed Antonio was finally compelled to conclude what he had argued with himself for a very long time; Joanna was more beautiful than Princess Catherine period!.

"No this can't be happening! Cathy bewitched me!" He thought insanely. "Cathy shaded this beauty standing right in front of me with her charms. I was blind, but now i think i can see clearly for the beauty standing right here healed me. This beauty must be mine! Time for a new adventure, Yes i have seen a real reason to live."

Joanna's tears made her look lovelier and like he was hypnotized by them, Antonio suddenly walk straight to her and hugged her.

"Thanks for forgiving me." Joanna responded happily ignorant of how crazily in love Antonio was becoming. Joanna's intention was to make him feel loved not to make him fall in love. He made his hug tighter and longer and because Joanna was becoming nervous and uncomfortable, she tried to interrupt him,

"You are crushing my bones Antonio, its time to leave."

Hearing this, Antonio abandoned her and turned to walk off.

"Antonio I thought we have settled this!" She cried "Where are you going now?" She continued worryingly.

"Away from you because you don't want my hug." Antonio turned back and responded sadly.

"Alright Antonio, hug me for as long as you wish." Joanna said fearfully and Antonio returned in smiles and hugged her again.

"Don't say a word." He said, "I will tell you when am ready to go, besides i will not let your feet touch the earth, i am carrying you on my back."

"What? No Antonio don't do this to me, i am walking back home okay?" She responded worryingly.

"And I will not offend you by trying to kiss you i promise, i will just hold tight and we will stand right here. Wow! your softness and sweet smell heals the wounds in my wreaked heart, i will never let go for you are my guardian Angel." Antonio said and gave a deep breathe of relief.

"Okay." Joanna responded nervously. Antonio's hug lasted for almost half an hour and he nearly dozed off for Joanna's cuddle made him so comfortable and relaxed. Finally life was returning to his almost dead and frozen body. But Joanna seemed to be fed up for she felt they had over stayed. She withdrew her self courageously and took Antonio's arm,

"Am still holding you Antonio and i will not let go." she said in smiles and Antonio crunched immediately for he wanted her to climb on his back.

"No Antonio i am not a baby, i am walking back home." She declined. Antonio stood to his feet sadly and she tapped him on the chick and continued in smiles,

"Honey lets go home okay?"

Hearing this, Antonio smiled broadly and finally accepted to leave the bush. "She called me honey?" He thought in smiles as they left the bush and headed towards the direction of his home.

"What are you doing?" He suddenly halted and asked.

"Taking you home of course." Joanna responded.

"You've got to be joking." He said "and when i get home, i will be tormented by Cathy's evil influence again?" He continued, "nah Joanna, you saved my life and I am staying with you." Hearing this, Joanna leaned back in fear and responded,

"You can't stay with me Antonio, you know mum will not..."

"Shiiiii, tell mum you saved me from suicide and if she values life, the most humane thing she will do is keeping me close to her self and you forever." Antonio interrupted.

"Alright." Joanna responded in a very shaky tune for she was very nervous. Then Antonio took her arm and walked her to the direction of her home and on the way, he was forced to speak up again,

"and the stupidest thing i did was giving Cathy my love instead of you my guardian Angel."

"Antonio why would you say something like that?" Joanna asked with a frowned face and he continued regrettably,

"and my second greatest mistake was taking the princess to the love garden instead of you my guardian Angel." Hearing this, Joanna stayed calm and was silent.